
Territorians dismayed after beheaded croc found on Gunn Point Rd

Parks and Wildlife NT is urging witnesses to come forward after a croc was found beheaded on Gunn Point Rd. Read what happened. WARNING: GRAPHIC

A croc was found beheaded on Gunn Point Rd on Sunday. It was removed from a trap, which had been dragged out of the water. Picture: Supplied
A croc was found beheaded on Gunn Point Rd on Sunday. It was removed from a trap, which had been dragged out of the water. Picture: Supplied

A Top End croc has been beheaded in a horrific incident on Gunn Point Rd.

The dead croc was found about 4.30pm on Sunday, and Parks and Wildlife are now appealing for witnesses to come forward with any information about the incident.

Pictures of the slain animal were posted on Facebook, where many users shared their distress over the incident.

“Whoever did this should be charged,” Lisa Harris wrote.

“Wtf is wrong with ppl (sic),” Luisa Sergio Noakes said.

A croc was found beheaded on Gunn Point Rd on Sunday. Picture: Facebook/Shelley Mick Mayzee
A croc was found beheaded on Gunn Point Rd on Sunday. Picture: Facebook/Shelley Mick Mayzee

“The Crocodile Management team received a report of a dead crocodile on the side of the road and were shocked at what they found,” said chief wildlife officer Peter Ross.

“The trap has been dragged out of the water, the crocodile removed then dragged behind a vehicle and beheaded at some point.

“This faces a maximum penalty of $81 000 or 5 years in jail.

“Not only is it illegal to interfere with a trap and a crocodile, it is extremely dangerous.

“If you have any information, please contact Operations on 0401 115 702.”

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