
Video: Fisherman loses barra to hungry croc at Cahills Crossing

There was only ever going to be one winner when a Cahills croc decided it wanted a piece of a fisherman’s catch. WATCH THE VIDEO

A fisherman had a close call with a croc while fishing at Cahills Crossing. Credit: Bonker’s Adventure

CASTING his line into the water, Luke Robertson could see the crocs lazing in the water not too far away.

But he was on higher ground and thought there would be no problem having a go at catching an elusive Territory barramundi.

A fisherman at Cahills Crossing had a close encounter with a croc while reeling in a catch.
A fisherman at Cahills Crossing had a close encounter with a croc while reeling in a catch.

He had been travelling around Australia, and went to Cahills Crossing “to see the crocs at high tide”.

“I just thought I’d take my fishing rod down and go for a flick,” he said.

“I was nice and high away from the water, and I hooked onto a decent sized barra.”

In order to not snag the line on a rock, Mr Robertson had to pull the fish straight towards his higher ground, before he planned to walk down a little bit closer to the crossing and drag the barra across the roadway.

But it was not to be.

“Just as I was about to get close to the crossing a 4m croc started chasing it,” he said. “It was the biggest croc we’d seen down there.”

Knowing better than to try to wrestle the massive monster, Mr Robertson decided to let this one go.

“The barra would have been about 75cm,” he said. “It would have been a good feed.”

The dramatic scenes took place during the New South Welshman’s first trip to Cahills Crossing.

“I knew it was a bit risky but the plan was to stay well away from the water, even once I got my fish,” he said.

“I wasn’t that nervous — I was about 5m away from the water — but my knees were shaking a bit towards the end.”

Mr Roberston said while the experience was a bit nerve-racking, it was also “good fun” and he would definitely be visiting the Territory again.

The video of Mr Roberston’s close call has proven a hit on social media after it was posted on @Bonker’s Adventure Facebook page and has so far been viewed 58,000 times.

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