

This was published 5 years ago


Macquarie's 'model' struts its stuff on royal commission catwalk

Something quite unusual happened at the banking royal commission. A bank chief executive appeared but escaped, not only unscathed, but with their organisation’s reputation arguably enhanced. It is probably only Macquarie’s Nicholas Moore who could pull that off.

It was obvious almost from the outset that the counsel assisting, Michael Hodge, was taking a different and gentler approach to Moore than has been the case with other senior bankers appearing before the commission.

That might have appeared improbable beforehand, given that the initial focus of discussions was the enforceable undertaking the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) imposed on Macquarie in 2013 after it uncovered eight potential breaches of the Corporations Act by Macquarie Equities and a potential breach of its financial services licence.

Hodge cited a 2013 report that found the advisers in the business "do not provide financial advice in a compliant manner; that advisers provided advice which is inappropriate; advisers provide financial services to clients without the express instruction of the client".


The commission was, however, less interested in a culture and approach to compliance and risk management within Macquarie Equities that has been described as "shambolic" than it was in what Macquarie did to fix it.

Moore’s explanation for what went wrong in a business that was transitioning from an old-style retail broking business to a wealth management operation was that, while the people in the division recognised that change was necessary, they didn’t realise the urgency required.

There was also a management failure.

"From a structural point of view, we had compliance reporting into the business itself," he said.


That was a failure of design. Compliance should, he said, be independent of the business so that it could provide a challenge to the way the business thought about the world and the requirements it needed to meet.

It was also a departure from one of the core aspects of the "Macquarie Model", where risk management and compliance is kept at arm’s-length from the bank’s operating divisions. He described compliance as the group’s "second line" of defence, with internal audit the third.

Macquarie's retiring CEO, Nicholas Moore, left the royal commission with his reputation intact.

Macquarie's retiring CEO, Nicholas Moore, left the royal commission with his reputation intact.Credit: AAP

Macquarie removed the compliance functions from the business, relocating them in its central legal and compliance unit, sacked the head of advice and halved the variable remuneration of the leader of the larger banking and financial services unit within which Macquarie Equities was housed – despite that unit’s profit for the year being 22 per cent higher than the previous year.

The commission, which has had something of a focus on bankers receiving their bonuses despite the costly debacles on their watches, was clearly impressed by the demonstration of actual accountability and the link between non-financial performance and reward.

"One of our key tenets is accountability," Moore said. Compliance failures had implications for employment, remuneration and promotion.

Both Hodge and the commissioner, Ken Hayne, were interested in the relationship between the "unique" Macquarie remuneration model, the longevity of its senior staff (Moore, who retires next week, has been at Macquarie for 32 years) and its culture.

Commissioner Kenneth Hayne was clearly interested in the Macquarie approach, asking whether it, or elements of it, could have a wider application within the system.

Commissioner Kenneth Hayne was clearly interested in the Macquarie approach, asking whether it, or elements of it, could have a wider application within the system.Credit: Brook Mitchell

Macquarie doesn’t have the conventional bank remuneration model, with variable pay – bonuses – that have a fixed relationship with base pay and which is increasingly assessed using some form of balanced score card.

Macquarie employees have a profit-sharing relationship with its shareholders, with the variable elements of their remuneration coming out of their share of the profits. It’s a structure that, to varying degrees, is used throughout all levels of the group.

For senior staff, that variable component will be far larger than their fixed pay – in Moore’s case it has been about 80 per cent of his total remuneration – and the fixed element is set low by general corporate standards. There is no relationship between the fixed and variable components.


There is no limit on the upside (hence Macquarie being dubbed the "millionaires' factory") but large proportions of the variable rewards are deferred for quite lengthy periods. In Moore’s case, that has ranged from three to seven years.

Moore said there were four key inputs in calculations of individuals’ variable pay: financial performance; risk-management and compliance; business leadership, including client outcomes and people leadership; and professional conduct. There are no weightings given to any of those inputs – the proportion of the variable pay awarded is a subjective decision.

The objective of Macquarie’s unusual remuneration structure – the profit-sharing and the lengthy deferrals – is to align employees’ interests with those of shareholders and customers/clients.

Hayne was clearly interested in the Macquarie approach, asking whether it, or elements of it, could have a wider application within the system.

Moore said profit-sharing was far more powerful than bonuses, and the deferrals, the longevity of senior executives, and accountability at all levels of the group were elements both in establishing the group’s culture and creating a long-term alignment of interests with shareholders and clients.

Given the wider debates about corporate remuneration and variable pay in particular, the key elements of the Macquarie model – the absence of any relationship between the fixed and variable components, the lengthy deferrals and variable awards that reflect real accountability – provide a model that the boards of other large companies might at least consider.

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