
Everyone has a responsibility to make sure their colleagues are safe in the workplace

THE Territory political landscape has been implicated in similar sex scandals to those dominating the national headlines this week which have caused pain and heartache to those involved

Coalition women are 'the most isolated women' in Canberra

THE Territory political landscape has been implicated in similar sex scandals to those dominating the national headlines this week which have caused pain and heartache to those involved.

Why is it the behaviour of some men who rise to the top of politics and the public service falls well below the moral expectations of the public?


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Our women deserve action. Now.

The problem comes from within and the male colleagues who don’t speak up and take a stand against the disgusting acts that have taken place.

Under the mask of power, indiscretions can be swept away and hidden because of the fear that can be wielded towards those who want to break the cycle.

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Often the only time incidents are revealed is when someone is brave enough to speak up against the perceived weight of repercussions which could fall upon them if they break ranks.

This is how culture is changed for the better. But it shouldn’t have to come to this.

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Everyone has a responsibility to make sure their colleagues are safe in the workplace.

The saying goes that with great power comes great responsibility.

It is time the men who have been caught up in these scandals – and the ones who are yet to be exposed – live up to those expectations for the sake of the women they work with and for the generation of girls growing up now.

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