

Phone call transcript: John Ibrahim’s family think he’s top dog

This is an edited transcript of phone calls between Jaron Chester and Margaret Staltoro, Ryan Watsford and Mim Salvato, Michael and John Ibrahim, Michael Ibrahim and Ryan Watsford, and Michael Ibrahim and an unnamed friend. WARNING GRAPHIC LANGUAGE.

This is an edited transcript of phone calls between Jaron Chester and Margaret Staltoro, Ryan Watsford and Mim Salvato, Michael and John Ibrahim, Michael Ibrahim and Ryan Watsford, and Michael Ibrahim and an unnamed friend.

The calls were all tendered to court.

Warning: Graphic language.


Margaret Staltoro: I’m surprised that f**kwit Mim hasn’t called me.

Jaron Chester: Yeah Mim goes… Mim, he’s, f**k I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.

MS: What did he say?

JC: He goes, “There’s one thing I don’t do: touch other people’s money and other peoples girls.”

MS: Oh f**k off you f**king loser. Yeah right. Bite your tongue f**kwit. Because I used to say to him there’s two things you don’t do to John, touch his money or touch his girls. That’s why he’s saying that. F**king get your own f**king lines, you f**kwit.

JC: And he did touch other people’s money.

MS: Exactly


Mim Salvato: And even John said, “Yeah mate, if I wasn’t wouldn’t have stopped, you wouldn’t have been able to stop. You would’ve jumped in, he goes… “he would have grabbed something and f**king stabbed all of youse”


Michael Ibrahim: Did you hear about Pasquale just got knocked?

John Ibrahim: What happened?

MI: You know that Pasquale?

JI: Yeah

MI: He just got knocked

JI: Are you serious?

MI: I swear to God. Just now.

JI: Who told you this?

MI: He was in front of my mate George Alex’s house and some c**ts went up and knocked him.

JI: Oh that’s worrying.

MI: Yeah, man. No, he wouldn’t have nothing to do with it, John. He was a f**king big pussy.

JI: Then he must have pissed someone off.

MI: Yeah, yeah. No, that George Alex, trust me, he would have nothing to dow with it.

JI: no, no no no

JI: That means what I told you, those people will be thinking let’s just f**king round up everyone.

MI: From the newspaper, you reckon?

JI: What else would that idiot be up to?

MI: Oh he’s pretty hated as well, man

JI: Is he?

MI: Yeah he was pretty, everyone hated him

MI: Yeah everyone hates him. Not one person likes him

JI: Okay. But just have a think about it

MI: I will

JI: Have a think about it and stop being so blase like nothing can happen

MI: No, I’m trying to move my house, man

JI: Besides move your house you’re too freely easy going. You don’t pay attention to around you. Anyway

MI: I know what you’re saying

JI: I’ll talk to you tomorrow

MI: All right


John Ibrahim: Yes mate?

Michael Ibrahim: Bored are you?

JI: Huh?

MI: Are you bored or something?

JI: Must be ey

MI: Terrorising everyone, I bet he’s crying at his house

JI: Let him cry, f**k it. We’re going to split that money if he pays

MI: Fadi rang me up crying


Ryan Watsford: He’s been sacked. He’s not part of my f**king sex parties any more, gotta find a new partner. He’s just a smart arse, he’s been sacked and he took it for granted. Didn’t appreciate what I gave him

Michael Ibrahim: What’d he say to you exactly?

RW: He’s a smart arse, just a cheeky smart arse...Put me on show in front of your brother, Margaret, Sam, just a f**kwit, maybe I’m being sensitive or something, he’s just cheeky, an ungrateful prick. He wouldn’t talk like that if you were there. F**k him.

RW: It’s difficult when your brother feels sorry for him all the time, I don’t know why he’s got some hold over your brother, it doesn’t make sense

MI: I reckon... John likes you ‘cause you’re a funny c**t with your stories, you know what I mean? But Mim, Mim’s got an ulterior motive mate, he wants to stop doing what he’s doing.


Michael Ibrahim: Are you home?

John Ibrahim: Nup, I just left near your house. Where are you?

MI: I was at your house

JI: I got some hysterical chick at my house..

MI: Yeah there’s a blonde chick waiting outside your house.

JI: That’s why I ran away. I’m heading towards Frankie’s...come there, meet me there

MI: No problem

Originally published as Phone call transcript: John Ibrahim’s family think he’s top dog

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