1/20“This image was taken in Bali during Melasti Festival. These young girls were waiting for their turn to perform.” Picture: Khairel Anuar Che Ani, Malaysia, Shortlisted, Open Competition, Split Second, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
ROUND-TRIP: Sony World Photography Awards 2016
WHAT a wonderful world! Stunning shortlisted photographs from the 2016 Sony World Photography Awards.
2/20“The love story between the lion and the lioness in Masai Mara is fascinating. Anger in this case is translated as romance and care.” Picture: Mohammed Yousef, Kuwait, Shortlist, Professional Environment, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
3/20“A boy creatively made a LOVE shape at the River of Tukad Yeh Unda in Bali, Indonesia.” Picture: Cheung Yin Fang, Malaysia, Shortlist, Open Competition, Split Second, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
4/20“The Eagle Hunting festival is part of an effort to promote and grow traditional hunting practices for new generations in the mountainous region of western China that borders Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia.” Picture: Kevin Frayer, Canada, Shortlist, Professional Environment, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
5/20“The season of a firefly comes around in Japan at the beginning of a rainy season. This firefly is a species called Luciola parvula.” and repeats blink. Picture: Kei Nomiyama, Japan, Shortlist, Open Low Light, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
6/20“Baby fur seal in the Commander islands.” Picture: Andrey Narchuk, Russia, Shortlist, Open, Nature and Wildlife, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
7/20“Amazed by how clear the day was I took my Cessna above New York’s restricted airspace, which gave me a full freedom to roam.” Picture: Filip Wolak, Poland, Shortlist, Open Architecture, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
8/20“I camped here, on the frozen Hooker Lake (New Zealand), and saw some of the clearest and darkiest skies of my life.” Picture: Vincent Frascello, US, Shortlist, Open Low Light, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
9/20“Patience is required to discover the wide range of Namibia’s subtle scenery.” Picture: Maroesjka Lavigne, Belgium, Shortlist, Professional Landscape, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
10/20“Morning candid of monks and novices while accepting offerings in Myanmar.” Picture: Kyaw Bo Bo Han, Myanmar, Shortlist, Open Arts and Culture, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
11/20“Local night market in Thailand. Mostly tourists come here to shop and bargain.” Picture: Copyright: Zhu Lin Ch’ng, Malaysia, Shortlist, Youth Culture, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
12/20“Her name is Malaika. She is well known in Masai Mara reservation (Kenya).” Picture: Mohammed Yousef, Kuwait, Shortlist, Professional Environment, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
13/20“The Nelson-Mandela-Bridge in Ilmenau (Germany) during a heavy summer thunderstorm. Two intense lightnings illuminate the whole bridge.” Picture: Stefan Liebermann, Germany, Shortlist, Open Low Light, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
14/20“People on mass yoga exercise in the central park of Vilnius.” Picture: Karolis Janulis, Lithuania, Shortlist, Open People, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
15/20“ If one is thinking about countries being successful in boxing, just a few will have Ghana in mind.” Picture: Patrick Sinkel, Germany, Shortlist, Professional Sport, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
16/20“Taken under a bridge in Belgium.” Picture: Martin Seraphin, Germany, Shortlist, Open Architecture, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
17/20“There are more than 300 people that work with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey circus blue unit, representing 25 different countries and speaking everything from Russian to Arabic to Guarani.” Picture: Stephanie Sinclair, US, Shortlist, Professional Daily Life, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards / National Geographic Creative
18/20“The mass swarming of Danube mayfly (Ephoron virgo) in Raba and Danube rivers is one of the most exciting phenomenon for me.” Picture: Imre Potyó, Hungary, Shortlist, Open Nature and Wildlife, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
19/20“Home of 40 thousand Buddhist monks in Sichuan province.” Picture:
Attila Balogh, Hungary, Shortlist, Open Architecture, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
Attila Balogh, Hungary, Shortlist, Open Architecture, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
20/20“Mennonite children play as they entertain nearby family visiting for a Sunday lunch gathering in Capulin, Mexico.” Picture: Daniel Berehulak, Australia, Shortlist, Professional People, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards