By James Eyers
Australia's big banks will have to hold billions of dollars in additional capital to ensure they are "unquestionably strong" and they should specifically assign more capital to mortgage lending, the final report of the financial system inquiry declares.
The landmark 320 page report released on Sunday morning said the safety of the banking system is of "paramount importance" for the Australian economy given its reliance on foreign funding.
The higher levels of capital should come from higher levels of common equity tier 1 (CET1) capital, but the report said the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority would ultimately decide on the form of the higher capital. During the year-long consultation the big banks resisted any additional capital coming in the form of equity.
The report suggests Australia's big banks will need to lift CET1 capital by 1.4 percentage points to bring them up from their current levels to inside the top quartile of capital compared to large global banks. Appropriate transition periods will apply.
"Evidence available to the inquiry suggests that the largest Australian banks are not currently in the top quartile of internationally active banks. Australian [banks] should therefore be required to have higher capital levels," said the report.
The inquiry recommends that increases in capital ratios from current levels should primarily take the form of increases in CET1, as the highest quality form of capital providing the greatest level of protection against a bank failing," said the report.
As a backstop, it said banks should also introduce a leverage ratio.
Large banks currently use an average "risk weight" against mortgages of 18 per cent compared to 39 per cent for the regional banks. The report said a range of between 25 per cent and 30 per cent was appropriate for the majors. This would be roughly equivalent to a one percentage point increase in the major banks CET1 levels the report said.
Big bank CEOs preempted the findings on capital by suggesting banks would need to raise interest rates or cut dividends. But the report said "overall the expected cost of increasing capital requirements is small". A 1 per cent increase in CET1 would increase the cost of a loan by less than 0.1 per cent the report said and would reduce GDP by 0.01 to 0.1 per cent.
The report also said the banks should implement a framework for loss absorbing capacity. Credit ratings agencies "may reconsider" the two notch ratings upgrade assigned to the big banks on the basis of expected government report in a crisis, the report said.
Treasurer Joe Hockey and inquiry chairman David Murray will brief the media on Sunday Morning. The Murray inquiry is the first full-scale review of the Australian financial system since Stan Wallis reported in 1997, created the modern regulatory framework.