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A generic FIFO Image. This picture has been taken and modified to make it "generic". Fly in Fly out.

Mental health in spotlight

THE fly-in, fly-out lifestyle is tough and it’s taking its toll on the mental health and relationships of workers and their families

Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop is seen at offering remarks following the signing of a maritime borders treaty between Australia and Timor-Leste at UN Headquarters in New York, NY, USA on March 6, 2018. 06 Mar 2018 Pictured: Deputy Minister of the Prime Minister for the Delimitation of Borders for Timor-Leste Agio Pereira (L) and Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop (R) are seen at during the signing of a maritime borders treaty between Australia and Timor-Leste at UN Headquarters in New York, NY, USA on March 6, 2018. (Photo by Albin Lohr-Jones/Sipa USA). Photo credit: Albin Lohr-Jones/Sipa USA / MEGA +1 888 505 6342

Historic period tightens bond

A LANDMARK agreement to settle the long and bitter dispute about maritime borders between East Timor and Australia was overdue – but is certainly most welcome

Year 6 students Koen Hughes and Jenny Totham from Driver Primary School have been enjoying the schools introduction of technology to engage students with learning maths and a team environment, which has been a great help in helping students excel in their NAPLAN results.

Future starts in classroom

SIGNS of improvement in learning for kids across the Territory are a promising sign that the legacy of NAPLAN testing is beginning to take shape

Vacant lot on Gardens Rd Darwin City, Northern TerritoryPicture: Keri Megelus

Time for right royal clean-up

DARWIN has the potential to be Australia’s best city. With its warm climate, laid-back residents, abundance of laksa, and lack of traffic — Darwinites have a lot to be thankful about

File Shots :  NT Parliament House, Darwin

Time to watch the watchers

STRAIGHT shooting backbencher Scott McConnell has a compelling point that the Gunner Government should open its books for a sweeping audit

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