

PM ‘blindsided’ by rebel MPs on religious discrimination bill after making pact on amendments

Scott Morrison had no idea how many of his MPs were planning to vote against him on a key new law this week, after making a pact with them in December.

Marathon sitting sees five Liberals cross floor against religious discrimination bill

Scott Morrison was “blindsided” by 5 rebel MPs crossing the floor over protections for trans kids in parliament, because he believed he made a pact with them to support the legislation last year.

While the Prime Minister expected a small breakout led by Liberal MPs Bridget Archer and Trent Zimmerman, the size of the rebellion shocked him.

He believed he had the votes of four rebel Liberal MPs in the bag as a result of an agreement that dated back to December.

That’s when Queensland MP Angie Bell, Victorian MP Katie Allen and NSW MPs Dave Sharma and Fiona Martin released a statement saying they would back the religious freedom laws in exchange for protections for gay and trans kids.

However, it then emerged the legislation protected gay kids from expulsion but not trans kids if their existence was regarded as against the “ethos” of the school.

On that basis, the majority of the MPs who backed the PM in December abandoned him and crossed the floor.

In a statement released in December, the majority of those MPs said they would back the religious freedom laws and “welcomed proposed amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 that will remove the right of religious schools to discriminate against students on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.”

There was no distinction in protections for trans kids versus gay kids in the December agreement.

The PM sent Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese a letter ahead of the vote
The PM sent Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese a letter ahead of the vote
Liberal member for Higgins Katie Allen (right), Liberal member for North Sydney Trent Zimmerman (top) and Liberal member for Reid Fiona Martin (left) all crossed the floor to vote in favour of an amendment to enshrine the protection of trans kids in the religious discrimination bill, Thursday, February 10, 2022. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING
Liberal member for Higgins Katie Allen (right), Liberal member for North Sydney Trent Zimmerman (top) and Liberal member for Reid Fiona Martin (left) all crossed the floor to vote in favour of an amendment to enshrine the protection of trans kids in the religious discrimination bill, Thursday, February 10, 2022. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING
Liberal member for Higgins Katie Allen (right), Liberal member for North Sydney Trent Zimmerman (top) and Liberal member for Reid Fiona Martin (left) all crossed the floor to vote in favour of an amendment to enshrine the protection of trans kids in the religious discrimination bill, Thursday, February 10, 2022. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING
Liberal member for Higgins Katie Allen (right), Liberal member for North Sydney Trent Zimmerman (top) and Liberal member for Reid Fiona Martin (left) all crossed the floor to vote in favour of an amendment to enshrine the protection of trans kids in the religious discrimination bill, Thursday, February 10, 2022. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING

Dr Fiona Martin said in the statement: “Most Australians would agree that religious exemptions that allow LGBTIQ+ children to be expelled is unacceptable and runs counter to our nation’s value of a ‘fair go’.”

On this basis, three of the MPs who signed the statement in December – Dr Allen, Dr Martin and Mr Sharma decided the Prime Minister had failed to honour the agreement and that they would vote accordingly.

Liberal sources say Queensland MP Angie Bell nearly joined them and only reluctantly backed the bill.

The new detail comes hours after Defence Minister Peter Dutton confirmed one of the worst kept secrets in Canberra: that the number of Liberal MPs who crossed the floor to boost protections for trans kids had shocked the Prime Minister.

It was one of the largest rebellions by government MPs against legislation put forward by its own parties since the 1980s.

The new laws would have prohibited private schools from expelling students for being gay but allowed students to be discriminated against if they were trans if it was in breach of the school’s “religious ethos.”

“He was, frankly, I think, misled. I’m not sure how you want to describe it, depending on your perspective and the situation,’’ Mr Dutton told ABC RN.

“But there were undertakings that were given. The undertaking wasn’t honoured. I’m not going to go into the private conversations we had but the government doesn’t go into a vote like that unless there’s been assurances given. That’s the situation we find ourselves in a hung parliament.”

Prime Minister Scott Morrison was completely blindsided by the number of MPs who crossed the floor on the religious discrimination bill. Picture: NCA Newswire/Gary Ramage
Prime Minister Scott Morrison was completely blindsided by the number of MPs who crossed the floor on the religious discrimination bill. Picture: NCA Newswire/Gary Ramage

The rebel five voted to repeal section 38(3) of the Sex Discrimination Act that allows religious schools to discriminate against students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or relationship status or pregnancy. That vote was carried by a margin of 65 to 59 votes.

It was Dr Martin in particular who shocked the Prime Minister and his supporters. They had expected Ms Archer and Mr Zimmerman might vote against the government’s legislation but underestimated the size of support for amendments to protect trans children.

Dr Martin supported the passage of the religious freedom laws, but supported the amendment to boost protections for trans children.

Mr Zimmerman supported the amendments to the legislation to protect kids but ultimately abstained from the vote on the substantive question of the legislation itself.

Bridget Archer voted to reject the religious freedom laws after earlier crossing the floor in favour of all Labor amendments, which were defeated.

Who are the rebel MPs, and why did they do it?

NSW Liberal MP Dr Fiona Martin

It’s hard to understand why Dr Martin wasn’t identified as a major threat to the legislation from the start. A psychologist, she has spoken out in the past about mental health and teenagers.

“No one should be discriminated against because of their faith. Equally, no one should be discriminated against because of their sexuality or gender identity. Especially not vulnerable students,’’ she said.

“As a psychologist I’ve treated vulnerable young people for depression and suicidal ideation.

“The consequences of discrimination are real, and no young person should face them because of who they are.

“In the early hours of this morning, I was very proud to defend all students — and their right to live free, fair and happy lives.”

Dr Martin entered parliament at the last election and holds the seat of Reid.

Dr Fiona Martin said she was proud of her stance on the bill, as it defended the rights of all students to live “free, fair and happy lives”. Picture: NCA Newswire/Gary Ramage
Dr Fiona Martin said she was proud of her stance on the bill, as it defended the rights of all students to live “free, fair and happy lives”. Picture: NCA Newswire/Gary Ramage

Victorian Liberal MP Dr Katie Allen

As a former doctor of paediatrics at the Royal Children’s hospital, Dr Allen was also another flight risk in the religious freedom debate over any move to discriminate against gay children. As she noted, the issue was also important to her voters in the inner city seat of Higgins.

Like Dr Martin, she voted in favour of supporting new religious freedom laws but also for amendments to ensure trans kids were protected.

“All children, no matter who they are, deserve an education and our support,’’ she said.

“And this should be protected irrespective of sexual orientation or gender identity.

“That is why I voted for an amendment in the Sex Discrimination Act to do just that. We must always value and protect our individual freedoms, but not at the expense of children.

“Having secured this amendment to protect all children, I have and will continue to support the religious discrimination legislation to ensure it is in the best possible place to support those of faith.”

Katie Allen voted in favour of supporting new religious freedom laws but also for amendments to ensure trans kids were protected. Picture: NCA Newswire/Gary Ramage
Katie Allen voted in favour of supporting new religious freedom laws but also for amendments to ensure trans kids were protected. Picture: NCA Newswire/Gary Ramage

NSW Liberal MP Trent Zimmerman

Sydney MP Trent Zimmerman was a known quantity for the Prime Minister. His opposition to the reforms was expected.

In an emotional speech to parliament, the leading moderate said he “couldn’t live with himself” if he didn’t act.

“I can honestly say this has been one of the most difficult weeks of my time in parliament,” he said.

“I want to indicate I will be making the difficult decision to part with my party on some of the amendments before the chamber tonight.

“It’s an opportunity I cannot let go pass. I couldn’t live with myself if I did not seek to address those issues.”

“I cannot stand by and do anything that makes their situation more difficult, which sends anything other than a message from this parliament, which most receive in their schools but sadly some don’t, that we want to embrace you, we want to love you, we want to support you, we want to nurture you.”

Trent Zimmerman said he would not be able to “live with himself” if he didn’t act on the bill. Picture: NCA Newswire/Gary Ramage
Trent Zimmerman said he would not be able to “live with himself” if he didn’t act on the bill. Picture: NCA Newswire/Gary Ramage

Tasmanian Liberal MP Bridget Archer

After crossing the floor last year and signalling her concerns over the religious freedom laws from the start, Ms Archer’s decision to vote with Labor was not unexpected.

She described the legislation as “cruel” and said she couldn’t support it.

The Prime Minister did launch a last-minute attempt to get her back in the tent with an olive branch on an independent corruption commission, but ultimately was rolled in cabinet.

Those discussions were later leaked to the media, with Channel 10 political editor Peter van Onselen revealing Mr Morrison had “put his leadership on the line” in the meeting but was still rebuffed by his own cabinet including NSW Liberal MP Paul Fletcher.

During the late night debate, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he had hoped the bill would unite the House.

“During the course of this debate, the issue of transgender children and teachers has also been raised,” he said.

“And there’ll be a time and place to address that as well.”

Bridget Archer has previously described the legislation as “cruel”, while Dave Sharma said he was expecting “repercussions” for his vote. Picture: NCA Newswire/Gary Ramage
Bridget Archer has previously described the legislation as “cruel”, while Dave Sharma said he was expecting “repercussions” for his vote. Picture: NCA Newswire/Gary Ramage

NSW Liberal MP David Sharma

Battling to retain his inner city Sydney seat of Wentworth, Mr Sharma was under pressure from his own electorate to take action.

He told Sydney’s Star Observer that “discrimination towards trans children was a red line for me and a few others and that’s why we crossed the floor as we did.”

“There will probably be some repercussions, but that’s the price I think is worth paying to do the right thing here.”

Originally published as PM ‘blindsided’ by rebel MPs on religious discrimination bill after making pact on amendments

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