
Teen faces court over Fannie Bay IGA break-in, lawyer flags bail bid

A teenage boy charged over his alleged involvement in a burglary at the Fannie Bay IGA on Monday will be assessed for bail.

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A TEENAGE boy charged over his alleged involvement in a break-in at the Fannie Bay IGA on Monday will be assessed for bail.

The 16-year-old, who cannot be named, faced the Youth Justice Court on Tuesday charged with a string of offences, including property damage, unlawful entry, stealing and breaching a suspended sentence.

The damaged doors at the Fannie Bay IGA after the break in. Picture: Facebook
The damaged doors at the Fannie Bay IGA after the break in. Picture: Facebook

Defence lawyer Tashi Klose asked the court to order a bail assessment so the teenager could go back home to his mum wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet.

“I’ve also discussed a curfew with (him),” she said.

But prosecutor James O’Brien indicated he would oppose the bail application when the case returned to court based on the boy’s risk of further offending.

“The proposal’s a little light on, your honour, considering his circumstances of being on a suspended sentence and I’m not sure those proposed conditions are going to do anything towards mitigating further offending as is alleged in this case,” he said.

“But if it provides the court with further information when a bail application is made I can’t speak against it.”

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The teenager returns to court next week.

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