
Millner apartments ask NTCAT to kick Norman Murray Lion out over alleged sly grog operation

An 85-year-old Darwin man’s alleged sly grog run has reportedly exposed his neighbours to unruly customers, yelling, fighting and peeing on their property.

Family asked to kick dad out over alleged sly grog gig

AN 85-year-old Millner man accused of running a sly grog operation in his apartment has been hit with the threat of eviction.

The body corporate for the apartment block has applied to the Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal to evict Norman Murray Lion.

The apartment is owned by Mr Lion’s children.

The 85-year-old’s neighbours accuse him of running a sly grog operation plying mainly Aboriginal women with booze.

Body corporate chair and fellow resident Brooke Ottley claimed Mr Lion’s visitors were noisy and disruptive, had destroyed property and undermined the peace.

Speaking at the tribunal on Wednesday, Ms Ottley alleged Mr Lion’s illicit business meant there was a “constant flow of Aboriginal women visiting his apartment” with his “customers” calling out for the “old man” at all hours.

“We’ve got evidence of him providing alcohol to people,” she said.

Ms Ottley said a total of six breach notices had been issued to Mr Lion, with the problems with his neighbours dating back to 2012.

“This is a very long and ongoing and pervasive issue,” Ms Ottley said.

The body corporate for a Kelsey Crescent apartment block have applied to NTCAT to evict Norman Murray Lion over an alleged sly grog operation.
The body corporate for a Kelsey Crescent apartment block have applied to NTCAT to evict Norman Murray Lion over an alleged sly grog operation.

Ms Ottley alleged the sly grog operation had been running for a decade, with residents observing alcohol-fuelled scuffles, arguments and one woman urinating on the concrete outside a neighbour’s unit.

Neighbours complained about property destruction and attempted thefts, allegedly connected to Mr Lion’s visitors.

In the initial NTCAT application, the body corporate also claimed residents had been approached by women who tried to barter alcohol for sex.

Ms Ottley said on one occasion she asked a woman why she was there, and she said she was there to see Mr Lion, adding “he’s got a lovely big d —k”.

“There’s also yelling, screaming and wailing loud enough to wake other residents in the early hours in the morning and cause distress to other residents during the day,” she said.

Mr Lion, who denied the allegations, told the tribunal he was not sure why he was being called to give evidence.

“I just don’t understand why I’m here, what this is all about,” the 85-year-old said.

“I never invited a great number of people that have been accused of.

“I only invited my own immediate family.”

Resident Brooke Ottley represented a Millner apartment body corporate who have applied to NTCAT to evict Norman Murray Lion over an alleged sly grog operation.
Resident Brooke Ottley represented a Millner apartment body corporate who have applied to NTCAT to evict Norman Murray Lion over an alleged sly grog operation.

Ms Ottley asked Mr Lion why a number of women had told neighbours they were waiting for him while outside his apartment.

“Well, there’s a number of reasons why people would be at my door, and mostly is to have somewhere to sleep for the night, or $2 of bus fare, that’s the most common,” he said.

NTCAT tribunal member Lindy Morgan said it was not proven the disruptive people were Mr Lion’s visitors and even if that were the case it was not improper that “he’s got Indigenous friends”.

“They’re not friends, they’re customers,” Ms Ottley responded.

Ms Ottley said as a Gunggari, Wuthathi and Torres Strait Islander woman, she was sympathetic to the women with substance abuse issues who allegedly frequented Mr Lion’s apartment.

Ms Ottley said it was suspected his “customers” were on the banned drinkers’ register, however that could only be confirmed by police.

She said even when police responded, they would target the anti-social behaviour and not the root cause.

“The police don’t have much interest when we do call the police,” she said.

“Unfortunately, the police response time is very slow. By the time they show up the transaction is finished and the people have left.

“(And when) they show up and they remove the women, as if they’re the problem.”

Norman Murray Lion is accused of running an alleged sly grog operation.
Norman Murray Lion is accused of running an alleged sly grog operation.

Ms Ottley made an application to force the apartment owners, Mr Lion’s children, to evict him from his apartment if there were any future breaches of the body corporate agreement.

Alternatively, she asked the Tribunal to ban Mr Lion from supplying alcohol from his home.

“So he can’t have people over for dinner and give them a glass of wine?” Ms Morgan asked.

“We’re talking about people coming to Kelsey Crescent for the purposes of seeking alcohol,” Ms Ottley said.

“Giving alcohol to somebody to consume or in exchange for money.”

Mr Lion’s children, Miles and Janna Lion, asked for the NTCAT application to be dismissed.

Ms Lion said there was no evidence for the body corporate’s claims.

“All their evidence isn’t substantiated, it’s just allegations,” Ms Lion said.

“The property rights cannot be overturned by a body corporate.”

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