

This was published 20 years ago

Hand on the tiller

The territory controlled by the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority is a real estate agent's dream: prime foreshore land, a heritage precinct just a spit from the city, tourist facilities at Darling Harbour, several old wharves ripe for renovation and an entire peninsula in the throes of urban redevelopment.

Tourists teem off the ferries around to the Opera House, past shops and cafes that are controlled by the authority. Darling Harbour, while it's had its share of problems, is now a popular night-time and weekend venue. In Jones Bay Wharf, some of Sydney's most chic restaurants have recently opened.

More recently the authority's empire has extended further west to the Fish Market. Two years ago, the then fisheries minister, Eddie Obeid, introduced the authority's then chief executive, Greg Robinson, to Grahame Turk, the chief executive of Sydney Fish Market Ltd, the company owned by the stallholders at the market. It was contemplating a redevelopment because it needed to deal with environmental issues associated with the market.

Obeid suggested it should be undertaken in conjunction with the authority, which was appointed manager of the site.

Since then, the partners have bickered over the size and scope of the development, with the authority pushing for a more ambitious plan.


The master plan, which is before the Planning Minister, Craig Knowles, involves a $125 million redevelopment, including a five-storey car park and an office tower on the Wattle Street intersection.

And, to top it off, there's the development known as Cooks Cove, down on the Cooks River. In the interests of trying to smooth the way for the complicated land swap that's required for the high technology park to go ahead, the authority was given control of the site, even though it's nowhere near Sydney Harbour.

Yet mention the foreshore authority to its tenants and a look of trepidation will often cloud their faces. Many refused to talk on the record to the Herald about their landlord, fearing that it would have repercussions on their businesses.

The authority has also found itself reviled by two high-profile residents' action groups - the Pyrmont Point residents and the Milsons Point residents who are battling the redevelopment of two sites administered by the authority: the Water Police site and Luna Park. "The residents find them very difficult to deal with," says a Pyrmont Point activist and City of Sydney councillor, Marcelle Hoff. "They are an unelected group of people who don't seem to be answerable to anyone."

Formed from the union of City West Corporation (the manager of Pyrmont), the Darling Harbour Authority and the Sydney Cove Authority in 1998, the foreshore authority has been an important player in the development of Sydney. It's not just a manager of properties, although this is a significant part of its business. It also has responsibility for tendering out some of the best development sites right on the harbour.

Recently the Herald's architecture commentator, Elizabeth Farrelly, accused the authority of being responsible for the "plastination" of Sydney's foreshore (where the smell, taste, texture and decay of the harbour is restrained, as though shrink-wrapped in plastic).

Last year Knowles gave the authority a new string to its bow: the power to approve small developments within its turf, such as changes to use of buildings, new outdoor tables and minor alterations. More controversially, it also got responsibility for assessing large developments (this was previously done by the Planning Department), although formal approval still rests with the minister. This has led to cries that it has an insurmountable conflict of interest, which will now be the subject of a parliamentary inquiry.

But the inquiry is also likely to stray into more political territory: its apparent links with the ALP. The authority's chairman, Gerry Gleeson, the former head of the Premier's Department under Neville Wran, is well known for his connections with the Labor Party. But its former chief executive, Greg Robinson, who left last year for Sydney Water, also had connections. In response to questions by a parliamentary inquiry, he recently said he had attended the wedding of the son of the right-wing powerbroker Eddie Obeid. He was also mooted as a possible Labor candidate for lord mayor in the last election, although Michael Lee secured this honour, without challenge.

Several of the authority's main tenants are also strong Labor supporters. In the lead-up to the Olympics, the wharves at Circular Quay were renovated and the shops rationalised. It was a nervous period for the former occupants, who were unsure whether they would regain their premises. The Circular Quay Traders Association, headed by Tony Imad, a Lebanese migrant who runs milk bars on the wharves, emerged as the biggest donor to the ALP in 1998-99, donating $50,000. At the time Imad told the media that it was like supporting a football team: "I give to Labor because I believe in them. I believe you have to give back to society and Labor has always been there to help the migrants like me." Imad contributed $20,000 himself.

It is of course perfectly legal to make campaign donations to political parties. The Herald is not suggesting that the payments have influenced tenders; however, it highlights the perception that might exist on the part of some tenants that their futures are uncertain.

In March 1999, Craig Knowles, as planning minister, approved an application for the redevelopment of Circular Quay. Unlike the initial proposal considered by the Department of Public Works, which was defended by the NSW Government Architect, the new plan retained shops on the wharves, where Imad has traded for 12 years. In August Imad won the tender for the first of the new shops on the renovated Pier 4. He later won the rights to the cafe on Wharf 5 and to the Arc, a cafe on City of Sydney-owned land.

Imad has moved on from the cafes, selling out to John Abood, the brother-in-law of former fisheries minister Obeid. Abood said he heard the businesses were for sale through one of his nephews. "Yes, I am his [Obeid's] brother-in-law, but no way he is involved ... I have been here for three years and he has never had anything to do with this business. I don't know anything about his business. I don't get involved."

Along the western side of Circular Quay is another big donor to the Labor Party, publican Chris Cheung, who owns the Cruise restaurant and Posh bar in the Overseas Passenger Terminal, as well as the Coogee Bay Hotel. The passenger terminal is owned by Sydney Ports, but managed by the foreshore authority.

In 1999-2000 the Coogee Bay Hotel donated $7000 to Labor and $1500 to the Liberal Party in NSW. In the following year it donated $39,000 to the ALP, and a related company, Cheung Hotels, again donated $39,000 in 2001-02. In 2002-03 Cheung donated to both sides of politics.

Cheung's restaurant, Cruise, was the venue for Labor's "intimate dinner with the Premier" in April 2002 when about 100 business leaders forked out $3300 a plate for the pleasure of dining with Bob Carr and his cabinet.

After pre-dinner drinks at Posh, they stepped downstairs to Cruise, which features a giant light wall which responds in light and colour to restaurant sounds, such as people chatting, music and movement.

Further along George Street, in The Rocks, are several businesses owned by Karl Kazal, a Lebanese businessman who it was claimed in Federal Parliament in 1999 was behind one of the ALP's most notorious branch stacking incidents - the stacking of 450 people into the Lakemba Day branch.

Eighteen months ago Kazal secured a cafe site, owned by the authority, next to the Museum of Contemporary Art, and built a new glass structure. Former Wallaby David Campese had also tried to secure the site. "We've been here in The Rocks for a long time and dealing with the authority is not an easy thing to do," Kazal said. He said the development application for the new cafe had taken several years to go through and now only a short period remained on the lease.

Other authority tenants have also shown their willingness to contribute to Labor's coffers. Doltone House, which recently secured a lease for a new restaurant in Jones Bay Wharf, donated $10,000 in 2002-03 but has been unsuccessful in its bid to persuade the authority to allow it to turn the venue into a function centre; Flame Opals, a long-time business at The Rocks, contributed $7000; construction companies such as the Toga group, Multiplex and Walsh Bay developments, which are all involved in wharf redevelopments in authority areas, have also been major contributors.

A spokesman for the foreshore authority said in a statement that donations to political parties "form no part of any [authority] decision-making".

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