

This was published 20 years ago

The boy who skipped school to kill

Hussam Abdo had been acting strangely, giving out sweets to his family and neighbours and refusing to explain why.

The 16-year-old Palestinian also got his hair cut in the style that his mother, Tamam, likes and told her that he would do anything she wanted. "You never are like this," she said. "What happened?"

"I just want you to be happy with me," he told her.

It was what happened the next day that shocked the family.

Wearing a red sweater and blue jeans, the teenager joined a long queue at a West Bank checkpoint on a main road leading south from his home city of Nablus.


The Israeli soldiers were on high alert. Just last week, troops at the same checkpoint had stopped an 11-year-old boy with a bomb in his bag.

Yesterday, the soldiers suspected that Hussam had something under his sweater and they pointed their rifles. He stopped, raising his hands above his head as the soldiers retreated behind concrete barricades.

"He told us he didn't want to die, he didn't want to blow up," said Lieutenant Tamir Milrad. When the soldiers ordered him to take off the sweater, he immediately complied, revealing a grey vest with explosives packed inside.

The teenager then picked up a pair of scissors the soldiers had sent to him on a yellow army robot, and began cutting away at the vest. Tension at the checkpoint rose as part of the vest came away easily, but the boy struggled with the rest.

"I don't how to get this off," he told the soldiers in frustration. The weight of the loaded vest was making it awkward for him to bend over, reach the scissors and cut away the straps of the vest.

A wire believed to be a detonator cord dangled in front of the youth's chest as he called on the soldiers to help. But they remained in their fortified positions, shouting orders.

The boy bomber eventually freed himself from the vest and dropped it onto the road. He was then ordered him to strip to his underpants to make sure there were no other concealed weapons. The soldiers seized him and later detonated his eight-kilogram bomb in a controlled explosion.

"He's a frightened little boy," said Major Sharon Feingold, a military spokeswoman. "Our interest right now is to find out who sent him."

At the family home in Nablus, the youth's parents said that although he had told the soldiers he was aged 14, he was in fact 16 and in 10th grade. They described him as a poor student who often skipped school and was a bit slow mentally.

"Hussam left home this morning to school, and this was the first we heard of what happened," said his mother. "This is shocking. To use a child like this is irresponsible, forbidden."

Members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the Balata refugee camp next to Nablus claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing attempt.

Palestinian teenagers have taken part in attacks against Israelis throughout the three and a half years of the Palestinian uprising.

The youngest suicide bomber so far was another 16-year-old from Nablus.

The New York Times, Reuters

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