
United Workers Union NT criticises Covid-19 mandatory vaccines for workers in high-risk environments

The United Workers Union NT has criticised the mandatory vaccine announcement for workers in high-risk environments, saying it would put livelihoods at risk.

Victorian construction workers vaccine requirements

THE United Workers Union NT (UWU NT) has come out swinging against the Chief Minister’s mandatory vaccine announcement for workers in high-risk environments, saying it lacked regard for Territorians and would put livelihoods at risk.

On Wednesday, Chief Minister Michael Gunner announced vaccines would be mandatory for all Territory workers in high-risk environments, with those who refuse to either be reassigned to another role or dismissed. He said stakeholders, including unions, would be consulted.

During the announcement, Mr Gunner said while he respected people’s choices not to get vaccinated, he did not agree with the burden that could be put on the Territory.

“You don’t get to choose to burden our health system because you refuse to follow preventive measures,” he said.

“You don’t get to choose to be a spreader of a deadly virus in our community.”

However, UWU NT branch secretary Erina Early said the decision could threaten workers’ livelihoods. “The government appears to have given employers the green light to threatening workers’ livelihoods under pretence of vaccination status,” she said.

United Workers Union NT branch secretary Erina Early.
United Workers Union NT branch secretary Erina Early.

“The Chief Minister’s statement that anyone who works in customer-facing roles or workers who directly interact with vulnerable person covers nearly every worker in the NT.

“This ill-defined, rubbery statement is ripe for abuse by manipulative, unscrupulous employers or managers who utilise fear of reprisals to exercise illegitimate control over their workers – workers already made extremely fearful for their jobs by the carnage wrecked by Covid.”

Ms Early called Mr Gunner’s statement that workers could be reassigned or dismissed “disgusting”.

“This journey to normal requires a clear process with consultation with unions, employer associations, Aboriginal organisations, businesses and other stakeholders – not just who the government wants to get brownie points from,” she said.

People who will be required to be vaccinated are those who work directly with vulnerable people such as teachers and childcare workers, frontline health and emergency workers, people who work in the community services sector, in remote communities and customer-facing roles in supermarkets, retail and hospitality.

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