
Cops cracking down on drug drivers is a good thing and will make our roads safer

Drug driving is shaping up to be a focus for NT Police as they crack down on poor drivers

NT Police cracking down on drug drivers is a good thing.
NT Police cracking down on drug drivers is a good thing.

DRUG driving is shaping up to be a focus for NT Police as they crack down on poor drivers.

Cops have ramped up testing and in turn an increase in people have been caught flouting laws.

This is a good thing as one, it gets those bad drivers off the road, making it safer for everyone else, and two it sends a clear message to those who drug drive that you will be caught.

We don’t need any more idiots on the road, we already have the most road deaths per capita in the nation, so anything that can be done to make driving safer, is a good thing.

Drug infringements handed out last financial year is almost double on the year before with 217 and 114 dished out respectfully.


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Those figures however are a stark increase on the 2017/2018 financial year where just 33 infringements were handed out.

Drug driving is one of the fatal five factors that lead to an increase in road crashes, deaths and injuries.

The fatal five factors are, drug and drink driving, not wearing a seatbelt, inattention, speeding and using a mobile phone.

Police are doing all they can to make sure motorists are safe on the road and those who have the privilege to be able to drive need to understand their responsibilities.

Use your common sense before you get behind the wheel, and while you are behind the wheel.

If you’ve had a few drinks sober up or get a lift, if you’re tired don’t drive, don’t answer that phone call – it’s not that important and put on your bloody seatbelt.

It’s really not that hard.

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They are all simple things you learn when you take your test to get your license.

They are also pretty easy steps you can take to ensure your and other people are safe.

So before you get behind the wheel stop and think so we can make sure everyone is safe on Territory roads.

Just one fatality is too many. 

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