
2014 NT Pride of Australia finalists

We are very proud to announce the 2014 Pride of Australia Medal finalists for the Northern Territory.

Pride of Australia 2014 Northern Territory Finalists Pam and Ray Palmer
Pride of Australia 2014 Northern Territory Finalists Pam and Ray Palmer

We are very proud to announce the 2014 Pride of Australia Medal finalists for the Northern Territory. Read below the incredible stories of the leaders, campaigners, care givers, volunteers, teachers and everyday Australians whose extraordinary actions set them apart.

A person under 25 years who has advanced a community, or will advance a community, through academic or personal endeavours.

Ben Masters
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Ben Masters
Ben is a passionate young artist who has used his love of music to selflessly and successfully strengthen the music community in the Top End through organising gigs, mentoring young performers and coordinating community-building activities. All the events Ben coordinates are done voluntarily and he receives no profit from his marketing, coordination, promotion and management time.

Tanayah Allegretto
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Tanayah Allegretto
At the age of just 13 Tanayah’s commitment to her community has been inspirational with her continual involvement with annual events and fundraisers including the Red Shield Appeal, Light the Night and The World’s Greatest Shave. Her ongoing support to St Johns Ambulance sees her dedicate her weekends as their first responder, she cares for neglected animals through the Darwin Animal Rescue Group and is committed to the Australian Airforce Cadets.

Alexa Morris-Lovell
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Alexa Morris-LovellAlexa works tirelessly with YEAH (Youth Empowerment Against HIV) dealing with safe sex and the like. She is also a member of Youth Parliament and various other young community initiatives. She works with Top End Comedy and has attended the International Youth Peace Seminar in Hiroshima, Japan.

A child 16 years or under who has helped save, or attempted to save, the life of another or overcome personal adversity through determination and strength of character, allowing them to improve the quality of not only their lives, but also those around them.

Enjay DaviesNews_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Enjay DaviesEnjay's mother Candice, is terminally ill with bone cancer and Ewing’s Sarcoma. At eight years of age, Enjay has done everything she can to make her mum happy and help her complete her bucket list. No child at such a young age should have to prepare to say goodbye to her mum forever, but Enjay is doing her best to stay positive and support her mum.

To recognise an individual or a group whose selfless, tireless and largely unacknowledged actions have enriched the lives of those around them in their community.

Kerry Wetherall
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Kerry WetherallKerry has been a foster carer for 14 years and has taken in many children and family groups. She was part of the group that got Foster Care NT up and running and was on the initial committee. Through this she has become a strong advocate for Indigenous Carers. She previously sat on the KARU Board on behalf of registered carers and has helped mentor new case workers during their training. She has been on the Top End NAIDOC Darwin Committee for five years and during this time has successfully secured ongoing event sponsorship and each year works hard with the committee to organise events for NAIDOC week.

Mary MeldrumNews_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Mary MeldrumA long-time resident of Alice Springs, Mary has been an active participant in almost every aspect of the community, lending a hand or even coin wherever and whenever possible. She has hosted and participated in numerous fundraisers, even turning her 80th birthday into a fundraiser for a local group.

Tony Burns
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Tony BurnsTony volunteers, supports and fundraises for countless community organisations and deserving individuals. In the past three years, Tony has raised over $280,000 for the John McLean Foundation by competing in challenge events. The foundation provides financial help and inspiration to young Australians under the age of 18, who require wheelchairs for mobility. In July this year, he also ran 100km from Humpty Doo to Darwin, raising money for the Nemarluk specialist school.

For an Australian, or group of Australians, who, through their act/s of bravery, helped save or attempted to save a life/lives.

Shane Tipungwuti
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Shane TipungwutiOn March 26 this year, Shane, 11, had gone to the local waterhole for a swim, but when he got there he was told three-year-old Lucas Dhurrkay had fallen in. No one knew how long Lucas has been under the water for. Without hesitation Shane jumped in and pulled Lucas out of the water before performing CPR until Lucas started breathing again. Shane had remarkably performed CPR without any knowledge apart from what he had seen on TV, saving the life of Lucas.

For an Australian permanent resident or citizen, born overseas, who has enriched Australia through their community involvement, hard work and willingness to embrace their new home.

Christine Kute
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Christine KuteChristine fled Sudan with her family when she was just four-years-old. Since arriving in Darwin, Christine has worked hard to establish herself and her family in Australia. She became an Australian citizen six years ago and has since earned a bachelor of business at CDU which she has used to establish two businesses. While working seven days per week, Christine still finds time to volunteer at events like World Refugee Day. She is also part of the Eastern African group in Darwin which helps other newly arrived people.

Vinodas BalakirushnanNews_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Vinodas Balakirushnan
Vino came to Australia seeking asylum two years ago from Sri Lanka. Since being released he has been working full-time while also studying graphic design at CDU and volunteering his skills to many services including World Refugee Day. Since arriving in Darwin his art has flourished and he has had his work exhibited and won several prizes.

Lacey Barrett
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Lacey Barratt
Originally from America, Lacey works as a self-taught photographer in her local community of Darwin. She specialises in birth photography and runs sessions in breast feeding, helping to normalise child birth breast feeding within the larger community. She is currently running a campaign which focuses on raising awareness about post-natal depression. She is doing presentations on the subject, photo sessions for women who suffer in silence and getting the word out that PND is real, and its nothing to be ashamed of.

For an Australian or group of Australians whose actions have demonstrated leadership, raising awareness and/or teaching others about environmental issues.

Graeme SawyerNews_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Graeme Sawyer
Graeme has been the driving force and motivating influence behind the Darwin FrogWatch Program. He has campaigned for years to protect the green frog and other vulnerable wildlife from the invasion of toads. He has conducted significant research on toad control and has offered help and advice to remote communities, stations and other interstate groups about controlling the pest.

To recognise a professional or volunteer carer or group, or a member of the health professions who has made a significant improvement to the lives of those around them.

Nicole Gallas
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Nicole GallasNicky, from the age of 11, has fought to save her own life from depression and suicide attempts. Though still fighting her demons, she is now an advocate for mental health here in the Territory. Nicky walked from Alice Springs to Adelaide, to raise awareness for mental health and has also formed a charity called 'Out of the Shadows'. She not only works full time but also counsels people into the night who are suffering and tries to assist anyone who requires a helping hand.

Tammy Shean
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Tammy Shean
Tammy is a residential care worker for children in care under the Ministers Protection. She is always making a child smile and putting their mind at rest when they need it most. She also devotes her time to CREATE – an advocacy group that helps children and young people in care. Tammy will always put her hand up to volunteer for the company or organise events for the children. She is amazing and inspirational to all children in the care system.

To recognise a member or members (professional or volunteer) of the SES, police, fire, ambulance, coastguard, defence forces, air rescue service who have gone beyond the call of duty to protect the community.

Dianne Tynan
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Dianne TynanFor the last 30 years, Dianne has protected the community from fires and floods. She established the Volunteer Brigade in Elizabeth Valley and has worked tirelessly to create a safe and happy community. She is also President of the Bushfire Volunteer Association which boasts over 1000 members. Dianne has organised many collections for people in need, including raising over $5000 to help families recovering from the devastating NSW bushfires.

Jonathan McKay
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Jonathan McKayJust two days after moving to Australia in May 2010, Johnny joined as a volunteer member with the Northern Territory Emergency Service (NTES) – Darwin Volunteer Unit. He currently holds the role of Rescue Officer for the Palmerston Volunteer Unit and has volunteered his time and skills with many emergencies and rescues – most of the time in a leadership role. Working as the breakfast host for 104.1 Territory FM, he uses his position to further contribute to the community through charity and fundraising events.

To recognise a member of our teaching professions from early childhood to university education or a role model whose compassion and wisdom while teaching, coaching and mentoring our youth has been truly inspiring.

Donna O'BrienNews_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Donna O'BrienDonna is a teacher with the NT Government Middle School in Alice Springs. She acts more like a social worker than a teacher though, offering external support to students in need and tutoring students outside of school hours in her own home.

Lyla WillsNews_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Lyla Wills
Lyla, 80, has lived and taught in the NT since the 1960s (if not earlier). Despite mobility issues she still drives to Batchelor once a week so she can give music classes at local schools in a voluntary capacity. Lyla has contributed enormously to schools and the local eisteddfod and also contributes to the upkeep of the local church and its congregation.

Beverley Angeles
News_Image_File: Price of Australia - Beverley Angeles
Beverley is the Program Manager for the Centralian Girls Academy – a program which supports and mentors Indigenous girls to become future leaders, sports legends, role models or just well behaved, dedicated and committed young people in their community through engaging in school in a positive way. Enrolments have increased dramatically – it is astounding that one person has had such a huge impact on young people and she is always there for them. She is instilling in young people that 'they can achieve anything.'

For an Australian, who through his or her act/s of courage have overcome personal adversity through determination and strength of character.

Pam and Ray PalmerNews_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Pam and Ray PalmerPam and Ray lost their son when he was killed in a helicopter accident in 2010. Through their own grief, the couple have since worked tirelessly to support returned soldiers and other families of in similar situations. Ray, with the support of Pam has walked 400km from Mataranka to Robertson Barracks to raise funds for and awareness to support families of fallen soldiers.

Julie Turner
News_Image_File: Pride of Australia - Julie TurnerJulie has overcome immense hardship. She lost her 17-year-old daughter Carmie to suicide, her 13-year-old son Daniel drowned and she also suffered a late-term miscarriage. Instead of being defeated, Julie has become the founding member of the Darwin Regional Indigenous Suicide Prevention Network and also works with Royal Life Saving and SIDS and Kids. She is a strong advocate for the development and implementation of life promotion strategies to help improve positive outcomes for Territorians.


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