

This was published 5 years ago

Legendary performance by IOOF's chief set off powder keg

By Adele Ferguson

It took a public shaming at the royal commission to finally get the prudential regulator to do its job and start using its powers against institutions.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority's target was wealth management giant IOOF which it has had issues with for years over non-compliance, conflicts and a failure to meet regulatory imposed deadlines.

The action, unveiled on Friday, rendered the whistleblower, who was terminated from his job in early 2015, speechless.

“Finally they might get to the bottom of it,” he said after being told the news that APRA had issued show cause notices and taken five individuals to the Federal Court to disqualify them for not being fit and proper persons to run a super fund.

Those individuals include chief executive Chris Kelaher, legal counsel Gary Riordan and chairman George Venardos. In addition to the legal action, it wants IOOF to restructure several entities to meet its obligations under the law.

Make no mistake, these are big issues.

IOOF managing director Chris Kelaher under fire from prudential regulator.

IOOF managing director Chris Kelaher under fire from prudential regulator.Credit: Jesse Marlow

As the share price crashed more than 40 per cent by lunchtime, IOOF took to the ASX to state it believed the allegations were "misconceived" and would be "vigorously" defended.

Besides being APRA’s first legal action against an organisation and individuals since Trio Capital a decade ago, it puts the sale of ANZ’s wealth business to IOOF under a dark and foreboding cloud.


Put simply, ANZ trustees have to sign off on a deal to sell the business to IOOF and argue that is in their members’ best interests. At the very least it will delay a decision.

APRA’s action will send shivers through the executive ranks of the financial services sector, as they consider whether they too have not taken the regulator and its requests as seriously as they should. The royal commission certainly found cases where that was the case with the corporate regulator the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

The regulatory and legal action wasn’t a snap decision. It has been bubbling away for a while and reached a powder keg when IOOF and Kelaher gave testimony in the royal commission that resulted in a series of revelations.

The royal commission heard accusations that super fund members had been treated shoddily, that there had been a series of breaches of fiduciary duties, conflicts of interest and there were systemic internal problems across the organisation.

Kelaher’s performance was legendary in his dismissiveness of questions and revelations that recent board minutes had been recorded on handwritten scraps of paper that was hard to read.

It made APRA look like it was too soft, which it couldn’t afford in the current climate.

Deputy APRA chair Helen Rowell at the Royal Commission.

Deputy APRA chair Helen Rowell at the Royal Commission.

A letter written by APRA to IOOF in September 2015 and read out in the royal commission left the regulator red faced about the number of years it had issues with the company: "APRA ... had been interacting with IOOF on a wide range of prudential matters ... in particular concern to APRA has been difficulty in obtaining accurate and current information in relation to issues such as ... culture, identification of responsible persons and the information flow, relationship between the board and management and the Fairfax Media matter."

The "Fairfax Media matter" related to a series of articles myself and Sarah Danckert had written in June 2015 thanks to a tip off from a whistleblower and a cache of internal documents that outlined serious misconduct by senior staff at IOOF including insider trading, allegations of front-running, misrepresentation of performance figures and cheating on training and compliance exams.

It also raised issues of a series of breaches relating to an IOOF investment manager Questor, which is now in the gun over the way it handed an over-distribution it had made to members.

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

The irony of all the media scrutiny was summed up in an IOOF document: "These days we should have regard not only to 'how would this look on the front page of The Age test' but also to the test of 'would we like to see this decision dissected at the royal commission'."

It did end up in the front pages of the newspaper and it triggered an investigation by the corporate regulator, ASIC, which responded to a 12-month probe with no fines, no sanctions, no banning orders, no enforceable undertaking or licence conditions.

Instead, it hired an external compliance consultant, paid for by IOOF, to conduct a “comprehensive review” of compliance arrangements across the group.


In a press release, APRA deputy chair Helen Rowell said the regulator had tried to resolve its concerns with IOOF over several years. She said it took the action after concluding the company was not making adequate progress.

Financial institutions have a social licence and therefore a requirement to protect the public.

It means they have to be whiter than white. It also means they have to cooperate with the regulators and address issues that need addressing.

After today maybe they will finally take that seriously.

Adele Ferguson is writing a book on banks and financial misconduct to be released next year.

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