

This was published 6 years ago

Hayne keeps every weapon open in his armoury against banks

By Jessica Irvine

Greed. Dishonesty. Avarice.

Commissioner Kenneth Hayne has pulled absolutely no punches in his diagnosis of the problems that have bedevilled Australia’s finance sector.

But perhaps the biggest shock contained in Friday's interim report is not the vibrancy of Hayne's language, but the extent to which he has chosen to keep at his disposal every possible weapon in the policy reform armoury to fix the sector.

A crackdown on CEO bonuses, the forced structural separation of financial planning businesses and the complete abolition of mortgage broker commissions: everything is still on the table.

Commissioner Kenneth Hayne handed in his interim report on Friday.

Commissioner Kenneth Hayne handed in his interim report on Friday.Credit: Eddie Jim

Many watchers of the commission had expected Hayne to deliver in the interim report his policy reform recommendations arising from the first four rounds of public hearings, dealing with consumer lending, financial advice, small business and rural lending.

But it appears banks - and their customers - will have to wait until Hayne’s final report in February to learn what policy fixes he intends to recommend to government.

Instead, his interim report concludes with a section titled “issues that have been raised”, which poses more than 200 policy-based questions, to be explored in a final fortnight of public hearings in November, at which bank CEOs are expected to finally appear.

But the questions themselves provide some clues as to Hayne’s thinking.



Most sensationally, he is keeping open the possibility of recommending structural separation of the bank’s “vertically-integrated” businesses. Banks have already begun plans to sell off their financial planning and mortgage broking businesses, amid revelations of the inherent “conflicts of interests” that arise from a manufacturer of financial products also owning businesses purporting to provide "independent" advice on those products.


“Vertical integration promises the virtue of efficiency, which is then passed on to consumers in the form of lower costs and greater access to financial advice," Hayne notes.

"But the internal efficiency of the ‘one-stop shop’ does not necessarily produce efficiency in outcomes for customers. The one-stop shop has an incentive to promote the owner’s products above others, even where they may not be ideal for the consumer.”

Pointedly, Hayne makes the observation that regulators in other countries have stepped in to ring-fence banks from ownership of other businesses: “The point of immediate relevance is that structural regulation of banking activities is not novel.”


The thorny issue of upfront and trail commissions paid by lenders to mortgage brokers remain in the commission’s sites.

About half of all Australian mortgage borrowers use the services of a mortgage broker. Hayne says it remains unclear who these mortgage brokers are acting for: the borrower or the lender.

“Both entities and customers appear to be confused about the roles of intermediaries,” Hayne notes.

A review by ASIC found the structure of these commissions – paid as a percentage of loans size – resulted in borrowers taking on larger loans, taking longer to pay them off and having higher rates of default.

Mortgage brokers complain that a move to upfront fees for service would result in a devastating loss of business, to the detriment of competition. Hayne appears to have little sympathy: “In the case of intermediaries, arguments based on predictions of industry damage or collapse should be examined with special care.”


“What is plain, however, is that value- and volume-based remuneration for intermediaries in the home loan industry has been an important contributor to misconduct and conduct falling short of community standards and expectations and poor customer outcomes.

“In these circumstances, it will be important to consider whether value- and volume-based remuneration of intermediaries should be forbidden.”


When conflicted commissions were abolished in the financial advice industry, they were grandfathered in some cases. This has created an incentive for finance firms to try to retain these customers, rather than switching them onto better products.

Hayne is not impressed: “The question must be ‘why should the grandfathering provisions remain?’ The question is not, as AMP, NAB and ANZ suggested, ‘what evidence is there to warrant change?’”


Banks have largely abolished volume-based bonuses for tellers selling additional products to customers. But Hayne appears to think reform of bank pay packets must go higher up the chain.

“Eliminating incentive-based payments for frontline staff will not necessarily affect the ways in which they are managed if their managers are rewarded by reference to sales or revenue and profit.”

If managers – and indeed CEOs - are still paid bonuses for hitting revenue or profit targets, they will exert downward pressure on staff to achieve them, according to Hayne.

Former competition watchdog, Allan Fels, says Hayne's interim report makes clear that “significant policy challenges lie ahead”.

According to Fels: “Quite difficult policy questions arise, such as remuneration and even structural change – all of which will prove to be very difficult. The questions he’s asked are quite difficult to answer for the most part, and the policy challenges will go for years ahead. This is not going to be resolved by February.”

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