
Motorsports NT raise cash for Alan Walker Cancer Care Centre

The second ever Ride Against Cancer saw motorsports faithfuls and the wider community take to the track at Hidden Valley to raise much needed funds for cancer care.

Attendees on the start line at Hidden Valley during last year's event. Picture: Supplied.
Attendees on the start line at Hidden Valley during last year's event. Picture: Supplied.

The second ever Race Against Cancer saw Motorsports NT faithful descend on the track at Hidden Valley Raceway on Friday.

Started by MNT member Clive Baxter as a way to give back to the Alan Walker Cancer Care Centre which cared for his late wife Chantel as she battled cancer, the event is held over 66 laps in memory of Chantel who passed away at 66 years old.

Attendees completed the laps by walking, running, skating or riding a pushbike – basically using anything on wheels that is mostly human powered, making it an event for everyone to enjoy.

Raising $15,400 last year, the money was put to good use, allowing the AWCCC to purchase

a large treatment chair to facilitate bariatric patients, specialised radiation treatment garments which allow for more dignity in comparison to a hospital gown, a lymphedema machine which measures the accumulation of fluid in the body and a refrigerated centrifuge machine to store and test clinical samples for the Clinical Trials Unit.

Race founder Clive Baxter (in wheelchair), Tony Sievers to his left, and Amber (nurse) to his right at last year's event. Picture: Supplied.
Race founder Clive Baxter (in wheelchair), Tony Sievers to his left, and Amber (nurse) to his right at last year's event. Picture: Supplied.

“It’s great to support the Ride Against Cancer Event again in 2024, raising much needed funds for the Alan Walker Cancer Care Centre,” Motorsports NT CEO Tony Sievers said.

“Thank you to everyone who have made this all possible, and to everyone who supports this event and the fight against cancer,” Baxter said.

“In March 2019 my partner Chantel was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer.

“Her daughter and friends raised funds to remove the cancer burden, allowing Chantel to put all her efforts into her wellbeing, sadly passing away in 2021.

“The AWCCC nurses and staff work so hard to support our NT cancer patients, and I wanted to help other cancer patients, so 66 laps for Chantel was born and it now happens every year at the Hidden Valley Motorsports Complex.”

“The AWCCC is very grateful to be the recipient of this charity donation for the second year running,” clinical nurse manager Amber Kastellorizos said.

“All funds will go towards the purchase of specialised equipment, such as, a second large treatment chair to facilitate bariatric patients and an Accuvein machine or an ultrasound machine.

“We hope to one day purchase a bus, which will assist with patient transport, particularly when chemotherapy or radiation treatments run over time.”

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