

This was published 9 years ago

The Essendon verdict: the inside story of the anti-doping tribunal hearing

By Jake Niall

Perhaps the most unusual and striking feature of the hearing that eventually cleared the 34 players was that none of the key participants in this saga ever set foot in the relevant room housed inside the Victorian County Court building on the corner of William and Lonsdale Streets.

Not one of the 34 appeared, nor did Essendon's ex-fitness boss Dean "the Weapon" Robinson, senior coach James Hird, Dr Bruce Reid or Mark Thompson. The man alleged to have supplied the banned peptide, convicted drug trafficker and biochemist, Shane Charter, couldn't be summoned, while the compounding pharmacist Nima Alavi also compounded the tribunal's difficulties - and ASADA's - by refusing to appear.

Unsurprisingly, the architect of the doomed supplement program, Stephen Dank, was missing, even though he, too, was tried in absentia - without a word said in his defence - for doping violations in this same room. Dank's voice was only heard later in the hearing, when a hushed room heard ASADA play a tape recording of an interview Dank had given to Fairfax journalist Nick McKenzie in which he said he had given players thymosin beta-4, only to later recant.

The players and the Essendon 2012 officials weren't required because they had already told their story to ASADA, about what they thought - or didn't know - had been administered to them at Dank's behest. But ASADA had wanted Charter and Alavi to be in the room, for cross-examination purposes, the pair having given unsworn ASADA interviews that investigators believed should have been sworn - a failure described as "fatal" by a close observer of the hearing.

James Hird arrives at the club's headquarters after the verdict on Tuesday.

James Hird arrives at the club's headquarters after the verdict on Tuesday.Credit: Getty Images

The inability of the tribunal to force relevant parties to testify frustrated the man presiding over the hearing, retired county court judge David Jones, the tall, grey-haired septuagenarian who sat at the front, flanked on his left by ex-Sydney Swan defender and barrister Wayne "Moose" Henwood, on his right by another snowy-haired ex-judge from this court, John Nixon.

Early in the proceedings - which stretched from December until February 17, with a Christmas-New Year hiatus - Jones not only expressed frustration about the unavailability of Charter and Alavi, but suggested that in future, doping tribunals should have "statutory" powers - force of the law - to subpoena important witnesses to testify. In hindsight, Jones' frustrations can be viewed as ominous for ASADA.

Over the course of this hearing, ASADA would outline its case, in detail (300-plus pages in summary) that was either extensive or excessive - depending on where you sat - while the lawyers acting for the players, as one source explained, put forward a case that "ran entirely in the negative".


The defence teams - Bulldog pair Stewart Crameri and Brent Prismall had separate counsel - did not outline a version of events from 2011-12 at Windy Hill. This was ASADA's task. In football terms, ASADA had an offensive game plan. Their QC, Malcolm Holmes, went hard and on occasion incensed opponents with his tactics, while the players sought - successfully - to negate and create doubt so the tribunal couldn't be "comfortably satisfied".

Star Bomber Dyson Heppell arrives at the club headquarters.

Star Bomber Dyson Heppell arrives at the club headquarters.Credit: Getty Images

The central question of the hearing, was, to borrow from Essendon's 2013 slogan, "whatever they took". The issue was identification of a substance, rather than the intention of the players, who were seen to have been unaware if they were given a banned substance. ASADA went to extreme lengths in seeking to persuade that the substance was TB-4. Evidence was put forward that the Alavi batch had been weighed by a mass spectrometer machine at Melbourne University and measured for its molecular weight, which an expert said matched the parameters of TB-4.

The defence, meanwhile, had their own expert and a well-articulated response.


ASADA's case was an evidence chain, starting in China where Charter sourced the substance purported to be the banned thymosin beta-4, then to Alavi's Como pharmacy, to Windy Hill and into 34 players' systems. The drugs body relied on documents, text messages, emails, player interviews and the ill-fated consent forms - designed to protect players - which listed "thymosin". Six players suggested they had taken something they had been told was "thymosin" — and one of them thought he had seen that word on a marked bottle — but none identified it as the banned variant, TB-4. The other 28 had been vague and had even less idea.

The defence tactic - used by both David Grace QC, and Neil Clelland QC, who had acted for Julia Gillard in the recent royal commission into unions and was defending the Bulldog pair - was to attack the ASADA evidence chain at each point in the sequence. They questioned whether the Chinese factory, GL Biochem, could be proven to have made TB-4, whether it had found its way to Alavi, then to Dank and then to players. And even if Dank had intended it to be TB-4, who could prove that it actually made it from a particular syringe into that specific player's body?

The defence also argued that if the injection regime described by ASADA was carried out, the size of the Alavi batch could not have been enough TB4 to give it to all the players. The collective dosage, in other words, exceeded what was supposedly given.

Dank, having told Fairfax's McKenzie on tape that he had administered TB-4, subsequently said that it had been thymomodulin - a relative of TB4 that is not banned. But the defence camps did not push Dank's thymomodulin version - Grace, the chairman of Athletics Australia who, with solicitor Tony Hargraves, led the defence of the 32 players, didn't rule out thymomodulin, but categorised it as only one of many possibilities. The Bulldogs' legal team - which included club president Peter Gordon's son, Patrick - didn't give thymomodulin any heed at all.

The defence's explanation, as one observer put it, was "we've got no idea what it was". In view of this uncertainty, the players' lawyers contended, the panel could not be comfortably satisfied players were given TB-4. Grace had even argued that ASADA should prove that TB-4 was banned in 2012, a question that Jones answered in his judgment clearing the players. (It was, but the tribunal "was not comfortably satisfied that any player was administered thymosin beta-4".


If the defence attacked the evidence chain from China to Essendon, ASADA's expert witness, endocrinologist Professor David Handelsman, was strong in his assessment that the substance described in the documents and testimony could only be the banned thymosin beta-4. At one point it was suggested to Handelsman, under cross-examination by Grace, that the Chinese company could be unreliable in vouching for its product. Handelsman replied that two employees of a Chinese milk powder company had been executed for selling tainted milk powder. Chinese standards, hence, couldn't necessarily be called lax.

In the middle of the hearing - after Holmes had spent more than five days outlining ASADA's painstaking narrative - evidence was presented and dissected about the molecular weight of the Alavi batch. ASADA had gained evidence from the Bio21 Institute at Melbourne University, which had measured the molecular weight of the relevant batch via a mass spectrometer. Two of Alavi's staff had delivered the batch to Bio21, before it was sent to Dank.

Bio21, too, wouldn't testify, but ASADA gained the results. ASADA sought expert evidence from Handelsman, who said the finding matched the parameters of the molecular weight of TB-4 - it was in the vicinity - and he added that it could not be the legal thymosin alpha or thymomodulin.

The players defence countered with mass spectrometer expert, John Vine, who had worked for the racing industry. In what was the defence's successful game plan writ small, Vine didn't argue about Handelsman's assertion that the weight was in the ballpark for TB-4 and that it couldn't be thymomodulin or thymosin alpha (also not banned) on that weight.

Vine simply stated that it was not appropriate to identify a substance based on a weight, if you wanted to be "comfortably satisfied" - the standard of proof for doping cases. For the racing man, there was no such thing as correct weight in this case.

The weighting given to the interviews by Charter and Alavi - the colourful Charter having initially co-operated with ASADA and then changed tack - was another significant issue for the tribunal to consider, which occupied the minds and untold hours of the many lawyers inside the room.

ASADA had transcripts of interviews with Charter and Alavi, which it wanted to be put into evidence. Grace and and the Bulldogs camp argued that the interviews should be chucked out since neither was willing to appear or be cross-examined.

After much volleying between the camps, Jones ruled that Charter and Alavi's evidence could be included. The tribunal, however, would decide what weighting it carried. The outcome of the hearing suggests that while ASADA won this little battle, its victory was pyrrhic.

Meanwhile, some documents obtained from a witness that were supposed to be "certificates of analysis" demonstrating that the substance was TB-4 were described as "forgeries" by the defence. ASADA's Holmes duly acknowledged "significant difficulties with the document" or words to that effect.

At one point, as a result of testimony by Handelsman, there was discussion whether the alleged substance was in fact TB-4, or if the China batch had been something called TB 500 - which was similar to TB-4, and while different, still had the same function and was deemed banned. There was consideration to amending the charge before the parties agreed to drop the matter.


It was easily forgotten by all who followed the case — including media and participants — that there were 34 individuals on trial, facing the same charge, and that this was not an accusation that an organisation had been collectively doped.

Both Clelland and Grace made the point that, even if you believed that TB-4 was intended to be given by Dank, how did you know it was given in each individual case? ASADA had to prove 34 cases, not one.

Clelland said you couldn't know if the substance was TB-4, but even if you could, it could not be established that any particular player was given that substance on that particular occasion. Grace mounted a similar argument.

The defence had no qualms about questioning the credibility of Charter, Alavi and Dank. Clelland, in his closing remarks, said the tragedy for players was that they were not in a position to know what they were given. They had no capacity to make admissions, because "nobody knows".

The counsel for the AFL, Jeff Gleeson QC — who had largely watched proceedings and been in discussions with both ASADA's and the players' lawyers — made a final day submission on penalties, in the event that Jones and co found the players guilty. Gleeson said, considering the circumstances, if they were found guilty, the players should receive only a small match-based penalty, comparable to a "hamstring" injury.

Neither ASADA nor the players' advocates made submissions on potential penalties. The tribunal wasn't comfortably satisfied they did the crime, and so the question of time has been rendered moot.

Whatever the players took in 2012, they took the points this time.

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