
Alan Jones mediates as Mark Latham takes on guest at dinner

There was an awkward moment at a fundraising dinner hosted by talkback king Alan Jones, who had to get involved to restore the peace. Meanwhile two parliamentary colleagues settled their own differences the good old-fashioned way - over a few beers.

Fire trails must be maintained 'every day of the year'

It was supposed to be an intimate fundraising dinner for the who’s who of Sydney’s most notable conservatives, but ended up with talkback king Alan Jones having to mediate between brawling guests.

The VIPs had gathered at pub tsar Justin Hemmes’ swish Hotel Centennial in Woollahra to chew over issues such as free speech and climate change over continental salads, spiced meats and champers when One Nation MLC Mark Latham allegedly began having a go at fellow guest.

Grazier Chick Olsson was asked by Mark Latham to leave a dinner after interrupting Alan Jones while he was speaking.
Grazier Chick Olsson was asked by Mark Latham to leave a dinner after interrupting Alan Jones while he was speaking.

The guests, who along with Jones also included former Liberal MP and event organiser Ross Cameron, NSW Minerals Council CEO Stephen Galilee and funds manager Nick Farr-Jones, had been invited to put forward their burning issues.

A source claimed Latham complained about the loss of free speech, how Sydney’s lockout laws had destroyed businesses and how the Greens and animal rights’ groups were undermining the roles of humans in society.


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As they went around the table – the guest list included columnist Corrine Barraclough, Muslim One Nation member Emma Eros, Penguin Bloom executive producer George Kekeli, KTM Capital chief investment officer Martin Rogers, investor Julie Rosenberg and Glenburn Private Capital chairman Brett Whitford – climate change also emerged as a key concern.

The Sauce has been told Latham became upset at one guest, whom we are told is a Chick Olsson – a former chair of the Australian Wool Growers Association and inventor of a groundbreaking sheep anaesthetic – for interrupting Jones while the 2GB breakfast host was speaking.

Hotel Centennial in Paddington
Hotel Centennial in Paddington

Olsson, we are told, began asking Jones questions such as why the “libs and other leaders” were trying to shut down free speech.

While Jones willingly answered the questions, Latham accused Olsson of being rude.

When Olsson asked Jones another question, Latham is said to have begun shouting at Olsson to leave the dinner.

The source said Jones ended up having to mediate between the pair.

“Olsson pointed out to Latham the irony of being shutdown after he had complained about the loss of free speech,” the source said.

While Jones successfully de-escalated the situation, one guest alleged Latham appeared “furious and dark” for the remainder of the evening.

The dinner was held to raise funds for Olsson and Cameron to attend the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) gathering in Washington DC next year.

The Sauce was unable to reach Latham to hear his version of events.

One Nation member Emma Eros
One Nation member Emma Eros
Opinion columnist Corrine Barraclough.
Opinion columnist Corrine Barraclough.

Coalition Truce

Two “warring” State Government ministers settled their differences the traditional way last week – over some arvo beers in a hotel.

NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean and Nationals leader John Barilaro – both of whom have been clashing in the media over various environment issues, including the management of feral horses – ended up becoming best mates after a few post COAG energy council beverages on Friday.

Truce - Energy Minister Matt Kean and Nationals leader John Barilaro
Truce - Energy Minister Matt Kean and Nationals leader John Barilaro

The pair, who were also joined by Energy Minister Angus Taylor, had met at the Duxton Hotel bar for one celebratory beer – which The Sauce is reliably informed became “multiple”. “That’s what you get when a far right-winger, crazy National and dripping left moderate walk in to a bar,” a source close to the trio reported.

Westpac Woes

In the same week that saw Westpac boss Brian Hartzer having to explain how, among other things, the bank had allowed paedophiles to make payments to the Philippines for live-streamed child sex shows, a job ad was posted on LinkedIn for a new communications director. While it is not specified if the position – Communications Director, Financial Crime Program – has anything was to do with the bank’s current crisis, the advertisement did suggest applicants have “advanced knowledge” of financial crime regulatory obligations. Oh, and applicants must also have “advanced Power point”, clearly to map out how the bank is to navigate its way out of its present conundrum.

New Labor MP Libby Coker during her first speech to parliament, in Canberra. Picture Kym Smith
New Labor MP Libby Coker during her first speech to parliament, in Canberra. Picture Kym Smith

Blame Siri

Life as a backbencher can be tough with no chauffeur-driven Comcars like those on the frontbench. Just ask Corangamite MP Libby Coker who rocked up two hours late to a meeting with local environmentalists after taking a wrong turn and getting lost in Victoria’s southwest. The Sauce hears Coker, who was elected in May, blamed Siri or TomTom or whatever navigational tool she was relying on for the error which took her 50km southwest of the hall were 50 of her constituents were waiting. The Sauce would never accuse Coker of not knowing her own electorate but the newly-elected MP ended up in Lower Gillibrand, which is split between her own seat and Wannon held by Liberal MP Dan Tehan. During the two hour delay, locals lobbed questions at shire councillors Stephen Hart and Brian Crook to filled in at the last minute. The Sauce reckons Coker might owe those two blokes a beer

Mayoral Duty

It’s wonderful to see our local politicians getting their hands dirty in the community.

ScoMo’s good mate, Sutherland Shire Mayor Carmeko Pesce, was spotted on Tuesday helping two local ladies with their broken down car on the busy Kingsway.

The Mayor directed traffic around their vehicle and then helped push it to the side of the road before the ladies called the NRMA.

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Originally published as Alan Jones mediates as Mark Latham takes on guest at dinner

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