1/13BICYCLE motocross rider Daniel Dhers built ramps out of salt at the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia, a high altitude desert known as the largest salt pans on the planet. Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
World’s first 3600m-high BMX salt park
Bicyle motocross rider Daniel Dhers rides the world’s first BMX salt park 3600m above sea level in Uyuni, Bolivia.
2/13Known as Dalí’s desert because of their aesthetic views, the Salar de Uyuni stand 3,600m above sea level. At this height, the atmospheric pressure decreases and results in a blood oxygen shortage. Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
3/13“I would make a line in the Salt Park and would stop for five minutes to catch my breath again,” explains Dhers, a five-time X-Games BMX Park gold medalist to Red Bull. Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
4/13“Plus it was really hot during the day and when the sun was covered by a cloud I was freezing.” Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
5/13Locals from the Bolivian town of Colchani helped the Venezuelan athlete build the ramps designed by John Saxton. Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
6/13“We built the ramp’s structure out of salt bricks, and had to create a secret mix to smooth them out,” adds Dhers, who’s been riding since the age of 12. Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
7/13The Bolivian salt flats are the world’s largest salt flat with a surface of 10,582km2 – they are visible from space, and an ideal location for NASA’s satellite calibration. Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
8/13Flat horizon, hostile weather and high altitude challenged Dhers, who pushed his limits to perform his tricks in a short production time. Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
9/13“This is the roughest project I’ve done in my life, it’s a beautiful scenery but riding at this height is crazy.” Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
10/13“The whole project was crazy, you get Daniel who’s one of the best riders in the world and throw him out here at a crazy altitude in Uyuni, in this ramps made of salt,” adds Kyle Carlson, film maker and editor for VitalBMX.com. Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
11/13“Obviously when you make a ramp out of a salt block, the transition is not going to be perfect.” Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
12/13“While he’s used to ride in perfect ramps, without difficulty there is no reward, so shout out to Daniel for making it all happen.” Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
13/13Daniel Dhers rides and flies around his BMX Salt Park Project in Uyuni, Bolivia between April 8th and 11th 2016. Picture: Camilo Rozo/Red Bull
Original URL: https://www.ntnews.com.au/news/photos/worlds-first-3600mhigh-bmx-salt-park/image-gallery/ed7397b7884814fa730b6d348360c5ad