

This was published 6 years ago


Turns out superannuation is a money-making dark art

Is superannuation a sinister industry more akin to the dark arts than one providing the service of boosting the quality of our retirement? That's how it was characterised at the Royal Commission into financial services.

So much for all those advertisements featuring those attractive greying couples enjoying a post retirement cruise down the Danube, the royal commission has painted a picture of an industry cloaked in secrecy and motivated by commercial avarice.

How it really operates and what is behind the cloak will be rolled out this week as the commission takes a closer look at the detail.

Super, now a $2.6 trillion industry, is vital to our financial future but it’s both incredibly complex and impregnable - thus ripe for the various participants to take advantage of hapless customers.

The worrisome part is that those first in the firing line at the royal commission for a sort of wild west lawlessness are the super trustees - the people who are meant to be running these funds and are meant to be guardians of our nest eggs.

These guardians were depicted more as foxes in the hen house.

And the retail super funds appear to be singled out as the worst in class - ownership of these funds is dominated by the large banks.

Commissioner Kenneth Hayne QC.

Commissioner Kenneth Hayne QC.Credit: AAP

It’s even more worrying that the regulators that are supposed to be keeping an eye on what is going on appear to be missing in action while jurisdictional anomalies have allowed much of the poor behaviour to fall between the regulatory cracks.


Regulatory overlaps and blind spots are a poor excuse.

Keating's vision

Compulsory superannuation was the brainchild of Paul Keating whose vision was that people could put enough aside during our working years to fund their own retirement.

Consumers are unable to do anything more than peer dimly through the darkness of their superannuation trustee

Counsel assisting the Royal Commission Michael Hodge

While there has been no shortage of atrocious behaviour by ticket clippers in the superannuation gravy train, the royal commission won’t be hearing case studies from disaffected victims of overcharging.

This is probably because victims are not necessarily aware they were victims and if they are, they don’t know who the perpetrators are. For most wage earners once their super contribution is deducted from their pay packet they have little notion about what happens to it.

Submissions to the royal commission that related to superannuation were a fraction of those that dealt with banking. The public far better understands banking and mortgages. Superannuation is opaque.


As counsel assisting Michael Hodge so theatrically presented it: "What happens when we leave these trustees alone in the dark with our money?"

“Consumers are unable to do anything more than peer dimly through the darkness of their superannuation trustee,” Hodge said.

He said the hearings will explore the "temptation" facing Registrable Superannuation Trustees (RSEs) to feather their own nests when making decisions about how to direct funds and the service providers they employ.

Mr Hodge said the inquiry would zero in on the "unobserved and unobservable" behaviour of the trustees because at the end of your working life "you know how much you have, you do not know how much you could have had".

In this series of sittings the inquiry will explore the ways in which trustees or related parties seek to cause members to join or stay, the impact of trustees on fund performance and structural or governance arrangements within the funds.

And we did get a little taste of how fund members can experience their returns chewed up by fees. A statement on returns and fees from a super fund member in the MLC MasterKey Personal Super product was displayed to the commission. The member had fully invested in cash and returned a meagre 1.2 per cent over the year.

After all the various fees, which added up to of $929, were deducted from this fund member’s return of $1032.95 - the fund earned little more than $100.

There is sure to be plenty more relating to insurance (which members had not known about) and the way this was eating into returns.

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