

This was published 5 years ago


Forget interest rates, here's what the economy really needs

Amid the excitement of this week’s announcement of an interest rate cut – the first in almost three years – a far more important statement on the economy was largely overlooked.

On Tuesday, the Productivity Commission released its annual “Productivity Bulletin”. It sure ain’t as sexy as interest rate cuts, but it holds the key to understanding the drivers of our future living standards.

Time to work smarter rather than harder ... our productivity figures are mediocre.

Time to work smarter rather than harder ... our productivity figures are mediocre.Credit: Louise Kennerley

Well worth a moment of your time.

First up, let’s just all agree that productivity growth is a good thing. Getting more output from a given set of inputs is, in fact, a fabulous thing. Not only does it directly enhance our standard of living – we get more outputs to enjoy – it also opens up the possibility that, one day, we might all be able to work less while producing the same output. Wouldn’t that be nice? Historically, we’ve chosen to keep working more and producing more, but I hope one day, we might get to explore the latter option.

So, how are we going on increasing our productivity?

“Mediocre” is the punchy word deployed by the usually mild-mannered staff at the Productivity Commission to describe our performance of late.

Illustration: Matt Davidson

Illustration: Matt DavidsonCredit:

Simply put: as a nation, we are not increasing our productivity at the same rate we once were.

That’s important, because wage rises are ultimately driven by two things: compensating employees for rising prices and for their rising output per hour worked.


No productivity increase, no "real" – or above inflation – pay rise.

Economists have many ways to measure changes in our productivity. The most commonly referred to is “labour productivity growth” – when there is an increase in output produced per hour worked.

Illustration: Dionne Gain

Illustration: Dionne GainCredit:

For the whole economy – including both the public and private sectors – Australia’s labour productivity grew by just 0.2 per cent in the 2017-18 financial year, the commission finds.

This has been sliding since 2011-12, and is dramatically below the long-term annual growth rate since the mid 1970s of 1.7 per cent.

In the market sector – which accounts for three-quarters of hours worked – the downshift in productivity growth has been even more stark. The productivity of labour across 16 market-based industries surveyed grew just 0.4 per cent in 2017-18 year, below the long-run average of 2.2 per cent.

Why is this happening?

Economists identify two main drivers of labour productivity growth.

The first is a mysterious “X” factor that economists like to call “multi-factor productivity growth”. It essentially means getting smarter, or more efficient, in the way we combine inputs of labour and capital – capital being things like computers or other machinery that help workers to do their work.

The second is “capital deepening”, which simply means having more capital inputs relative to labour inputs; that is, more computers, more machines.

Our “X factor” productivity has been in decline for a while now, a global phenomenon which has been called “secular stagnation”. But where we stand out more recently is our decline in this second source of productivity growth, of capital deepening.

“This engine of growth has faltered,” the commission finds. “This is troubling because investment[s] typically embody new technologies, which complement people’s skill development and innovation.”

Partly, the decline is due to the end of the mining boom and the end of the huge ramp up in investment in mining machinery and equipment.

But it’s also due to the sluggishness with which the non-mining sectors took up the baton after the boom went bust.

Worryingly, business investment in research and development is very low by historical standards.

It is these sorts of concerns the Reserve Bank governor, Phil Lowe, wants fellow policy makers to focus on now.

There is only so much lower lending rates can do to ignite the fires of the economy.

The real work, as Lowe put it, is to focus on improving those “structural policies that support firms expanding, investing, innovating and employing people”.

The billion-dollar question is: what exactly are those policies?

There is some truth to the argument that the big bang reforms of the Hawke and Keating governments, of floating the dollar, deregulating the labour market and privatisation, are finished. The low-hanging fruit has been plucked.

But higher up the tree, there are juicy – if harder to reach – morsels of reform which could kickstart the nation.

They include things like: reform of energy markets, refinement of industrial relations arrangements, better criteria for deciding national infrastructure projects, better pricing of road usage and the introduction of congestion charges.

All these reforms would help markets to function more effectively and smoothly, giving business the confidence to invest.

There are also significant opportunities for improving the productivity of our non-market sectors, such as health and education, as identified in the commission’s Shifting the Dial report.

We need to overhaul our vocational education sector to weed out shonky operators who fleece students for little knowledge gain. We need a sharper focus on our universities, which are pumping out degrees at an ever-expanding rate.

We need renewed rigour brought to the schools debate, not a divisive argument of public versus private. We need to find ways to arrest declining test scores, not by throwing more money at schools, but by making sure we get more education bang for our buck.

This is the sort of difficult work Australian policy makers must turn their minds to if Australians are to keep enjoying the rising living standards we expect.

We can’t just keep working harder. We need to start working smarter.

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