
Two prized dairy buffaloes shot dead at Rum Jungle farm

A RUM Jungle Buffalo farm was left devastated after two of their prized bovines were callously shot, and left to die a slow death.

Prize buffaloes shot and killed
Prize buffaloes shot and killed

A RUM Jungle Buffalo farm was left devastated after two of their prized bovines were callously shot, and left to die a slow death.

Top End Buffalo, a Riverine buffalo dairy farm, had their number one breeding bull and a top milking and breeding cow shot and killed on Sunday.

Pictures of Top End Buffalo owner Geoff Arthur “absolutely grief-stricken over this senseless shooting” were posted to the Top End Buffalo Facebook page.

“We were absolutely devastated at the farm today,” the post read.

“On investigating rifle shots heard near the creek, we found two of our purebred Riverine buffaloes dead.”

Luca, the number one breeding bull was shot first, following by prized milking and breeding cow Blue.

“Luca was shot in the neck, and would have taken some time to die.

“He would have seen the shooters and probably turned towards them from the back of the herd, where he was protecting his family.

“(Blue) would have been with the herd as it moved off after the shooting of Luca, and was shot up the backside.

“She too would have taken some time to die. She had a new calf afoot which we are hoping will be surrogated by another mother.

Police were contacted and given the registrations details of a vehicle that was intercepted by Mr Arthur, 75 metres of where Luca was later found lying dead in the grass.

Police and the Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries’ said Animal Welfare Branch was investigating the incident.

Remote Sergeant Stephen McWilliams said the animals were valued at approximately $5000.

Police would like to speak with anyone who may have seen a white Hilux on Poett Rd between 12.30pm and 1pm on Sunday July 5.

A spokesman for the Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries’ said penalties under the Animal Welfare Act for cruelty and aggravated cruelty to animals could mean fines of up to $30,000 and/or two years in jail.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1300 333 000.

DPIF Animal Welfare Branch will investigate any reported complaints of animal cruelty, any person wishing to report incidents of animal cruelty and neglect can call 1300 720 386.

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