

This was published 9 years ago

Visa faces $20m fine in landmark ACCC case

By Patrick Durkin

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has won a landmark case against Visa for abusing its market power, a win business says proves the existing laws work and the Abbott government is right to dump its changes.

The confidential settlement, which is expected to involve penalties of up to $20 million, will be brought before Federal Court judge Justice Michael Wigney to approve on Thursday.

Visa faces fines of up to $20 million after being found by the ACCC to have abused its market power.

Visa faces fines of up to $20 million after being found by the ACCC to have abused its market power.Credit: Jim Rice

It comes as Small Business Minister Bruce Billson failed to have his controversial laws against the misuse of market power discussed by federal cabinet on Tuesday.

"The existing law is a hunting dog that won't leave the porch. It doesn't work," Mr Billson said on Tuesday morning.

But by the afternoon Prime Minister Tony Abbott had indefinitely shelved the proposal, which was part of the Harper competition review but was deeply opposed by big business.

Experts said the Visa settlement, confirmed by chairman Rod Sims, who refused to say anything more until Thursday's court hearing, showed there was life in the old hunting dog yet.

Visa, which made $US12.7 billion ($17.84 billion) in revenue in 2014, is alleged to have misused its market power to ban rival currency conversion services on ATM machines that use it cards, under the case launched by the ACCC in 2013.

Currency conversion services

When foreign travellers book hotels and other services in Australia, they are often asked how they would like to settle the bill. If they want it settled in their own currency, they might use direct currency conversion services such as Fexco, Pure Commerce, Global Blue and Planet Payments.


Visa allegedly banned Australian retailers from using other currency conversion systems and visitors in Australia were forced to use Visa's currency conversion when withdrawing cash at automatic tellers.

Given international transactions account for up to 30 per cent of Visa's revenue, the impact is potentially huge for the company.

The ACCC's case is the first action of its kind against Visa around the world and could spark action by global regulators and set the stage for a class action for civil damages.

Experts said while the ACCC's case included allegations of "exclusive dealing", the settlement proved the existing market power laws and "effects test" was working and reinforced calls by leading directors at The Australian Financial Review Chanticleer Lunch on Tuesday.

Enough powers

"I certainly come from the camp where the ACCC has enough powers at its disposal to deal with this, so to create another wave of regulation through section 46 just isn't right," Westpac and Transurban chairman Lindsay Maxsted said.

"I can just see all the unintended consequences in terms of decisions that will be made in many of my companies or your companies. If they are large companies and because someone is aggrieved as a result of a really commercial decision to create wealth for your shareholders in a very fair and transparent way, someone is a loser in that and therefore they will latch on to section 46."

JPMorgan chairman Rod Eddington backed Mr Maxsted's concerns.

"The solutions to our problems around productivity and efficiency are that we are not going to get out of the current malaise by passing regulation," he said. "I think there is sufficient regulation existing today to allow the authorities to move if someone does act in a clearly anti-competitive way. When you introduce new regulation, people will game the system and you create unintended consequences."

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