1/15This kitten looks like the ultimate scaredy cat as he gives new meaning to the term wide eyed. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
Meet Herman: The ultimate scaredy cat
HERMAN, an exotic shorthair, was born with exceptionally big eyes - giving him a permanently startled expression.
2/15Herman, an exotic shorthair, was born with exceptionally big eyes - giving him a permanently startled expression. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
3/15The five-month- old kitty lives in Copenhagen, Denmark, with his doting owner Shirley. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
4/15Herman, the exotic shorthair as a kitten. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
5/15Herman, the exotic shorthair sits with a toy mouse next to him. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
6/15Herman, the exotic shorthair when he was born. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
7/15Herman, the exotic shorthair walks along the back of a sofa. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
8/15Herman, the exotic shorthair plays with a miniature blue basketball. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
9/15Herman, the exotic shorthair as a tiny kitten. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
10/15Herman, the exotic shorthair looks up at the camera whilst holding onto a toy. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
11/15Herman, the exotic shorthair as a young kitten. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
12/15Herman, the exotic shorthair stares off camera, appearing very surprised. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
13/15Herman, the exotic shorthair has ginormous eyes. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
14/15Herman, the exotic shorthair appears very surprised. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
15/15Herman, the exotic shorthair and his owner Shirley Nordenskiold, taken in Copenhagen. Picture: Barcroft/Getty
Original URL: https://www.ntnews.com.au/news/photos/meet-herman-the-ultimate-scaredy-cat/image-gallery/13bc81fa500941df343b5fc98ddc634c