
Former AFP assistant commissioner Matthew Varley appointed NT Corrections commissioner

A long-serving AFP assistant commissioner, who has also served in the Solomon Islands and advising the Attorney-General, has been appointed as the NT’s Corrections commissioner.

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A LONG-SERVING police officer and assistant commissioner for the Australian Federal Police (AFP) has been appointed as the new Corrections Commissioner.

Matthew Varley has been appointed to the position, following the death of former Commissioner Scott McNairn last year.

Mr Varley has worked for 24 years across justice, police and the public service.

He has held police roles as Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police, assistant commissioner for the AFP, the AFP’s adviser to the federal Attorney-General, and was a career officer for the New South Wales police service.

Mr Varley was the Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities’s Youth Justice and Emergency Management general manager, and said he was excited to move into corrections.

Former AFP Commander Matthew Varley has been appointed Corrections commissioner in the Northern Territory. Picture: File.
Former AFP Commander Matthew Varley has been appointed Corrections commissioner in the Northern Territory. Picture: File.

“As a former police officer, and now having worked in the NT youth justice system, I understand that community safety is connected to appropriate and effective correctional programs,” he said.

“I want to pay my respects to my predecessor Commissioner Scott McNairn and I am looking forward to taking his legacy forward.”

Mr Varley takes over from acting commissioner David Thompson.

Attorney-General Selena Uibo said Mr Varley was qualified for the role, given his experience “on territory, state, national and international levels”.

“I look forward to working with him to achieve better outcomes for Territorians and our justice sector,” Ms Uibo said.

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