
Jacky Scott nominated for Pride of Australia medal

AN aged care worker who leaves home early almost every day so she can search for injured animals has been recognised for her selfless and lifesaving work.

Care worker Jacky Scott and her dog Nono in the back of her ute that she uses to search for injured or stray animals before going to her job at the Alice Springs nursing home.
Care worker Jacky Scott and her dog Nono in the back of her ute that she uses to search for injured or stray animals before going to her job at the Alice Springs nursing home.

AN aged care worker who leaves home for work hours early almost every day so she can search for injured animals on the side of the road and rescue them, has been recognised for her selfless work.

Jacky Scott of Alice Springs, who works full time as a carer in an aged care facility – has earned a Pride of Australia nomination in the environment category for her volunteer work as a wildlife rescuer and carer.

Ms Scott has devoted much of her spare time over the last nine years rescuing stray and abandoned animals.

She also spent years buying, donating and delivering food to malnourished camp dogs in Aboriginal communities. “I could see that they needed help desperately with their dogs,” she said.

“They were starving and in poor condition.

“I couldn’t stand by and see the dogs walking around with sores when they needed help so I approached an owner and I started looking after them at the camp.”

Ms Scott has been known to cover veterinary costs before returning them to their owners or helping to rehome them.

She also volunteers at the local animal shelters and is an independent wildlife rescuer.

“I go to work about 2½ hours early in case I see any dogs or cats on the road and pick them up. I drop them off at the Alice Springs Vet Clinic or hospital. “Sometimes I have to take them home if it comes through late.”

Ms Scott said she “happy and overwhelmed” to be nominated for the award.

You can nominate a person or group for a Pride of Australia medal.

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