

This was published 8 years ago

How the airline industry is managing the 'good oil'

Low oil prices are prompting airlines to shift their strategies, writes Jamie Freed.

By Jamie Freed

It is a decision that Qantas Airways chief executive Alan Joyce describes as a "no-brainer".

Rather than sending its two oldest Boeing 747 aircraft to retirement in a desert graveyard in the middle of the year as previously planned, the airline this week said they would keep flying passengers for at least two more years.

The lower fuel price has some airlines rethinking their fleet strategy.

The lower fuel price has some airlines rethinking their fleet strategy.

And why not? The fuel price is low, costs in the airline's international division are under control and international tourists are flocking to Australia for holidays now that the currency is weaker.

"In this environment, when you are making a 23 per cent return on invested capital, you go after opportunities to take advantage of those returns," Joyce tells AFR Weekend. "We think the 747 gives us a good growth opportunity with low levels of capital until we get the 787s in."

Qantas is not alone in benefiting financially from the 67 per cent drop in the price of jet fuel since June 2014, although a clever hedging strategy has given it even bigger benefits than many peers.

Trade group International Air Transport Association (IATA) expects airline profits will reach $US36.3 billion ($50.5 billion) this year, the best level for more than five decades. In a rare feat for the industry, global returns are expected to exceed the cost of capital for the second year in a row at an average of 8.6 per cent.

Just as Qantas has delayed the retirement of two 747s already more than 20 years old, other airlines are beginning to shift their strategies in directions that have implications for shareholders, rival carriers, aircraft manufacturers and ultimately the passengers.

With many airlines hedging fuel about 18 to 24 months ahead, the last of the higher-priced contracts struck in 2014 are finally rolling off, giving more insight into where the industry is heading.

Marginal flying


For Scoot, the low-cost offshoot of Singapore Airlines, the lower fuel price environment is likely to lead to more "marginal flying" – in other words, adding routes where the numbers wouldn't have stacked up previously.

"The lower the fuel price goes, the more destinations that become economically viable and vice versa," Scoot chief executive Campbell Wilson says. "I think generally everyone is seeing a bit more marginal flying because the hurdle to overcome is not so high."

Joyce says Qantas has added flights on the Perth-Singapore and Brisbane-Christchurch and Sydney-Vancouver routes using a tactical strategy that might have been different if fuel prices were higher. Overall, it expects to increase its international capacity by 9 per cent in the current half.

"In our growth you have a combination of something more structural and strategic [like Sydney-San Francisco] and something that is also marginal and tactical," Joyce says.

Air New Zealand plans to grow its long-haul capacity by 9 per cent in the current half and by up to 10 per cent in the next financial year.

But Air NZ chief executive Christopher Luxon says in his airline's case, it is strategic growth driven by inbound tourism demand that would make sense even with jet fuel at the $US120 a barrel price the carrier uses for route-planning purposes.

"To be honest, in lower fuel environments a lot of airlines have sort of got a get out of jail free card," he says. "But if you strip it all away, are they fundamentally a better business, better run, better managed as a result without that fuel benefit? That is what we are interested in making sure is happening."

Scoot, Air NZ and Jetstar are among the carriers that are getting even more fuel benefits than their rivals because they have already taken delivery of highly efficient 787 aircraft in their fleet.

The latest generation of aircraft are up to 20 per cent more fuel efficient than their predecessors.

But trying to sell airlines on the benefits of fuel cost savings when the jet fuel price is $US40 a barrel is a different proposition than when it was at $US125 a barrel in 2014.

"It certainly brings a point closer where of course, if you are selling new technology, someone is going to say, 'Is it worth the premium you are charging for it?'" Embraer Commercial Aviation vice-president Asia Pacific Mark Dunnachie says.

Embraer, the world's largest manufacturer of regional jets, is trying to sell more customers on its next generation E2 series available for delivery from 2018. But in the meantime, demand for the cheaper E1 series has become so high that the Brazilian manufacturer is increasing production.

Dunnachie says he isn't worried about longer-term sales of the E2 because the fuel price is likely to go back up at some point and fleet planners in the highly competitive airline industry want to get their hands on anything that could give their carrier a cost advantage over rivals.

Larger manufacturers Airbus and Boeing also say the lower oil price environment is not a concern, although notably net orders at Airbus fell by 28 per cent last year relative to 2014 and Boeing net orders were down by 46 per cent.

Rethinking fleet strategy

"A lot of airlines are rethinking their fleet strategy and their orders," says University of Sydney associate professor of aviation management Dr Rico Merkert. "We will probably see [order] deferrals. I think they will just use their existing fleet a bit longer."

At the Singapore Airshow last week, there were no orders placed by top-tier airlines even though Airbus boss Fabrice Bregier and Boeing Commercial Airplanes head Ray Conner were both in attendance.

The "highlights" included a memorandum of understanding for the purchase of six A350s by Philippine Airlines and a commitment by Chinese carrier Okay Airways for a dozen 737s.

Despite the recent slowdown in orders, Airbus and Boeing are both arguing that the low oil price environment is good for business because it means airlines are profitable enough to order new aircraft.

There is some evidence of that trend. Qantas didn't have the confidence to order 787s for its international division until it had returned to a strongly profitable position last August.

But just as Qantas is keeping its old 747s a bit longer, other carriers have indicated there is less of a pressing need for new aircraft if fuel efficiency is the major gain they are seeking.

Aengus Kelly, the head of the world's largest aircraft leasing company AerCap, says there is definitely a trend toward keeping less fuel-efficient aircraft like 747s and A340s for two or three years longer than anticipated in the current market.

"But in the longer-term, over the 12-year to 18-year horizon a long-term fleet plan looks at, [you] still need the most fuel efficient assets available in order to hedge yourself if you're an airline from the largest and most volatile item in your cost structure," he says.

More than fuel efficiency

Airbus and Boeing are also quick to point out that fuel efficiency is not the only benefit of buying the newest generation of aircraft. Other considerations, like their increased range, lower maintenance costs and lower carbon emissions are also important factors for airlines.

"The 787 brings us range that we can't get with the older technology and gives us new routes we can't get now," Joyce says, pointing to the potential to fly non-stop on routes like Sydney-Chicago, Melbourne-Dallas and Perth-London that are not possible with the current Qantas fleet.

Carbon emissions will also become a more important factor in airline decisions amid global concern over climate change. The airline industry has agreed that after 2020, any growth will be carbon-neutral, with rising emissions to be offset through a market-based mechanism such as the purchase of carbon credits.

Willie Walsh, the chief executive of British Airways's owner, International Airlines Group, says his airline has not stopped investing in the development of new technologies such as sustainable fuels despite the fall in the oil price.

"No one in the industry wants additional costs," he says. "But we do realise that what will bankrupt this industry is an inability to grow. Growth is critical to the long-term survival of our industry financially."

There are, however, questions of whether the low fuel price environment could prove financially dangerous for airlines, albeit positive for the flying public, in what is a highly cyclical industry.

If the business case for growth stacks up for more and more carriers, they risk adding marginal capacity at a time when the global economy remains weak and there may not be enough demand to fill those seats at a decent price. There is already talk 2016 may be the peak year for profitability in this cycle.

"If you have got an aeroplane in service that can't make money at $US100 fuel but can make money at $US30 fuel, it isn't irrational to keep it in operation," IATA chief executive Tony Tyler says. "But there is a lot of capacity coming into the market. Possibly beyond 2016 we will may see profits flatten or even reduce as a result. We haven't made a forecast yet, but it is conceivable that could happen."

The reporter travelled to the Singapore Airshow as a guest of Scoot.

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