1/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. HIGHLY COMMENDED Category 1. Wide Angle Credit name: Herbert Meyrl/UPY 2018 Nationality: Germany. Location: Cenote Nariz, Yucatan, Mexico. “Cenote Nariz is the entrance to a large cave system in Yucatan. When I saw this perfect window opening into a large room ahead of us I signaled my team to stop. After mind mapping the spot I swam very cautiously through the window and placed 2 strobes in slave mode on either side behind the opening. Then I signaled my buddies to swim through the opening.”
World’s best underwater photos
THESE are the stunning photos that reveal the incredible secrets of the underwater world and leave you in awe at what really goes on beneath the surface.
2/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. WINNER Category 1. Wide Angle Credit name: Greg Lecoeur/UPY 2018 Nationality: France Image caption: Humpback whale spy hopping Country taken: Tonga Location: Vavau’. “ Very curious and playful whales came to investigate us and adopt the spy hopping posture in front of our masks. Although weighing several tens of tons this mammal showed incredible agility and power in holding itself vertically in the water. It was very impressive and we could feel the power of nature but we were also invaded at the same time a feeling of gentleness.”
3/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. WINNER of Portrait Category .Tanya Houppermans/UPY 2018 (USA) A sand tiger shark surrounded by tiny bait fish. Wreck of Caribsea, North Carolina. “As I descended to the wreck of the Caribsea, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. An enormous bait ball above the wreck, with dozens of sand tigers lazily meandering among the fish. As I slowly swam to the center of the bait ball, I looked up and noticed a sand tiger a few feet above me. I swam on my back underneath her, trying not to startle her. As I moved with the shark through the water the bait fish parted way, giving me a clear shot of the underside of this beautiful shark, and also one of the most incredible experiences I’ve had yet as an underwater photographer.”
4/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. Category WINNER and Underwater Photographer of the Year. Tobias Friedrich (Germany) CYCLE-WAR shot in Egypt. “For a few years now I had had this image in mind as the motorcycles on this truck inside the Thistlegorm lie so perfectly together, but you can only barely capture it because the wall is very close and you can’t move backwards enough to capture the whole scenery. As a result I had to create a panoramic image of the same scene to capture the whole cargo deck, including some lights that give the image more depth”.
5/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. HIGHLY COMMENDED in Portrait Category shot by Australian Matt Curnock/UPY 2018 .: A reflective green turtle hatchling. “This green turtle hatchling was photographed in the world’s first turtle health research facility, ‘The Caraplace’, at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia. The facility caters for the needs of turtles under near-natural conditions and enables researchers to study turtle health up close, to better understand the management of diseases and the environmental conditions that affect turtle populations globally. .
6/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. HIGHLY COMMENDED Category 4. Behaviour Credit name: Chris Burville/UPY 2018 Nationality: Bermuda. Tiger sharks feeding on sperm whale carcass in Bermuda. “A fisherman called. My friends and I mobilised. 28km offshore, drawn in by the stench, we found the Sperm Whale’s remains. Unable to resist, we slipped into the endless blue, 2000m above the ocean floor, to witness this natural wonder. Tiger and Blue Sharks casually paraded in and out of sight, occasionally feeding as the great carcass bobbed at the surface. “
7/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. WINNER Category 4. Behaviour Credit name: Filippo Borghi/UPY 2018 Nationality: Italy Image caption: the fisherman Country taken: Japan Location: Osezaki “In winter time in the Izu peninsula in tokio area the asiatic cormorant stop for couple of month before moving to China. So this is the best moment for try to shoot this amazing sea bird during diving and fishing.”
8/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. COMMENDED Category: Wide Angle Credit name: Wendy Timmermans/UPY 2018 Nationality: Netherlands. “This picture was taken with natural light and on one breath only, while freediving in the remote Cenote Nah Yah. A hypnotizing bundle of sunbeams lightened up the crystal clear water into the depths, contrasting with the darkness.”
9/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. RUNNER UP Category 5. Portrait Credit name: Mike Korostelev/UPY 2018 Nationality: Russian Federation Image caption: The nose. Country taken: Russia Location: Ozernaya river, Kamchatka, Russia “The picture was taken in Kuril Lake – the place with the highest concentration of bears on our planet. The bears here are not hungry (due to the annual mass spawning of sockeye salmon) so they get used to people and do not feel danger from them.”
10/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. THIRD Category 1. Wide Angle Credit name: Brook Peterson/UPY 2018 Nationality: United States Image caption: Sunset Snorkel Country taken: Egypt Location: Ras Um Sid, Red Sea “In the calm waters around Ras Um Sid when I noticed several people walking down the pier with snorkel gear. My first thought was to wait until they were out of the way, but then I realized that THEY were the story.”
11/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. COMMENDED Category 5. Portrait Credit name: Greg Lecoeur/UPY 2018 Nationality: France Image caption: Australian Sea Lion Country taken: Australia Location: Julien Bay Interacting with sea lions is a great experience, they are curious and playful with divers. In this picture we can see an endemic sea lion from Australia who was having fun standing on the sand posing in front of my camera. The conditions that day were excellent for making the image with the sun's rays piercing the surface.
12/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. WINNER Category 10. British Waters Macro Credit name: Henley Spiers/UPY 2018 Nationality: United Kingdom Image caption: Battle of the Tompots Country taken: U.K. Location: Swanage Pier, Swanage, Dorset “ Despite appearances, these two Tompot Blennies are not kissing but engaged in a ferocious battle over mating rights. The British summer is mating season amongst Tompots and competition is fierce. To my surprise and wonder, he was soon joined by another male and they started tussling. “
13/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. COMMENDED Category 1. Wide Angle Credit name: Renee Capozzola/UPY 2018 Nationality: United States Image caption: Blacktip Rendezvous Country taken: French Polynesia Location: Moorea. “It was my intention to go out at sunset and try to capture an over-under of the sharks. This shot was challenging as there was only a short time period when the sun was at the horizon.”
14/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. RUNNER UP Category 4. Behaviour Credit name: Scott Gutsy Tuason/UPY 2018 Nationality: Philippines Image caption: In Hinding Country taken: Philippines Location: Janao Bay, Batangas “Edwin, one of our divemasters, called me over to show me this beautiful Jellyfish, for me only to realise it had a juvenile Trevally within it, and to my amazement, it was wedged between the bell and the tentacles! I had seen many Jack and Jelly combos before but never like this. “
15/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. Category WINNER & British Underwater Photographer of the Year Category 9. British Waters Wide Angle Credit name: Grant Thomas/UPY 2018 Nationality: United Kingdom Image caption: Love Birds Country taken: Scotland Location: Luss Pier, Loch Lomondb “ I have always been fascinated by over-under photography, connecting the everyday terrestrial world that we all know with the less familiar underwater secrets. I chose Loch Lomond as the location for this shot due to its idilic scenery, water access and friendly swans.”
16/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. HIGHLY COMMENDED Category 4. Behaviour Credit name: Renee Capozzola/UPY 2018 Nationality: United States Image caption: Honu Love At Dusk Country taken: USA Location: Napili, Hawaii “Just after the sun had set I then noticed a large turtle underneath me swimming very fast. I saw two turtles come together and flip upside down. As I tried to capture a few shots of them, the turtles then rose to the surface and started mating there.
17/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. COMMENDED Category 8. Up Coming. Credit name: ROMAIN BARATS/UPY 2018 Nationality: France Image caption: A lagoon glimpse Country taken: French Polynesia Location: Moorea lagoon “After close to 2 hours all the actors were finally in a row for the shot. Sharks and rays belong to the same family despite their differences. A curious sting ray is showing off, creating a perfect foreground, requiring a focus on her but I wanted sharp sharks to create a good background,
18/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. RUNNER UP Category 8. Up & Coming Credit name: Jacob Degee/UPY 2018 Nationality: Poland Image caption: The Hammer Country taken: Bahamas Location: Bimini. “Glorious, mighty, curious but shy four meter long ladies. The Great Hammerheads were slowly circulating around us. It was the opportunity to do what I had in my mind for months. “Stay calm, be patient” was constantly echoing in my mind. Sitting on a soft sandy bottom, facing against the sun I could have only waited. And there she was coming directly at me...”
19/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. THIRD Category 5. Portrait Credit name: Rodney Bursiel/UPY 2018 Nationality: United States Image caption: Under The Wave Country taken: Fiji Location: Cloud. “ I captured this shot of Donavon Frankenreiter playing under the wave at Cloudbreak. When shooting surf photography I love being under the wave. There is just so much more going on there. Seeing the power of the wave from below and watching the surfers dive below it. It’s the side of the wave that you don’t get to see from the shore. “
20/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. HIGHLY COMMENDED Category 8. Up & Coming Credit name: Sylvie Ayer/UPY 2018 Nationality: Switzerland Image caption: Synchronised ballet of bull sharks Country taken: Mozambique Location: Ponta Del Ouro Mozambique is one of the best places in the world to dive with bull sharks. I was there specially for that. Diving with them is a guarantee of adrenaline. The visibility was great. Only blue....and bull sharks. For a few seconds there was plenty of them around us and I tried to my best.
21/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. COMMENDED Category 9. British Waters Wide Angle Credit name: Will Clark/UPY 2018 Nationality: United Kingdom Image caption: Basking shark feeding Country taken: Scotland Location: Off the Isle of Coll. “ Each year dozens of basking sharks arrive to the rich waters off the Inner Hebrides archipelago as part of their annual migrations. A bloom in plant plankton occurs in the warming springtime waters, which leads to an explosion in the numbers of animal plankton at the height of summer. “
22/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. COMMENDED Category 4. Behaviour Credit name: Mika Saareila/UPY 2018 Nationality: Finland Image caption: Attack Country taken: Finland Location: Vuoksi river in Imatra It took a lot of time and effort to get this picture. I backlit the fish with snooted flash and another close to the dome port. In addition I used another flash for overall lighting. I shot the crab feeding for some time and then it attacked the camera dome!
23/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. HIGHLY COMMENDED Category 9. British Waters Wide Angle Credit name: Spencer Burrows /UPY 2018 Nationality: United Kingdom Image caption: Courtship Country taken: England Location: Farne Islands : “The Farne Islands is home to an estimated population of 5,000 Grey Seals. I like to visit during the autumn months, the water is generally at its warmest and clearest. This is also the breeding season which usually ensures plenty of activity and interaction.”
24/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. COMMENDED Category 4. Behaviour Credit name: Anders Nyberg/UPY 2018 Nationality: Sweden Image caption: Spinning Anthias Country taken: Indonesia Location: Drop-Off, Tulamben, Bali Me and my guide from the dive centre at Mimpi Resort were looking for some Ghost Pipefish when we stumbled on these two lovely fish (Anthias. pseudanthias squamipinnis). The two fish were fighting; spinning around and around and just ignored us.
25/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. Category WINNER & Up & Coming Underwater Photographer of the Year Category 8. Up & Coming Credit name: ManBd UiDive/UPY 2018 Nationality: Malaysia Image caption: ROAR Country taken: INDONESIA Location: YOS DIVE LEMBEH HOUSE REEF “When I was shooting this nudibranch a moray eel suddenly appeared out from the blue behind the nudi. I was shocked for a while but decided it would be a great composition. As a few minute flew by to my surprise another nudi appeared right behind the other one maybe to mate. “
26/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. COMMENDED Category 4. Behaviour Credit name: Adriano Morettin/UPY 2018 Nationality: Italy Image caption: Hyppocampus guttulatus coupling dance Country taken: Croatia Location: Gulf of Rijeka, northern Adriatic Sea This photo is part of a series of seven consecutive images that I took of an exceptional and very difficult scene to be seen concerning the coupling dance between two seahorses of the Hyppocampus guttulatus species. The whole phase of the coupling lasted 15-20 seconds.
27/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. RUNNER UP Category 1. Wide Angle Credit name: Fan Ping/UPY 2018 Nationality: China Image caption: Surrounded Country taken: The Bahamas Location: Shark junction, Freeport. “Shark behaviourist Ms. Cristina Zenato has been studying Caribbean Reef Sharks near Freeport in The Bahamas for over 24 years The unique bond between her and the sharks allows her to get really close to them without putting them into tonic immobility and this has been helping many scientists and conservationists better understand and protect this beautiful species.”
28/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. HIGHLY COMMENDED Category 4. Behaviour Credit name: Filippo Borghi/UPY 2018 Nationality: Italy Image caption: the birth Country taken: italy Location: tirrenica sea, porto santo stefano(grosseto) “I went to dive this site to photograph Mediterranean black coral but during the dive I discovered various shark egg cases in different stages of evolution. One of the egg cases had started to hatch and a baby shark was emerging! I took some photos s fast I could of this incredible moment.”
29/29Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. HIGHLY COMMENDED Category 4. Behaviour Credit name: Shane Gross/UPY 2018 Nationality: Canada Image caption: Nurse shark mating is no gentle affair. Country taken: The Bahama Location: Eleuthera Island. “I woke up just before sunrise to the splashing sound of mating nurse sharks just 50 steps from shore in 2 feet of water. Once the males were locked on to the females pectoral fins they were so distracted it was like I wasn’t even there.”
Original URL: https://www.ntnews.com.au/news/photos/best-underwater-photos-in-the-world/image-gallery/9f35398681c796d41143500e8fe40001