
A testing time for our police

TERRITORY police will soon be subjected to the same drug and alcohol testing their interstate colleagues have had for years.

Constable Clint Richardson and Police are conducting the Territories first drug driving tests at Coolalinga this morning.
Constable Clint Richardson and Police are conducting the Territories first drug driving tests at Coolalinga this morning.

TERRITORY police will soon be subjected to the same drug and alcohol testing their interstate colleagues have had for years.

The development of legislation comes in the same week drug-driving testing was introduced to keep Territory motorists affected by drugs from getting behind the wheel.

But if the drug-testing kits are available to be used on motorists, why can’t the same kits be used to test cops on the job now?

The police should be commended for introducing the policy and keeping up the high standards the community expects from its police force.

Many NT News readers pointed out the hypocrisy of police being able to test drivers for drugs when the powers-that-be were yet to implement a policy to test police for the same substances.

Legal experts also made the point the public may be more willing to accept the introduction of drug-driving laws if police were tested for drugs.

It is essential officers in the line of duty who carry firearms, Tasers and capsicum spray, and who are required to drive at high speeds and make decisions in high-pressure situations, are clear of mind when on the beat.

Almost every other Australian police force tests its officers for illicit substances and has done for many years.

Police Minister Peter Chandler said the police officers were treated as members of the public and must abide by the same laws.

They can be breath tested at random like any other motorist and charged with offences if they break the law.

The NT Police Association (NTPA) president Paul McCue ­believes drug use is not a major problem within the ranks of the force and supports keeping the workplace free of substances and says the NTPA should play a key role in forming the policy.

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