
Petter Dutton slams Anthony Albanese’s cost-of-living claim at LNP Convention

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has attacked Anthony Albanese for claiming there are “better times” ahead despite economist warnings of yet another rate rise.

Anthony Albanese downplays fears of another rate hike

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has slammed Anthony Albanese for claiming there are “better times” ahead despite fears of another rate rise, claiming the Prime Minister has “no positive message” for Australians.

It comes as Mr Dutton used a major address to the Queensland LNP faithful to gear them up for a potential early federal election, saying a government led by him would make “tough decisions” in Australia’s best interests.

In an exclusive Saturday Courier-Mail interview, Mr Albanese stared down the looming threat of another rate rise and affirmed “it is going to get better” - despite economists warning ongoing inflation could trigger another interest rate rise.

Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton speaks during the LNP Convention in Brisbane. Picture: Dan Peled
Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton speaks during the LNP Convention in Brisbane. Picture: Dan Peled

Mr Dutton said Mr Albanese, after two years in government, had “no positive message” to convey to Australians.

He said the comments had a “ring of the Voice about it as well - in reference to the Coalition’s primary criticism of Mr Albanese’s lack of detail in implementing the ultimately failed Voice to parliament.

“The Prime Minister now is telling us that there are better times ahead, even though every credible economic analyst in the country is saying that interest rates are likely to go up again for the 13th and 14th (of this term),” Mr Dutton said.

The Reserve Bank of Australia last week warned interest rate rises would be needed if “inflation expectations” change - comments followed the next day by new figures showing the consumer price index had jumped higher than expectations in May.

Mr Dutton, in a wide-ranging speech at the LNP’s convention in Brisbane, framed the upcoming federal election as a contest to define “Australia’s future”.

He outlined the Coalition’s nuclear energy plan, a policy to break up the big supermarkets and hardware chains in the name of lowering prices, and the restoration of “order and unity” on immigration detention.

Health Minister Shannon Fentiman. John Gass
Health Minister Shannon Fentiman. John Gass

Queensland Health Minister Shannon Fentiman said Mr Albanese and Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers were doing “what they can” to help ease rising costs.

Speaking at a press conference on Saturday, Ms Fentiman also said the Miles Government was doing everything it could to aid Queenslanders with cost of living pressures.

“People are relieved to know they’re getting $1,000 off their energy bills. They are getting, if they are a pensioner, an extra $372 off their electricity bill combined with the federal government which is also giving $300,” she said.

“So many families won’t be paying electricity for the next four months. That’s on top of 50c fares which kick in next month. 20 per cent off car rego too.

“So what I am really hoping is that really takes the pressure off so many families and I know the Prime Minister and the Federal treasurer are doing what they can to really help ease the burden of these rising costs for families.”

Mr Dutton took aim at the federal government’s increased spending and moves to pump an estimated 36,000 new public servants into the system over a term in government.

“At a cost of $24bn over four years, that’s what’s driving inflation,” he said.

“And when inflation goes up, interest rates go up, and that’s why Australian families are struggling… Labor doesn’t understand basic economics.”

Mr Dutton said he wanted to demonstrate to Australians “tough decisions have to be made”.

“But when they’re made, they’re made in our country’s best interests. To make sure that we’re safe as a people, safe in our region and a worthy ally with our partners, or to make decisions to keep women and children safe in our community,” he said.

“We need to make sure that we can make the tough economic decisions because Australian families deserve an opportunity to get our country back on track.”

Originally published as Petter Dutton slams Anthony Albanese’s cost-of-living claim at LNP Convention

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