
Prominent Territorians share their top three ideas to make the NT greater

SOME of the best and brightest Territorians share their top three ideas on how to make the NT even greater

SOME of the best and brightest Territorians share their top three ideas on how to make the NT even greater.

JOHN “FOXY” ROBINSON — Developer, businessman and philanthropist

1. Build a five-star hotel and a commercial airstrip at Kakadu like the one at Uluru. Start attracting the tourists into Kakadu by letting them fly in. They do it at Uluru and it works.

John 'Foxy' Robinson.
John 'Foxy' Robinson.

2. We have to develop onshore gas if we want to create jobs for small towns and communities and want to get off the federal government’s teat. Let the farmers and indigenous land owners get royalties, let the NT Government get royalties. Relying on Canberra is no good.

3. We have to educate everyone. Everyone’s got to get to school and parents have to make sure they get to school. Then we can fix the welfare system.



ANYA LORIMER — Sprout Creative and creator of Territory Taste

1. Everyone needs to become fans and champions of the Territory. It means people want to visit here, move here and make a life here.

Anya Lorimer.
Anya Lorimer.

2. Support Local — Buy local, shop local, spend local. Support local first — those who invest here, live here, support the community and employ Territory staff.

3. Break down the Berrimah Line: We should be on the same team. Top End has Kakadu and Alice has the Rock — we have two of Australia’s greatest visitor attractions and some of the best food, people and places yet we seem to constantly compete with ourselves.

Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra OAM — Chairman, Board of Directors, the Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation (ALPA)

1. Businesses must be Territory owned and driven, employing Territorians. No fly in fly out businesses or employees. Don’t gift our economic prosperity and future to other jurisdictions.

Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra.
Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra.

2. Closer and more productive trading relationships with our northern international neighbours. This is one the keys to economic prosperity for the Territory in the future.

3. The Territory needs to ensure it has a strong economic base to reduce its reliance on the Federal Government. Business needs to engage with indigenous leaders about accessing that land. Economic inclusion rather than economic intrusion.

Brian O’Gallagher — Chamber of Commerce

1. Indigenous stakeholders are a central part of the Territory’s future. Governments need to do more to involve indigenous communities in growing the Territory.

Brian O'Gallagher.
Brian O'Gallagher.

2. More streamlining in the Public Service. Executive level of the current Public Service is bloated. We have an over managed bureaucracy that in many cases is an activity trap reporting for no discernible need at a great waste of taxpayers’ money.

3. In Darwin we need to revitalise the CBD. Activate the Darwin Mall as a place that families, tourists and locals to want to visit. Food, hospitality and entertainment are the key.

TRACEY HAYES — CEO Cattlemen’s Association

1. Intensifying and diversifying agriculture. Our future customers (billions) are merely a stone throw away to the north and the apparent desire for safe, clean and healthy food, positions the Territory well with a geographical competitive advantage.

Tracey Hayes.
Tracey Hayes.

2. What do things like salt, lithium, potassium, phosphate, manganese and energy (renewable and hydrocarbon) have in common? It may surprise some that the Territory has an abundant supply of all, and more. Think batteries, mobile phone parts, fertiliser and much more, supplying ourselves and the voluminous needs of our neighbours.

3. Give investors the chance to have a go at building capacity for our nation to generate, refine, store and have in reserve, the power we need from the conventional to the renewable, because we have it all in spades.

DAVE MALONE —| Executive director Master Builders

1. Negotiate with the Prime Minister so that Territory firms build the $20 billion of Defence projects over the next 20 years. Without local participation, we will have missed the richest source of opportunity and jobs on the horizon.

Dave Malone.
Dave Malone.

2. Make our regional centres (Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs tax free (no stamp duty and no payroll tax etc). The tax incentives will encourage people to live in the Territory and create jobs.

3. We can’t expect everyone to accidentally ‘discover’ the Territory. Whether its investors, tourists or future Territorians, we have to create the pathways to them understanding the opportunities in this part of the world.

SHANE DIGNAN — Halikos Group

1. A memorial and tourist attraction dedicated to the Bombing of Darwin (similar to that of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii) that could incorporate guided day tours.

Shane Dignan.
Shane Dignan.

2. A central university campus in the heart of the CBD that will bring students into the city and create a learning hub and activate the area.

3. A multifunctional enclosed sports and entertainment stadium with the ability to host events right throughout the year.

MIKE HUGHES — CEO Landbridge Australia

1. A shared vision. Realising the dream of Darwin as “Australia’s northern gateway”. Interconnecting the markets, businesses and people of the Territory together with Asia and China for mutual benefit and prosperity.

Mike Hughes
Mike Hughes

2. Political and community leadership — Higher living standards, lower costs and jobs for young Territorians will all come with this vision. Realising this vision requires leadership.

3. Long term investors — This vision requires investment and it should be welcomed because it builds wealth and raises living standards for the whole community. Foreign investors will commit to the Territory long term.

DARLENE CHIN — small business owner/lifetime Territorian

1. CBD property owners should invest in their properties and surrounds. Have pride in the streetscape and make the CBD a place to be proud of.

2. Be part of the solution. Stop whingeing and start doing something. As a community, we need to come together and show that we are proud of what we have here in the Territory, and we care enough to contribute in a meaningful way.

Darlene Chin.
Darlene Chin.

3.Keep your money in the Territory as much as possible. Support local businesses (and community groups). If local retailers are not supported, who is going to fill the empty tenancies or give your kids a job?

MARK MUNNICH — Northern Territory Young Achiever of the Year

1. Greater Government investment in promoting Territory tourism. We have world class tourism product which we should spend more money on promoting to be bring tourists back to the Territory.

Mark Munnich
Mark Munnich

2. Invest more in our youth and young people. Youth are not only our future they are our present. Invest in more youth programs that engage our young people to give them new pathways and to help them make the right decisions.

3. Embrace our multiculturalism. We should share with the world why we are the most harmonious and multicultural capital city in Australia. It is a strength that should be highlighted

CHARLIE KING — radio personality

1. Create a Darwin that reflects we are Australia’s northern most tropical city. Innovative urban planning will set us apart as the tropical north. The Stuart Highway and the roads leading into the city from the airport, and the airport itself, do not reflect that we live in the tropics.

Charlie King.
Charlie King.

2. Engage with indigenous and Torres Strait Islander people as tourism ambassadors across the Territory. Most visitors would welcome the opportunity to be met and greeted by indigenous people and to have a positive indigenous experience.

3. The foundation of a great community is the quality of life of its people. However, as long as we tolerate the high levels of violence that undermines the other good things we do then the Territory will never truly be great.

What are your ideas? Email them to and put “Let’s Make the Territory Greater” in the subject line.

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