

Malarndirri McCarthy to focus on community services to address NT crime

A senator is calling for a greater focus on community services to reassure Territorians the ‘root causes’ of violent crime are addressed. Have your say here.

Senator Malarndirri McCarthy addresses crime in the NT

A NT senator is calling for a focus on community services and “critical infrastructure” to address violent crime in the Territory.

Labor senator Malarndirri McCarthy said Territorians needed “reassurance the root-causes of these complex issues are addressed now and into the future”.

“It’s clear that if our Territory bush communities are neglected, those issues can compound and come into our major centres including Darwin, Alice Springs and Katherine,” Ms McCarthy said.

Senator Malarndirri McCarthy said the Australian government targeted significant investment across the Northern Territory in the 2022-23 Budget including in justice, health, community safety, infrastructure, housing and essential services. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
Senator Malarndirri McCarthy said the Australian government targeted significant investment across the Northern Territory in the 2022-23 Budget including in justice, health, community safety, infrastructure, housing and essential services. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

“The Albanese government is investing in remote housing, replacing the Community Development Program with a proper employment program in the bush, and advancing the justice reinvestment to tackle the revolving door of repeat-offending.

Existing justice reinvestment programs have a proven track-record of reduced incarceration, reduced crime and reduced repeat-offending behaviour.”

It comes after the alleged murder of Declan Laverty and findings to suggest just 6 per cent of Territorians agreed the current justice system was working.

Addressing the Senate last week, Ms McCarthy said the NT had been facing many issues in recent months.

“I recognise that the issue of alcohol is a deeply troubling issue for many residents across the Northern Territory, and I know it’s not simply in the Northern Territory,” she said.

“But there is something going on across our country that we have to deal with here around the scourge of violence that emanates from alcohol.

“Whilst alcohol itself is not the complete cause, it is absolutely contributing to what we see occurring.”

The federal government committed to a $250m plan for ‘A Better, Safer Future for Central Australia’ in February.

The plan focuses on improved community safety and cohesion, job creation, better services, investing in families, and on-Country learning.

The federal government said it would also prevent and address issues caused by foetal alcohol spectrum disorders through the health and justice systems.

Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney said there were “encouraging signs of progress” in Alice Springs thanks to the Better, Safer Future plan.

“Alcohol-related emergency department presentations at Alice Springs Hospital have dropped 40 per cent and domestic violence-related injuries halved in February compared to the previous month following the introduction of alcohol restrictions,” Ms Burney said.

“But we are not complacent. There’s still a long way to go.”

“We are focused on working in partnership with the Northern Territory government and local communities, because we know that the best solutions come from local communities themselves.”

Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has called for “real action” on NT crime. Picture: Martin Ollman/Getty Images
Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has called for “real action” on NT crime. Picture: Martin Ollman/Getty Images

Country Liberal Party Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price on Friday said the Territory needed “real action on crime” after a takeaway liquor outlet was targeted multiple times the night before.

“How did the police describe it? As a ‘very disappointing night’,” Ms Price told the Senate.

“It’s not disappointing; it’s unacceptable.

“It’s unacceptable that people in this country go to work worrying about their safety, and it’s unacceptable that parents send their kids off to work worried about whether they’re going to come home or not.”

Ms Price was contacted for clarification on what “real action” entailed, but did not respond.

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