

This was published 4 years ago

Class warfare: The fight over corporate Australia's most reviled legal tactic has begun

By Charlotte Grieve and Tammy Mills

The directors of IOOF would have breathed a sigh of relief on Monday when one of the shareholder class action lawsuits thrown at the firm following the banking royal commission was dropped.

IOOF would pay no money to the plaintiff, its lawyers or the litigation funder backing the case. "IOOF is very pleased with the outcome," the troubled wealth manager said in a statement filed to the ASX.

It was a fitting development in a week when the Morrison government effectively declared war on the class action and litigation funding industry.

IOOF was hit with damaging findings in the royal commission– from allegations of front running and compliance issues in 2015 to regulators seeking disqualification of directors over mishandling super members' money. But in this particular instance, it was facing litigation based on a regulatory case that was itself thrown out, nominally on behalf of shareholders but led by a Los Angeles headquartered law firm and funded by offshore funder Regency.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has launched a war on shareholder class actions.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has launched a war on shareholder class actions. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg this week used emergency powers granted by Parliament to ease "continuous disclosure" obligations on listed companies, a move he freely admits is designed to shield boards from opportunistic shareholder class actions during a global pandemic.

Australia's continuous disclosure laws require companies to immediately inform investors of developments that could affect share prices. The laws are designed to protect market integrity – ensuring all investors have equal access to timely information about companies. But they have also underpinned a wave of lawsuits that have infuriated board directors and divided the investment community.

In some cases, such lawsuits have resulted in multimillion-dollar payouts by major companies including National Australia Bank, Multiplex and Centro. In others, such as IOOF this week and Myer earlier in the month, they've been dropped or dismissed.


Shareholder activists and plaintiff lawyers this week condemned the government's move, claiming investors would be flying blind and the market’s integrity could be undermined. Boards would now able to use an "honest idiot defence" to bat away claims they had misled the market, and companies might be able to use the change as a cover to raise capital using overly bullish forecasts.


Yet defence lawyers and business leaders say it is a long overdue step in controlling the rise of baseless and costly litigation that mostly benefits for-profit litigation funding groups – many of which are based offshore – rather than actual shareholders.

Under Frydenberg's emergency measures, company directors will now only be liable for failing to disclose market-sensitive information where it can be proved they knew, were reckless or negligent in withholding it.


The change will last for only six months, but with a separate inquiry into class actions ordered by Attorney-General Christian Porter under way, the industry is on notice.

For his part, IOOF chief executive Renato Mota says he sees a place for class actions but is looking forward to the debate around corporate Australia's most reviled legal tactic. "There are clearly costs, we need to be very clear about what the benefits are. I'm looking forward to that discussion," he says.

Vexed issue for shareholders

Class actions emerged in Australia in 1992, allowing one person to bring a claim on behalf of a wider group affected in a similar way. Shareholder class actions, in which groups of investors in listed companies band together to sue boards for breaching disclosure obligations, started to pick up steam in the early 2000s.

Some of the major shareholder class actions of the past decade include the 2010 case against the National Australia Bank, which settled after two years for $115 million plus $12.5 million in costs, over allegations the bank failed to properly disclose its exposure to bad debts associated with the global financial crisis.

Property group Centro was the largest settlement in Australia's history, where shareholders won $200 million after over four years of litigation. Slater and Gordon argued the company failed to adequately disclose the extent of the company's debt which resulted in a dramatic share price fall when it finally admitted it was unable to refinance billions of dollars.

This year, a case against retailer Myer became the first shareholder class action to go to judgment over allegations investors were given incorrect profit forecasts. The highly anticipated ruling was ambiguous: the judge found while Myer did breach its continuous disclosure obligations, it did not cause shareholders financial losses.

Class action lawsuits often cause companies significant reputational damage, and the very news of them can result in a hit to share prices. That's why shareholder groups are vexed on the issue. “We find that a class action is often a departed shareholder suing the existing shareholder,” Australian Shareholders Association policy lead Fiona Balzer says. “That’s why we are very much half-way.”

Australian Shareholders Association policy lead Fiona Balzer says class actions are good and bad news for shareholders.

Australian Shareholders Association policy lead Fiona Balzer says class actions are good and bad news for shareholders.Credit: Jim Rice

The regulatory reprieve for company directors came the week after litigation funders were separately told they would be subject to tougher rules, including the requirement to hold an Australian Financial Services Licence.

Some sections of the class action industry support more regulation of the sector. Ashurst partner Ian Bolster, considered one of the nation's leading class action practitioner, says Australia has a "class action friendly environment" where the lack of regulation for litigation funders had incentivised the rise of flimsy cases that bully corporations into settling.

“Everyone is entitled to their day in court but it shouldn’t be a vehicle for funders to profit, it should be a way for people to access justice,” he says.

Shareholder class actions almost always settle as companies want to minimise legal fees and reputational damage. “Because the claims can be so big, if you have a $1 billion exposure, it’s attractive to settle at 5 per cent, $50 million, which is a good deal for funders,” Bolster says.

The Australian Law Reform Commission found about 28 per cent of litigation proceeds went to funders, 55 per cent to affected shareholders and 15 per cent to legal costs. Proponents say litigation funders take on the risk necessary to get the case up and shareholder class actions are an important mechanism for holding company directors to account.

But Bolster says a lack of regulation around pricing for funders meant these players had been “left up to their own devices” where they were able to set their own commissions.

Somewhat surprisingly, the chief executive of the largest litigation funder in the country, Omni Bridgeway, agrees. Omni Bridgeway merged with IMF Bentham in November to form a $1.17 billion ASX-listed company which shareholder activists regard as a leader in the field.

“They reject 95 per cent of proposals,” says shareholder activist Stephen Mayne. “The problem is with the cowboy operators who come in from overseas to take a slice.”

Shareholder activist Stephen Mayne says it is internationally owned cowboy litigation funders that are starting flimsy claims.

Shareholder activist Stephen Mayne says it is internationally owned cowboy litigation funders that are starting flimsy claims. Credit: Luis Ascui

Omni chief executive Andrew Saker says the company has been calling for greater regulation of funders for more than a decade, and raising the bar for shareholder class actions was only “half the cure”.

“Our proposal was to have a complete moratorium on class actions for six months so corporates could focus on the business,” says Saker. “It wasn’t to absolve boards but to give them breathing room.”

The company also wants funders to be subjected to minimum onshore capital requirements, and Saker threw his support behind a requirement for funders to have financial licences.

“I can understand why regulation is important and we have supported that,” he says. “You don’t need a bank failure to have bank regulation.”

Cynics would say Omni wants greater regulation to stamp out foreign competition. The litigation funding industry is made up of more than 30 firms including foreign and domestic publicly listed corporations, private companies, private equity firms and hedge funds. The industry made $44.8 million in profit for 2017-18 and is predicted to grow 7.8 per cent per year until 2023.

However, class action lawyer Tim Finney says the influx of overseas funders was a good thing for the industry as it drove down costs for plaintiffs. Finney’s latest class action against Westpac over its anti-money laundering scandal is funded by UK-based Woodsford Litigation Funding.

Omni Bridgeway chief executive Andrew Saker supports more regulation for litigation funders.

Omni Bridgeway chief executive Andrew Saker supports more regulation for litigation funders. Credit: Philip Gostelow

“If there’s only one or two funders, they can pick or chose the highest returns relative to the cost of the case,” Finney says. “A focus on funding those cases reduces access to justice.”

Class action ‘explosion’

Australia’s leading researcher on class actions, Professor Vince Morabito, says the debate about the country’s 27-year-old class action regime has become more aggressive and more persistent. Class action critics consistently rely on a refrain that there has been an “explosion” of shareholder litigation in Australia, but Professor Morabito argues this is not accurate.

Shareholder class actions are the most popular form of class action litigation, making up just over 30 per cent of cases filed last year. But he says many of the 122 actions filed since 1992 are duplicate claims or competing class actions relating to about 63 companies.

“This is not a threat to company directors,” Professor Morabito says.

Morabito cites research that found Israel had nine times more general class actions than Australia and while Quebec had the same number as Australia, it has a third of the population size.

Federal Court data shows the number of class actions in Australia have tripled over 10 years and whichever way you look at it, premiums for directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance – used to cover legal costs for companies – are going up. Insurance broker Marsh says the cover could soon become unaffordable with its latest analysis finding D&O premiums have risen by 75 per cent on average last year, on top of 88 per cent in 2018.

However, these premiums have been driven up not only by shareholder class actions, but the increase in litigation brought by corporate regulators and the fall-out from the banking royal commission. Mayne says rising premiums only shows companies are more frequently breaking the law. “If there was no longer a functioning D&O market, that’s when you would intervene.

“But there’s no sign of failure, there’s no sign of people being not being to get cover. It’s corporates are stuffing up, taking out insurance and insurers are paying out.”

Will the red tape work?

Ashurst's Bolster says the changes to disclosure laws “won’t scare anyone off”. The law firm will make a submission to the government’s upcoming inquiry and Bolster says fundamental changes need to be made to improve the system.

By introducing a due diligence or good faith defence, directors could have more options when it came to fighting the case. “Then you have a situation where directors get some protection for in effect doing their best, trying to do the right thing,” says Bolter.

Ashurst suggests a requirement for courts to have an early look at whether the class should proceed. “In the US, the plaintiffs need to show a causal link between announcement and share price movement," Bolster says. “The ALRC did not think this was needed here, but we’re in a different environment now. If the government is really looking to provide more balance to business, I think it should be looked at again.”

Maurice Blackburn chief executive Jacob Varghese says the suspension of continuous disclosures were unnecessary when there are already exceptions to reporting obligations.

“There’s plenty of room under the current law for them to manage their disclosures to shareholders appropriately,” Varghese says.

“This risk of this is that we’re just going to have this black box for six months where shareholders can’t trust what they’re being told because companies are released from their normal obligations.”

Maurice Blackburn files the most class actions in the country and Varghese says the continuous disclosure obligation moratorium was a part of a broader push by the business lobby to crush litigation.

“It seems really clear to us there has been a fever pitch campaign by the peak business bodies that I don’t think has anything to do with the pandemic and just do with the notion they don’t want to be accountable for board and director responsibilities to shareholders or to consumers,” he says. “The concerning part is the government seems to be listening to them.”

Ben Hardwick is the head of class actions at Slater and Gordon, a firm that has sent cheques of $1000 each to 45,000 group members in the settlement with NAB over “junk insurance”.

About half of the plaintiffs were in casual or insecure employment, and many under the age of 25.

Hardwick says the banking royal commission was still fresh in people’s minds and now was not the time to water down laws that hold corporate Australia to account. “The concern for the investor community is our continuous disclosure regime is one of the best in the world and any weakening of that regime has the potential to diminish confidence in our systems,” Hardwick says.

He says it won’t be known until the six-month reprieve is over whether the change was genuinely motivated by concern for financial stressors or a political agenda.

Whether it's politics or practical reform, Frydenberg's announcements have accelerated a long-running debate over the regulation of shareholder class actions that may mean the golden dawn for litigation funding is over.

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