
Australian Defence Force personnel to move into former Howard Springs quarantine facility

A $1.56m bill for flood evacuees’ use of the Howard Springs quarantine facility has been revealed ahead of the site being signed over to the Defence Force to house troops.

Former quarantine site to undergo $100,000 upgrade

Up to $1.56m will have been spent on security and repairs at the Howard Springs quarantine facility when the final bill is tallied after it was used to house flood evacuees from remote communities, estimates hearings have revealed.

The Country Liberal Party welcomed the government’s move to lease the facility as defence housing, but called for more transparency around the damage bill before its new residents are due to move in by the end of the month.

Unconfirmed reports of damage to the Howard Springs centre were made while it was used to home hundreds of people displaced by floods in Kalkarindji, Daguragu and Pigeon Hole in March this year – the government admitting little beyond general “wear and tear”.

Opposition leader Lia Finocchiaro called for more transparency around the total damage bill at Howard Springs. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin
Opposition leader Lia Finocchiaro called for more transparency around the total damage bill at Howard Springs. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin

Questions submitted by the CLP during senate estimates last month have since confirmed $1.02 million was spent on security for the facility during that time, along with $197,000 on repairs and maintenance, $11,000 on fire extinguishers, $35,000 on plumbing, and $45,000 on fixing 100 windows.

“With 573 windows left to replace, at $450 per window that would cost taxpayers $302,850 in windows alone,” Opposition leader Lia Finocchiaro said.

“Again, leaving Territorians with more questions than answers.

“A name change and new purpose cannot cover up the fact that Natasha Fyles is still hiding the true cost of ‘wear and tear’ to the facility to Territorians.

More than 670 windows were reportedly smashed at Howard Springs during the flood repatriation efforts. Picture: Ben Sale/ Other Side Productions
More than 670 windows were reportedly smashed at Howard Springs during the flood repatriation efforts. Picture: Ben Sale/ Other Side Productions

“With four short weeks left for the government to finalise those repairs before Defence personnel move in, the government must come forward and cough up to Territorians what the true cost of the damage is.”

Ms Finocchiaro would not go so far as to say the money was misspent, but repeated calls for more transparency.

A NT government spokeswoman emphasised security and repair costs were separate issues.

“Like any evacuation centre security is needed. Security is a normal part of facilitating these services,” she said.

“The repair cost for (Howard Springs) is $288,000 with another tender for works expected shortly.”

‘Just makes sense’: ADF signs lease for Howard Springs

The former Howard Springs quarantine facility will revert to workers’ accommodation with a new five-year lease signed by the Australian Defence Force.

The federal and NT governments announced the establishment of the Defence Accommodation Precinct Darwin, effective immediately.

Thousands of troops will soon call the 3500-bed facility home, almost a year to the day after the quarantine facility was officially closed.

The first cohort of more than 1300 residents, from more than 10 different nations, are set to move in later this month.

The 3500-bed facility will soon house thousands of ADF troops and staff. Picture: Che Chorley
The 3500-bed facility will soon house thousands of ADF troops and staff. Picture: Che Chorley

Chief Minister Natasha Fyles said the agreement came about after lengthy discussions with stakeholders.

“Repurposing the former Centre for National Resilience facility as a Defence accommodation precinct allows Defence to more readily host visiting forces and services in the Territory while also supporting the availability of short term, business and tourism accommodation options for use in the greater Darwin area, particularly during the peak season,” she said.

Assistant Defence Minister Matt Thistlethwaite said the location of the accommodation was ideal for Defence personnel.

Federal Assistant Defence Minister Matt Thistlethwaite announces the Howard Springs facility will be used for the Defence Accommodation Precinct Darwin. Picture: Sierra Haigh
Federal Assistant Defence Minister Matt Thistlethwaite announces the Howard Springs facility will be used for the Defence Accommodation Precinct Darwin. Picture: Sierra Haigh

“It’s about 10km to Robertson Barracks and just over 20km to Larrakeyah Barracks and RAAF base Darwin, so this facility makes a lot of sense for the defence force to ensure that it can use it for the accommodation for troops into the future,” he said.

He said they had signed a deal for the next five years, with the federal government contributing $50m per year for the space.

“For the next five years, with two five year options ongoing, is a great symbol of that commitment and that strength and that partnership between our governments,” he said.

“The importance of this facility is it will take pressure off the local accommodation market during a crucial time for the NT tourism season. And that will ensure that there’s more beds for tourists to come to this wonderful part of Australia.

Across more than two years 60,000 Australians came through the Howard Springs facility for their period of quarantine.
Across more than two years 60,000 Australians came through the Howard Springs facility for their period of quarantine.

The 67ha Howard Springs village was originally built as accommodation for workers on the Inpex project in 2012 before being handed back to the government in 2019.

During the pandemic, more than 60,000 Australians were housed at the facility, which ended its tenure as a quarantine space on July 1, 2022.

The space was again used as emergency accommodation for residents of Kalkaringi, Dagaragu and Pigeon Hole who escaped flooding in the region in March.

Chief Minister Natasha Fyles announces the Howard Springs facility will be used for the Defence Accommodation Precinct Darwin. Picture: Sierra Haigh
Chief Minister Natasha Fyles announces the Howard Springs facility will be used for the Defence Accommodation Precinct Darwin. Picture: Sierra Haigh

It was later revealed the facility sustained close to $300,000 in damage while the flood evacuees were there.

Infrastructure Minister Eva Lawler said the works to repair the damage would be finalised in the next four weeks.

Ms Fyles said the deal was in the best interest of all Territorians.

“There’ll be no cost to Territorians from Defence using this facility, and if we did need to use it for an emergency type response for Territorians we have negotiated that in the agreement with Defence,” she said.

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