

This was published 6 years ago


The Spying Racket: how life insurers target mentally ill policyholders

It doesn’t get much grubbier than spying on policyholders, particularly those claiming mental health issues.

But the life insurance industry admitted to a range of antics that invaded the privacy of its policyholders including hidden cameras, a surveillance officer driving erratically when trying to follow a policyholder, stalking and outright lying to policyholders.

The most disturbing was an admission by Suncorp that in the years 2014 and 2015 it spied on 17 per cent of policyholders who had lodged a mental health claim.

TAL's Loraine van Eeden leaves court this week.

TAL's Loraine van Eeden leaves court this week.Credit: Daniel Pockett

Westpac’s life insurance arm had the second largest surveillance operation, spying on 9.3 per cent of mental health claimants between 2013 and 2016, followed by Commonwealth Bank’s CommInsure, which, between 2013 and 2016, spied on 7 per cent of mental health claimants and 1.3 per cent of physical health claimants.

It was only after a life insurance code of conduct was introduced in June 2017 that surveillance activity dropped and behaviour improved - or so the commission has been told.

Surveillance is legal but it raises ethical and moral issues, particularly when it comes to spying on policyholders suffering from stress and mental health issues, which can add to the problems.

Spying is one of a number of tools the life insurance sector has relied on to keep a lid on claims. In some cases it has been used to deny claims by building a case of fraud, sometimes justifiably, but sometimes resulting in stalking.


Other tricks used by life insurers to keep a lid on claims is by tightening definitions of total and permanent disability, selling policies with old medical definitions and motivating claims managers to knock back claims by using key performance indicators as part of their pay.


In the case of one of the country’s biggest insurers TAL, the royal commission found that managers had been incentivised to knock back claims. A 2015 spreadsheet of a scorecard measuring performance included a key performance indicator (KPI) to “achieve budgeted profit targets by managing claims to outcomes in line with assumptions underpinning loss ratio targets".

It also outlined a case where TAL had voided an income protection claim of a woman with cervical cancer. TAL managed to pull it off by digging into the policyholder's past medical records and found she had suffered from depression, something she hadn’t disclosed when taking out the policy.

The woman had used ISelect to take out the policy and a phone recording of the 45 minute sales call revealed that the sales agent had, in “rapid fire”, listed off a series of medical issues that didn’t preface whether they had happened in the past, which left the woman believing she had been honest in her responses.


After being shamed by the poor treatment of the woman, including a threatening letter that said she had breached her duty of good faith and suggested she might owe TAL more than $24,000, it decided to recover funds.

The brutal reality was TAL had not acted in "utmost good faith".

TAL's general manager of claims, Loraine van Eeden, told the commission she would go back to the office and review any claims that had been wrongly knocked back using unrelated medical conditions.

This is all well and good, but how will that review be conducted and what about the other insurers? Do they use similar antics? Will they also review their cases?

The problem is trust. Life insurers have breached trust. They are meant to act in utmost good faith but in too many incidents they let their policyholders down.

The royal commission was always going to be high drama but at times it almost descended into an episode of Seinfeld.

The case revolved over when a lie isn’t a lie. It involved a nurse who had lodged a claim after being unable to work due to depression and had been told by the claims manager that the majority of TAL claimants had to produce a daily activities diary, something she struggled to do.

This wasn’t true. But TAL's van Eeden refused to accept the claimant had been told a lie.

Commissioner Hayne asked “Do you accept the word “lie?”

“It was definitely misleading,” van Eeden said.

“There’s no misunderstanding Ms van Eeden. To accept that it is misleading but to hesitate or reject the notion that it is a lie is, I think, perhaps to draw a distinction that maybe without difference?”

“I would not say that was a lie,” she said.


The interchange over a word goes to the heart of some of the testimony that has come out of the royal commission, where witnesses have been offered up by companies who are relatively new to the job and can therefore plead ignorance to wheedle out of some serious allegations. That is one of the many downsides of allowing institutions to pick and choose who they send to the commission.

TAL's behaviour in how it dealt with a series of cases depicts an organisation with deep systemic issues; a term van Eeden also managed to duck and weave.

Like most of the other insurance company witnesses who have appeared before the royal commission, bad behaviour has been pinned to isolated incidents, passed off as “inappropriate” and falling below community standards.

But what does ‘not meeting community standards’ really mean? What does inappropriate mean?

The sixth round of the royal commission into life insurance has revealed serious misconduct, rotten cultures and in some cases illegal activity.

People take out life insurance as a back-up in case something terrible happens in their life such as sickness, injury or death. They hope they will never have to draw on it. But weak regulation and oversight has resulted in too many cases were life insurance giants abuse their power and knock back legitimate claims.

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