

This was published 7 years ago

Small business banking report fuels calls for royal commission into financial services

By Sarah Danckert

A "damning" report into lending practices by the big banks to small business has fuelled calls for a royal commission into the financial services sector.

A report by the Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman released late last week found a range of lending practices by Australia's banks to small business could be improved.

Ombudsman Kate Carnell made 15 recommendations to level the playing field for small business borrowers.

Ombudsman Kate Carnell made 15 recommendations to level the playing field for small business borrowers.Credit: Vince Caligiuri

The inquiry considered the submissions of 23 affected customers finding that one third "were representative of poor bank practices and possible unconscionable conduct on the part of the banks involved".

Opposition spokeswoman for small business and financial services Senator Katy Gallagher said the report was "damning" and highlighted how the banks had been "unfair in their dealings with small and medium businesses in loan contracts and are refusing to change their ways".

"The time has come for Malcolm Turnbull to stop protecting the banks and accept that a royal commission into the banks is the only way to get the systemic and permanent change required within Australia's banking industry," Senator Gallagher said.

"Small businesses are the engine room of the Australian economy and as loyal and long term customers they deserve to be treated fairly by the banks," Senator Gallagher said.

Greens' Treasury spokesperson Peter Whish-Wilson said the report focused on "relying on the banks to be nicer to customers".

"You might as well be asking a tiger to become a vegetarian," Senator Whish-Wilson, a former investment banker, said.

"The issues highlighted in this report show once again that a royal commission is needed to find out exactly what is going on in the banking sector and to compel the government to make meaningful reform.


The report authored by ombudsman Kate Carnell made 15 recommendations to level the playing field for small business borrowers.

Eleven of those were aimed at the banking industry and four were geared towards government policy.

The recommendations to the industry include setting minimum periods for changes to small business loan conditions and that banks provide borrowers (with less than $5 million in loans) with decisions on roll-over at least 90 business days before loans mature and longer for agricultural borrowers to give borrowers time to find alternative lenders.

Small business lending should also be included in the Code of Banking Practice and borrowers should be given a choice of valuer and transparency of that valuation.

The government-commissioned report also recommended the Australian Securities and Investments Commission appoint a dedicated small business commissioner, a national approach to farm debt mediation, and the development of an external dispute resolution body for small business.

The review, which was commissioned last September, was sparked by concerns from small business borrowers that their lenders had engaged in unfair practices including structured defaults of small business loans.

These concerns were shared by some members of the Coalition who had pledged to cross the floor and support Labor and the Greens' push for royal commission.

Minister for Financial Services Kelly O'Dwyer denied last week the findings of the inquiry would ramp up calls for a royal commission into the banking sector because the findings were in line with the action the government is already taking.

"The government will expect the banking industry to provide a considered response to the report, and a proposed plan of action to address the issues of concerns raised in the report," Ms O'Dwyer said.

The Australian Bankers Association chief economist Tony Pearson said last week the banks were focused on being more transparent and flexible in loan arrangements with small business.

"Banks have heard the problems raised by small businesses and farmers and are focused on making banking better for them," Mr Pearson said.

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