

This was published 12 years ago

'You have cancer'

By Emma Quayle

SAM Rowe wanted to know how long it would last, what it would feel like, how sick it might make him, whether it would work. Of course he did; he had never had chemotherapy before, never imagined it was something he would ever need.

It was a Monday morning in May that the Carlton recruit took himself to hospital for the first of two five-day stays. He kept telling himself to be positive, that whatever he was about to experience would be good, that it would make him well again.

Back on track: Carlton's Sam Rowe is recovering from testicular cancer.

Back on track: Carlton's Sam Rowe is recovering from testicular cancer.Credit: Sebastian Costanzo

What he hadn't thought about was who else would be there, trying to think the same things. Rowe finished his six weeks of treatment late last month. A little over two months since he was diagnosed with testicular cancer, every scan and test says his body is rid of it. The chemo didn't make him feel sick, just tired and a little cranky. He feels like the same person he was before he heard the word ''cancer'', and understood he had it, like he and his body can start up where they left off. Almost, at least - he threw up after running his first lap of Princes Park two weeks ago.

Still, he has seen things. They've made him think, and he knows they have changed him forever. ''I was a little bit nervous going in that first day. It was the unknown. I didn't know how I was going to react. I didn't know how I was going to feel,'' Rowe said. ''I guess I was a bit caught up with everything that was happening, everything that had happened already. I didn't really stop and think, 'Hang on, there's going be other people in there, getting treated just like I was'.

''Sometimes I had a private room but sometimes I had a shared room, and in the shared rooms you really do know what's going on with everyone. I met a lot of people and some of those people were pretty crook and probably didn't have the outlook I did. Some of them were a fair way into the chemo, they'd been having it for months, and they were going through some much tougher things than I was, that's for sure, so it made me start to appreciate how lucky I actually was.

''I think my oncologist said there's about 1000 people in Victoria every year who get testicular cancer. So it's not that uncommon. I'm not special; there's nothing special about me. A lot of people have gone through similar things and would be going through them right now, walking into that place and walking out again.''

Rowe didn't imagine there was anything really wrong when he found a small lump on his testicles in late April. His mind was on something else - playing football for the club that had given him a chance at the age of 24, when he thought his time must almost have run out.

It was unusual enough for him to mention it to the team's doctor two or three days later, although Rowe suspects he did that simply because Ben Barresi is there every morning, because it's easy to just ask. He didn't think much of being sent for an ultrasound either. ''Honestly, if you're at a footy club and you feel just a little bit tight, it's OK, off for a scan,'' he said. ''I wasn't sore, I didn't feel sick, I didn't feel anything. If he wasn't there, I'm not sure I would have thought about it.''

What did worry him was when the radiologist asked when he was due to see the doctor again, and frowned when Rowe shrugged and said it would be a few days. He was at the supermarket, thinking about what to cook for Friday night dinner, when Barresi called. He dropped everything and drove into the city to see him. From there, things get blurry.


Rowe remembers the doctor telling him the scans didn't look good, and that he had already made an after-hours appointment for him to see a specialist. He remembers calling his girlfriend, but asking Barresi to let his parents know what was going on. ''I had to ask him to do that for me, because I just didn't think I could do it, at that time,'' he said.

By 6pm, Rowe was sitting with the specialist, with his girlfriend and Carlton's football manager, Andrew McKay, alongside. He knows how lucky he is that they were with him; after the specialist told him the lump was more likely than not cancerous and that it would have to be removed either way, his mind, already swimming, wandered off entirely.

''I'm sure he was talking, but I wasn't listening,'' Rowe said. ''Obviously you hear the words 'you have cancer' and something happens to you. I couldn't even tell you what was in my head from there, there would have been a million things. I can remember asking, 'Am I going to be OK?' and I think I asked how it had happened, why it was even there.

Sam Rowe has seen things being treated for cancer, and he knows they have changed him forever.

''I was there for 20 minutes and I can hardly remember what was said, but right from the start he was very confident it was going to be a good prognosis. He said, 'Look, you're going to be fine, but this is what it is'. There was never any doubt, right from then, that I was going to be fine. No one ever gave me the chance to think otherwise, so I didn't.''

Rowe feels lucky that his treatment went exactly to plan, that other than shedding some hair, which he then took to with a razor, he didn't suffer any real side-effects. He is grateful that his girlfriend, who moved over from Adelaide with him late last year, was there, ''being a Google doctor with me, looking after the house, looking after the meals, looking after the dog, looking after me''.

''It's certainly not something every relationship has to go through, but I think it's made us better. Things get spoken about that you never thought would. I know it's made us a lot better, a lot stronger.''

He also understands how hard it was for other people, including his parents, to see him lying in a hospital bed, a drip attached to him and some serious drugs being pumped into his body. ''To me, it felt like nothing. I was wondering how it would feel, and it didn't feel like anything. But I think it was probably tougher for everyone else than it was for me. I guess the thing is, it was happening to me; I had the cancer, I was having surgery, I was getting the chemo. I think that made people feel a bit helpless, like there was nothing they could do, when really I just needed them to be there.''

Rowe got back to work two weeks ago. There were no nerves. When he told his teammates he had cancer, after two weeks of ''making up some very dodgy stories'', he begged them not to treat him any differently, and none of them have. ''I told myself it was nothing to be ashamed of, and it was a relief once everyone knew. It made it easier, when they knew.''

He started with a few laps of the Visy Park oval, before attempting the three-kilometre run that didn't end well, and is in no rush from here. If he's fit by the end of the season, ready to start a pre-season, he'll be happy. The spot he wants in the Carlton forward line will still be there. ''I feel unfit, really unfit. But I wasn't completely sure how I'd feel when I started exercising again, and I didn't feel any different,'' he said. ''That's certainly made me feel better, knowing my body hasn't changed, that I'm the same as I was before, that I can just train like I used to and do everything I used to do.''

When he got sick, Rowe never wondered if he was going to die. He did ask himself if he still wanted to be a footballer, though. It didn't take him long to figure out that he did. ''It plays with your mind, I guess. It changes the way you think, but I'm still the same person, I still live the same life. I reflect a bit more now, but footy's something that I love.

''It's not the year I was hoping to have, or that I was planning, but I'll have my chance next year. So I'm not frustrated and I never saw the point in getting angry or being sad about it. It's part of me now, it's part of who I am and I think it's going to make me a stronger person.

''I've seen some things I never imagined I'd see and maybe I don't see the point in getting down about silly things any more. If you lose a game, you can win the next week. If you have a bad game, it's not the end of the world. I guess what I've learnt is that things can get better. If things are bad, they'll turn back around.''

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