
Chief Minister responds to ‘distressing’ video of 11yo boy in paddywagon

The Chief Minister has described footage of an 11-year-old boy being forced into a paddywagon as uncomfortable, but says she backs child protection services.

The Australian has published a video of a 11-year-old boy being forcibly put into a police paddywagon. Picture: The Australian
The Australian has published a video of a 11-year-old boy being forcibly put into a police paddywagon. Picture: The Australian

The Chief Minister has thrown her support behind child protection services despite describing footage of an 11-year-old being forced into a paddywagon as “distressing”.

The Australian published a video on Tuesday of two Territory police officers removing an Aboriginal boy from a non-Indigenous family, carrying the child by his hands and feet into the back of a police van.

Three Territory Families staffers also appear to watch on as the boy desperately pleads for them to stop.

Chief Minister Natasha Fyles described the footage as “distressing” but maintained her support for the authorities’ response.

“Does it make me comfortable? No, it’s distressing to see but at the same time, these cases are complex and our frontline agencies are working extremely hard in those situations that are not straight forward,” she said.

Chief Minister Natasha Fyles backed the work of police and Territory families but said there were avenues for the matter to be reviewed. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin
Chief Minister Natasha Fyles backed the work of police and Territory families but said there were avenues for the matter to be reviewed. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin

“Our police work incredibly hard, they work with Territory Families intricately and they go through an enormous amount of training.

“These cases are incredibly complex, we need to make sure that the child’s safety comes first.”

The non-Indigenous couple had raised the boy from seven-weeks-old until Territory Families first removed him two years ago, according to The Australian.

Since that time he had reportedly cycled through more than seven foster homes.

It was also reported the couple were no longer certified foster carers and now without any right to contact the boy or know of his whereabouts.

Ms Fyles said there were avenues for the matter to be reviewed but would not be drawn to commenting on the specific incident.

“We have frontline workers that deal with complex situations, and they are reviewed through a number of mechanisms,” she said.

“If someone that wasn’t there feels that they want to make a complaint, they can also do so.

“There’s checks and balances within the system to address systematic issues as well as individualised responses.”

NT Senator Malarndirri McCarthy said the image was “concerning”. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin
NT Senator Malarndirri McCarthy said the image was “concerning”. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin

NT Senator Malarndirri McCarthy said on Tuesday it was “concerning” that any child would be put into a paddywagon.

“That’s certainly not what I would want to see, and I’d certainly like to look into what the issues are around that,” she said.

Territory Families Minister Kate Worden said it was an “ongoing case” and that police and the department would work together in the best interests of the children involved.

“All Territory children deserve to grow up in safe, healthy, happy homes, this is why we take child protection very seriously,” she said.

“Police use their best judgement and knowledge to make decisions at the time. The welfare of children is paramount.”

Assistant Police Commissioner Martin Dole said police frequently worked with Territory Families.

“Child protection work is extremely complex and NT Police are mandated to assist when required. We are unable to comment on individual cases,” he said.

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