This was published 6 years ago
ANZ's Elliott asked David Gonski for a pay cut
By Clancy Yeates & Sarah Danckert
ANZ Bank chief executive Shayne Elliott requested a pay cut from chairman David Gonski for the sake of "unity," "accountability" and "credibility," as the big four lender admitted it had failed to hold former executives to account.
As the royal commission shakes up how frontline bankers are paid, Mr Elliott also conceded ANZ had been "too reliant" on bonuses to motivate staff, and it was testing models that removed incentives linked to individual performance.
ANZ chief executive Shayne Elliott said he couldn't ask staff to wear a cut in their bonuses unless he took one too.Credit: Joe Armao
It was revealed on Wednesday that Mr Elliott, the final big four bank boss to appear before the commission, last month emailed Mr Gonski asking that he "reassess" the CEO's pay.
Mr Elliott would be cutting variable pay of senior executives to an average of 77 per cent of their target, he wrote, and variable pay across the entire bank's staff would be down by 22 per cent.
"It's about unity, accountability and frankly credibility - externally but even more importantly internally. I can't ask my people to be down 22 per cent unless my own rem [remuneration] reflects a similar number," Mr Elliott wrote to his chairman.
ANZ's annual report this month showed Mr Elliott's pay was down by $950,000 this year, to $5.25 million, as banks cut bonuses after a year of shocking revelations of misconduct across the industry.
A key criticism levelled at banks has been that executive pay has, until recently, failed to reflect the wave of scandals, and the commission is also concerned about how financial targets may affect bankers' behaviour.
Mr Elliott admitted to the commission that ANZ had been reluctant to withhold former deferred bonuses from its former executives, a step it only took this year, for the first time in a decade. The pay was withheld as a result of "risk compliance and conduct issues" exposed by the royal commission.
“Why is it that it has taken until the last financial year for ANZ to exercise this important power of withholding deferred remuneration?” senior counsel assisting the commission, Rowena Orr, QC, asked.
“Well, I think it's a failing on our part,” Mr Elliott said.
He also said the bank did not have a “good track record” of drawing a clear linkage between senior executives’ performance and their pay outcomes, which made it "much more difficult" to remove pay from executives.
The royal commission, led by former High Court judge Kenneth Hayne, is also investigating the impact of sales-linked bonuses on more junior bank staff, and it was revealed that ANZ has changed its position significantly on this issue since early last year.
Ms Orr took Mr Elliott to a February 2017 ANZ submission to a review of banker pay, which argued for staff sales targets to be retained.
It said a pilot program that replaced sales targets with "customer-based metrics" had shown a decline in sales of home loans, deposits and wealth management products.
Mr Elliott on Wednesday said such a decline in financial performance mattered for the bank, but he also admitted ANZ had been "too reliant" on variable pay for staff and it was trying to strike the right balance in its incentive schemes. It is trialling a scheme that links bonuses to group performance, which it plans to roll out more widely next year.
Ms Orr also grilled Mr Elliott over why the bank did not reveal to the public that four senior executives, including himself, had their bonuses cut this year because of "risk, compliance or conduct" reasons.
Mr Elliott said it was a "good question" but also argued that "ritualistic public shaming of individuals would be of little value" as it would make it harder to retain and motivate staff.