This was published 6 years ago
'What do you have to do not to get a bonus?': Banks face super fund slap over executive pay
Westpac, National Australia Bank and ANZ Bank are set to face rebukes over executive pay from some of their most significant shareholders, with superannuation funds being urged to reject bonus schemes.
A key adviser to not-for-profit super funds, the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI), on Thursday said it would be recommending its members vote against the three banks' remuneration reports at annual general meetings next month.
Proxy adviser Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) is also recommending clients vote against Westpac's remuneration report, while it has not published its advice to shareholders in NAB and ANZ.
And it is understood that the country's largest superannuation fund, the $140 billion Australian Super, is seriously considering a "no" vote against Westpac and NAB, though it is less concerned about ANZ.
The concerns pick up a key theme of the banking royal commission, which has sought to explore the link between executive pay and poor behaviour, particularly in public hearings over the past fortnight featuring chief executives and chairmen from the country's biggest financial institutions.
ACSI chief executive Louise Davidson said the group had been expecting to see a "tougher line" on chief executive pay from the banks after the misconduct uncovered by the royal commission, pointing out that the boss of each bank had still received a bonus.
"We are really quite taken aback, given the year that they have had, and the mounting financial and reputational damage that has been showcased at the royal commission, and the failure to have regard to customer needs," she said. "What do you have to do not to get a bonus?"
If more than 25 per cent of shareholders vote against a remuneration report, the company incurs a first "strike", paving the way for a potential spill of the board if there is a second "strike" the following year.
ISS raised concerns about the bonus paid to Westpac chief Mr Hartzer, saying the size of the cut in this payment looked "insufficient given the significant nature of issues raised during the year at the royal commission and with regulators".
Banks have disputed use of the word "bonus" to describe short-term variable payments to executives, but Ms Davidson was highly sceptical about this argument.
"We actually really challenge that notion," she said. "This idea has emerged that at-risk pay is not at risk - if that's the case, then make it part of the fixed pay."
The recommendations come after the three banks' boards this year cut the total pay of Mr Elliott, Mr Hartzer and Mr Thorburn, in recognition of the scandals uncovered by the royal commission. Even so, the banks still paid lucrative variable incentives to their chief executives.
In statutory terms, and excluding performance rights granted, NAB's Mr Thorburn received a variable reward of $837,200 in cash and $244,314 in shares this year. Mr Elliott received $875,000 in cash as an "incentive," and $1 million of shares in "variable" pay.
National Australia Bank chief executive Andrew Thorburn.Credit: AAP
Mr Hartzer received a cash incentive payment of $1 million, while $1.2 million in shares awarded in prior years vested this year.
ACSI, which has 39 members managing a total of $2.2 trillion globally, recommended a vote in favour of CBA's remuneration report, which slashed bonuses for executives this year. CBA took that action after receiving a strike in 2016.
The banks declined to comment on ACSI's position.
Westpac will hold its shareholder meeting on December 12, with NAB and ANZ both set to face investors one week later on December 19.