

This was published 20 years ago

Pentagon investigates Kerry's war medals

In a fresh blow to John Kerry's flagging presidential campaign, the Pentagon has ordered an official investigation into the awarding of the Democratic senator's five Vietnam War decorations.

News of the inquiry came as two of the first polls released since last week's Republican convention said President George Bush had opened an 11-point lead over his rival - the widest margin since serious campaigning began.

The inquiry is to be carried out by the Inspector-General's office of the US Navy, for which Senator Kerry served as a Swift Boat captain for four months in 1968, making two tours of duty. He was wounded in action and subsequently awarded three Purple Hearts, a Silver Star and a Bronze Star. But, for the past month, the details of Senator Kerry's military service in Vietnam have become shrouded in a controversy that the navy now feels warrants a full-blown search for the truth.

A self-styled group of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, many of whom served in Vietnam during the same period, say Senator Kerry exaggerated the significance of combat incidents and inaccurately reported the circumstances of his injuries. The accusations are repeated in a book, Unfit to Command, published last month.

Last week, the Kerry campaign attempted to leave the Vietnam debate behind, as signs appeared that the controversy was damaging Senator Kerry's standing in the polls. But to the consternation of campaign strategists, the US Navy has now agreed to a request by Judicial Watch, a bipartisan lobby group, for a full inquiry.

Judicial Watch is calling for the navy to report before the elections, but navy officials are so far refusing to give any timetable for the inquiry.

The group's president, Tom Fitton, sought an investigation in August into the "determination and final disposition of the awards granted to Lieutenant (junior grade) John Forbes Kerry, US Naval Reserve", in response to the Swift Boat Veterans' allegations.

A navy spokesman confirmed on Friday that the Inspector-General's office at the Pentagon had authorised the inquiry. "There's a feeling that it's time to deal with this thoroughly, once and for all," an official said.

Among other Kerry records to be examined is a citation for bravery that was apparently signed by the former navy secretary John Lehman, and contributed to the award of his Silver Star. The glowing citation states: "By his brave actions, bold initiative and unwavering devotion to duty, Lieutenant Kerry reflected great credit on himself."

But Mr Lehman denies all knowledge of the commendation. "It's a total mystery to me," he said last week. "I never saw it, I never signed it and I never approved it." The inquiry will also investigate other reports and citations leading to the award of Senator Kerry's medals.


Mr Lehman endorsed the investigation on Friday, saying that the relevant navy records needed to be "thoroughly researched and the facts established".

In an angry statement from campaign headquarters, Michael Meehan, Senator Kerry's senior adviser, condemned the inquiry as a waste of resources.

"The facts are clear," Mr Meehan said. "The navy awarded John Kerry the Silver Star, a Bronze Star with Combat V and three Purple Hearts. This is a waste of taxpayers' dollars and the Pentagon's time, especially during wartime."

The Telegraph, London

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