

This was published 6 years ago


'Easy-peasy, smash 400 lives by lunchtime': cold-call victims didn't stand a chance

It is hard to know what is more distressing, listening to a Freedom Insurance sales representative relentlessly flogging funeral, accidental death and accidental injury insurance to a 26-year-old with Down syndrome, or reading emails bribing sales agents to “smash 400 lives” by lunchtime.

“We’ve got $150 to give away in today’s incentives,” one sales campaign said. “[The] target is 400 lives by lunchtime. Everyone aiming for seven over the first two sessions. 3.5 lives per session (Easy Peasy) and we’ll smash 400 lives to lock in the incentive money for the last part of the day.”

This boiler room sales mentality dominated Freedom Insurance, which specialised in distributing funeral insurance and a series of other life insurance products with low claims payout ratios.

In one email dated July last year, agents were told “anyone that gets eight funeral lives or more will go into a draw on Monday morning. Newbies, anyone who gets six funeral lives or more will go into a draw ...Every life over your target will get a bonus entry. $100 to give away. Get selling.”

Another campaign included offering sales agents a trip to Bali to induce them to sell, sell, sell. “Get on the phone and sell, sell sell with one thing in mind. Get to Bali. At 4pm we will break out the Bingtang beers and ciders.”


Most troubling was that the emails were administered through the quality assurance division, which is meant to monitor agents’ behaviour and compliance. This speaks volumes about the company and what it stood for.

These sales agents weren’t selling steak knives, they were selling life insurance.

Freedom’s chief operating officer Craig Orton repeatedly described the scandalous behaviour, which included selling vulnerable Australians insurance they didn't want, understand or need, as “inappropriate”. At one stage he said Freedom “is a bit of a young company” and on a journey.


It is so much worse than that.

It is little wonder then that the cold call recipients didn’t stand a chance.

A re-played phone call to a 26-year-old man with an intellectual disability provided a dark glimpse into the types of sales-at-any-cost tactics at play in some insurance operations. The ones on show in the first two days of round six of the royal commission were Freedom and ClearView, but there are others out there that are behaving as badly and have not been highlighted.

Freedom came to light after the 26-year-old’s father, Grant Stewart, decided to tip the bucket after making a number of phone calls to try and cancel his son’s policy. He found the whole experience "disturbing" and it was. Cancelling took a number of lengthy calls and attempts to keep the product, and the apology was two years in the making.

Grant Stewart, the father of a 26-year-old who was sold inappropriate insurance.

Grant Stewart, the father of a 26-year-old who was sold inappropriate insurance.Credit: AAP image/Julian Smith

What was abundantly clear from the 18-minute sales spruik that took place in June 2016 between the sales agent and Mr Stewart’s son was bagging a sale.

It wasn’t one bad apple but a cultural issue with poor compliance and strong directives to agents: “Try your best on every single call. Every premium counts when it comes to our team targets. If you cancel a policy, remember you must offer accidental death and injury cover. You will fail your quality assurance if you don’t,” one email said.

Not surprisingly stroke victims, customers with intellectual challenges and someone who was sold a policy with 29 lives insured, were just a few of the types of vulnerable people targeted by Freedom sales agents.

In terms of misconduct it reads like the Wild West: rampant misconduct, arrant misbehaviour, a boiler room sales culture and breaches of the law where just a few of the antics at play.

It is only as the industry faces the royal commission’s glare that something is being done.

In Freedom’s case change was flagged to the royal commission at 3pm on Monday, September 10, on the eve of its appearance. It noted it would cease selling accidental death, accidental injury, trauma and life insurance through outbound calls, which represents 15 per cent of its business. Its main business, funeral insurance and loan protection insurance sold through outbound calls would remain. It also announced a change to non-monetary incentives.

A rushed decision? When Freedom was asked to hand over any documentation relating to how it came to such momentous decisions, it couldn’t. Orton said the feeling was they could make such a decision “without creating unnecessary paperwork”. His explanation prompted a laugh from the journalists in the media room.

So far the royal commission has heard a lot of witnesses using the words “inappropriate” to describe unconscionable behaviour. It has also seen a number of operations shutting, closing or selling divisions to mitigate prosecution.

Added to the mix we have seen time and again a light touch regulator that is aware of the problems – both industry-wide and within the companies themselves - but all too often hasn’t had the appetite to go in hard.

Freedom and ClearView’s direct life insurance operations have operated well below community expectations but so too has the regulator.

Freedom’s chief operating officer Craig Orton repeatedly described the scandalous behaviour as "inappropiate."

Freedom’s chief operating officer Craig Orton repeatedly described the scandalous behaviour as "inappropiate."Credit: AAP/Julian Smith

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