
Three new COVID-19 cases at Howard Springs

A 4-YEAR-OLD girl is among three new cases of coronavirus diagnosed at Howard Springs

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A 4-YEAR-OLD girl is among three new cases of coronavirus diagnosed at Howard Springs.

The girl, along with two other women, 39 and 58, arrived on an earlier repatriation flight from New Dehli.

They remain under the care of the AUSMAT team at the Centre for National Resilience.


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Since repatriation flights to the Northern Territory began on October 23, 2020, 1001 international arrivals have undertaken quarantine at the Howard Springs Centre for National Resilience and a total of 19 positive COVID-19 cases have been reported.

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The total number of cases diagnosed in the Northern Territory is 53.

All cases have been related to international or interstate travel, with no cases of community transmission.

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