

This was published 2 years ago

Resources-heavy ASX could be penalised on climate risks

By Clancy Yeates

Australia’s resources-heavy sharemarket risks being penalised by global investors if fossil fuel producers fail to convince the market they are taking adequate steps to address climate change, fund managers have warned.

As global climate talks in Glasgow wrapped up at the weekend, experts in the booming field of environment, social and governance (ESG) investing said high-emitting companies would face growing commercial pressures to accelerate their de-carbonisation plans.

Coal is a major Australian export and the main source of the country’s electricity.

Coal is a major Australian export and the main source of the country’s electricity.Credit: Peter Braig

Given the large roles of coal and liquefied natural gas in Australia’s energy sector, some argue the country’s resources-heavy sharemarket is at risk of being marked down by global investors.

The chief executive of Perpetual-owned Trillium Asset Management, Matt Patsky, said Australia’s sharemarket, which is more exposed to resources stocks than most, could be penalised as investors grapple with the “transition” to cleaner forms of energy over the next five to ten years. He said in the long term, fossil fuels would shrink as a proportion of equity markets globally, including in Australia.

“Obviously, there’s a need broadly for resources, so the [companies] that actually are recognising the risks and are moving to be more efficient and are on top of environmental and social and governance practices are going to be the ones that end up being in the position to gain market share,” he said.

Companies that are more efficient in the way they generate revenue relative to the emissions . . . are going to be the winners.

Jenn-Hui Tan, Fidelity International

“The players that haven’t are going to end up finding that customers are looking elsewhere.”

At the same time, he argued there would be a case to “double down” on investments exposed to broad themes such as the surge in renewable energy, the electrification of vehicle fleets, and growing energy efficiency in buildings.

Reserve Bank deputy governor Guy Debelle also said last month that Australian companies could face higher capital costs if global investors were not satisfied with the country’s response to climate change risks.


US-based Trillium, which manages more than US$6 billion, has seen its funds under management jump by 48 per cent since mid last year and Mr Patsky said interest in ESG investing had “exploded”. Even so, he said “tonnes” of money was flowing into passive ESG funds that relied on outdated data to make their assessments.

Jenn-Hui Tan, global head of stewardship and sustainable investing at $600 billion fund manager Fidelity International, said he believed some form of carbon pricing was ultimately coming. With ESG investing now “mainstream,” he said companies would face growing pressure from investors and customers over their carbon stance.

“Companies that are more efficient in the way they generate revenue relative to the emissions, or companies that have superior long-term decarbonisation proposals, or companies that have a more robust supply chain. These are the companies that we think are going to be the winners of the future,” Mr Tan said.

Head of ethics research at $6.5 billion manager Australian Ethical, Stuart Palmer, said the country’s high fossil fuel usage could affect the “risk weighting” investors give Australia more generally, and the country’s sharemarket could be penalised.

“I think that’s a high risk, absolutely,” Dr Palmer said.

Global financial firms were key private sector participants in the Glasgow talks, with companies holding $US130 trillion in assets pledging their support of net zero emissions.

The Investor Group on Climate Change, a coalition of major investors including superannuation giants, also highlighted the risk of capital flight if Australia’s carbon reduction targets were lower than those of trade partners.


Director of corporate engagement, Laura Hillis, said the Glasgow summit should act as a “wake-up” call for fossil fuel producers, pointing to other countries’ commitments to phase out coal and slash methane emissions.

Fidelity announced a new voting policy earlier this year that included minimum standards for climate change. Mr Tan said that by next year the fund manager would vote against the boards of companies that did not meet the standards.

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