
Your say: Aussies reveal what they think about Trump’s tariff decision

Our readers have taken aim at Anthony Albanese as they reveal what the Prime Minister should have done to help Australia avoid missing out on a US tariff exemption.

Possibility of Australia facing tariffs on ‘other commodities’

A majority of readers have criticised Peter Dutton’s claim that he could have secured a tariff exemption, calling the decision inevitable.

Mr Dutton accused Anthony Albanese on Wednesday of letting Australians down by not securing an exemption from Donald Trump’s sweeping 25 per cent tariffs on steel and aluminium.

The Opposition Leader said it was a “bad day for Australia”, with jobs now “at risk”.

A majority of readers have criticised Peter Dutton’s claim that he could have secured a tariff exemption.
A majority of readers have criticised Peter Dutton’s claim that he could have secured a tariff exemption.

“The President won’t even pick up the phone when Anthony Albanese calls. He can’t even get a meeting, which is why the Prime Minister hasn’t gone to the US,” he said.

However, many Australians disagreed with Mr Dutton, while the PM didn't escape criticism either.

The story attracted over 1953 comments, here is what you said.



“Does Delusional Dutton really think he is the only person on earth that will change the mind of Trump on tariffs???? every nation on earth copped the same deal Australia isn’t an isolated case Mr Dutton. Your Liberal puppeteers must be worried about some of these sensational self-adoration comments Peter Dutton is putting out there.

“Little wonder his Liberal masters kept him hidden away for the last week. The more we hear of Dutton’s nonsense, I’m afraid to say it but the better chance Albo has of retaining the job. Dutton could have stopped the tariffs?? That’ll do me -comedian.”


“If Dutton and his supporters think that if (he) was the PM the decision would have (been) different they are delusional! Trump was always going to impose tariffs on Australian steel and aluminium.

“Australia in retaliation should abandon AUKUS, leave the Quad and Five Eyes, close Pine Gao, expel all US soldiers from Australian territory and declare neutrality. This is the only language a bully like Trump will understand!”


“Same “strong” Peter Dutton who ducked off from the cyclone to go to a billionaire mate’s party? OK. Guess he knows a thing it two about dealing with the ultra rich before real people.”


“Dutton lashes Albanese. Does he ever do anything else? Does he have any credible solutions? Rarely!”


“Dutton making a fool of himself again. How many countries did Trump give exemptions to? Probably none.”

Dutton accused Anthony Albanese of letting Australians down by not securing an exemption from Donald Trump’s sweeping 25 per cent tariffs on steel and aluminium. Picture: Christian Gilles
Dutton accused Anthony Albanese of letting Australians down by not securing an exemption from Donald Trump’s sweeping 25 per cent tariffs on steel and aluminium. Picture: Christian Gilles



“Trump sees Albanese as Australia’s Weakest Link and knows that he’s two faced and can’t stand by his promises.”


“Albo just hasn’t got one idea at all about anything. Trump has said all along he is sick of the US being used as a piggy bank for the rest of the world

“Through the hundreds and hundreds of millions of tariffs around the world on US goods the US gets about 300 million back.”


“Peter Dutton take note, from the Wall Street Journal. “No exceptions”!

“Trump’s team has said repeatedly there would be no exceptions or exemptions to the latest global steel and aluminium tariffs. In internal discussions and conversations with industry and labor groups, the administration appears to be sticking to that line, at least for now, say people familiar with conversations.”


“Trump is looking after his people, not like Albo. We have our own gas and our own iron ore and yet we pay the most for our power. We sell everything and charge our people over the top prices for power. How is that for looking after your own people.”

The Prime Minister criticised the US decision, but said Australia would not be retaliating as it would risk further economic turmoil for both nations. Picture: NewsWire / Nikki Short
The Prime Minister criticised the US decision, but said Australia would not be retaliating as it would risk further economic turmoil for both nations. Picture: NewsWire / Nikki Short



“Labor pride in keeping our US Ambassador in place under Trump sank any chance of an exemption. It has come at a high cost for the nation.”


“Obviously Labor need to do a course in Diplomacy 101 for beginners. They would learn the first day that you don’t abuse potential international partners as that undermines strategic relationships. Between Albo, Rudd & Wong disparaging remarks over the past few years no one could blame Trump from ignoring them. Recent events where Albo could have shown some backbone on the world stage, he has dismally failed.”


“How Albanese thought sending Rudd into negotiate was going to work, simply defies logic and sanity.”


“Albo is very critical of Trump and his tariffs. He is using very strong language. Did he use this language with China when they increased the tariffs? There wouldn’t be an election coming would there?”


“Kevin Rudd is costing Australia big time in his role. Trump has a very sharp memory & doesn’t forget.”


“What do we expect - our ambassador to the US Rudd made scathing statements about Trump in the past as has our prime minister and Wong is the most ineffectual foreign minister we have had for years.”

Australia will not be granted an exemption from Donald Trump’s steel and aluminium tariffs. Picture: AFP
Australia will not be granted an exemption from Donald Trump’s steel and aluminium tariffs. Picture: AFP



“Albanese’s been hiding for weeks and now he’s talking tough on Trump from thousands of miles away. What bravery.”


“Albanese should have halted his campaign and met with Trump specifically about tariffs. But we know Albo it all about photo ops at home and delegating important matters! Useless comes to mind!”



“Here’s an idea, Australia should put tariffs on all Elon Musk company products and let’s see what happens then.”


“Let’s put a tariff on their subs!”


“All speak. Bullies only hear when retaliated back to. Put some tariffs on their goods where it hurts. Buy our planes and subs elsewhere. Move our steel out of the US. Ban EVs from there.”



“My advice to Albo is to cop the tariffs on the chin (we don’t sell that much steel and aluminium to the US anyway) because, if we annoy Trump, you might see a few more Chinese navy ships cruising around us and no US subs to suddenly dock in Perth!.”


“Why is Australia so hung up on what Trump does or doesn’t do? Where is our national pride? Why can’t we get on with looking after ourselves for a change instead of worrying about what is no real concern to our country.”


“The PM tried twice to phone Mr Trump but both times his calls were refused, so much for being a friend, why were his calls refused, because the PM spoke out about his tariffs on steel and aluminium, which, by the way, only account for 1% of our total exports, I’m sure we’ll find another country willing to make up the shortfall.

“By the way, for those questioning the PM for not meeting Trump, it wouldn’t have made a difference because he’s slapped tariffs on all the countries whose leaders have met with him.”

Donald Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on Australian steel and aluminium imports is “entirely unjustified”, Anthony Albanese said.
Donald Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on Australian steel and aluminium imports is “entirely unjustified”, Anthony Albanese said.


Joseph and Phillip

“This could be the best thing for Australia. We need to refocus manufacturing Australian products for Australians. Keep the steel and aluminium here in Australia. Reopen Ford and Holden. We need to stop being sell outs We can make Australia great again!”


“Just love the Trump cult. When Trump is attacking its neighbour, a friend and ally for many more years than Australia, it doesn’t matter one iota who is in government or certain positions. Trump is hitting the whole world and he is not giving 5 seconds to little Australia.

“We need to move on in terms of friends, allies and trading partners. In fact, the more countries which turn away from the US, the less power Trump has both at home and abroad. It is one thing to deal with a politician, it is another to manage an egomaniac.”


“The world needs to start declining Americans the freedom to travel. Stop visas. Let them spend their money in the US and live in their fishbowl. Let them make America great.”

Originally published as Your say: Aussies reveal what they think about Trump’s tariff decision

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