

This was published 21 years ago

Globalisation - lopsided generator of wealth

When did the current phase of global capitalism begin? Was it in the 1970s, when the offshore market in Eurodollars developed? Was it around 1980, when Thatcher and Reagan ascended to power? Or was it in 1989, when the Soviet empire disintegrated and capitalism became truly global? I opt for 1980, because globalisation was a market fundamentalist undertaking.

The objective of the Reagan Administration in the United States and the Thatcher Government in the United Kingdom was to reduce the ability of the state to interfere in the economy, and globalisation served their purpose well. Other countries had to follow suit in order to attract or retain capital. In the meantime, the trailblazing countries enjoyed a competitive advantage. Moreover, the advantage conferred by the fact that the main financial centres of the world are in New York and London was permanent.

Judged by the criteria of market fundamentalism, globalisation has been a highly successful project.

Globalisation is indeed desirable in many ways. International trade is beneficial to all parties taken together in the sense that the winners could compensate the losers and there would be a surplus left over. Moreover, private enterprise is better at wealth creation than the state. In addition, states have a tendency to abuse their power; globalisation offers a degree of individual freedom that no individual state could ensure.

Free competition on a global scale has liberated inventive and entrepreneurial talents and accelerated technological innovations. Although it is difficult to prove, globalisation probably accelerated economic growth on a global scale. But the sum of gross national products is not an adequate measure of human welfare.


Market fundamentalists recognise the benefits of global financial markets but ignore the shortcomings. They hold that financial markets tend toward equilibrium and produce the optimum allocation of resources. Even if markets are less than perfect, it is considered better to leave the allocation of resources to the markets rather than to interfere with them through national or international regulation.

It is dangerous, however, to place excessive reliance on the market mechanism. Markets are designed to facilitate the free exchange of goods and services among willing participants but are not capable, on their own, of taking care of collective needs. Nor are they able to ensure social justice. These "public goods" can only be provided by a political process.

Globalisation has severely impaired the capacity of the state to provide public goods for its citizens by interfering with the most convenient and copious source of revenues, namely, the taxation of incomes and profits while reducing or eliminating customs duties. As a result, the welfare state cannot be preserved in the form in which it was established after World War II. Countries that have overhauled their social security and employment systems - the US and UK foremost among them - have flourished economically, while others that have sought to preserve these systems - eg, France and Germany - have lagged behind.

The dismantling of the welfare state is a relatively new phenomenon whose full effects have not yet been felt. Since the end of World War II, the state's share of GNP in the industrialised countries taken as a group has almost doubled. Only after 1980 did the tide turn. Interestingly, the states' share of GNP has not declined perceptibly since then. What has happened instead is that the taxes on capital and employment have come down while other forms of taxation (particularly on consumption) have continued to ratchet upward.

In other words, the burden of taxation has shifted from the owners of capital to the consumers, from the rich to the poor and the middle classes. That is not exactly what had been promised but one cannot describe it as an unintended consequence because that was exactly what the market fundamentalists intended.

The balance of advantage has swung so far in favour of financial capital that it is often said that multinational corporations and international financial markets have somehow supplanted the sovereignty of the state. That is a misunderstanding.

States retain their sovereignty and wield legal and enforcement authority that no individual or corporation can hope to possess. While markets have gone global, political arrangements remain firmly grounded in the sovereignty of states. We do have some international institutions but they are not allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of states, except to the extent that these states have delegated their sovereignty to an international entity.

The combination of global financial markets and national politics has created a lopsided system designed primarily for the production and exchange of private goods. Collective needs and social justice receive short shrift because the development of the international institutions that would be necessary for their promotion has not kept pace with the development of markets.

There has been a great deal more delegation of sovereignty in economic and financial matters than in other areas. International financial and trade institutions like the IMF, the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation have greater authority and resources than international political institutions, notably the United Nations. This is in keeping with the lopsided nature of the global capitalist system. Globalisation has favoured the pursuit of profit and the accumulation of private wealth over the provision of public goods.

The disparity between private goods and public goods manifests itself in a number of ways. First, there is a growing inequality between rich and poor, both within countries and among countries. Admittedly, globalisation is not a zero-sum game: its benefits exceed the costs in the sense that the increased wealth produced by globalisation could be used to make up for the inequities and other shortcomings of globalisation and there would still be some extra wealth left over.

The trouble is that the winners do not compensate the losers either within states or between states. The welfare state as we know it has become unsustainable and international income redistribution is practically nonexistent. Total international assistance amounted to $US56.5 billion ($74.4 billion) in 2002. This amount represents only 0.18 per cent of global GDP. As a result, the gap between the rich and the poor continues to grow.

The richest 1 per cent of the world's population receive as much as the poorest 57 per cent. Some 1.2 billion people live on less than a dollar a day; 2.8 billion on less than two dollars a day; over a billion lack access to clean water; 827 million suffer from malnutrition. These conditions were not necessarily caused by globalisation but it has done little to redress them.

Second, countries at the centre of the global capitalist system enjoy far too many advantages over countries at the periphery. Perhaps their greatest advantage is that they can borrow in their own currencies. This allows them to engage in counter-cyclical policies, that is, they can lower interest rates and raise government expenditures to fight recessions. The countries at the centre are also in control of the IMF and the international financial system, which gives them much greater influence over their own destiny than peripheral countries, which are in a much more dependent position.

Contrary to the tenets of market fundamentalism, financial markets do not tend toward equilibrium; they are crisis prone. Since 1980, there have been several devastating financial crises but whenever the centre is threatened, the authorities take decisive action in order to protect the system. As a consequence, the devastation is confined to the periphery. This has made countries at the centre not only wealthier but also more stable. It has encouraged capitalists in peripheral countries to hold their accumulated wealth at the centre.

The productive assets of peripheral countries are, in turn, largely owned by foreigners. The ability of local capitalists to expatriate their capital and the influence of multinational corporations reduces the control of peripheral countries over their own destinies and hinders the development of democratic institutions. The detrimental effects are cumulative and, for some peripheral countries, the disadvantages of globalisation may exceed the benefits.

The third major disparity is between countries that have good governments and well-functioning democratic institutions on the one hand, and countries with corrupt or repressive regimes or failed states on the other. Economic progress is usually measured in the aggregate but within the aggregate, there are winners and losers, and the divergence between them is getting wider and wider. While some countries are moving forward, others are moving in the opposite direction.

Edited extract from The Bubble of American Supremacy by George Soros (Allen & Unwin)

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