
‘What a disgrace!’: Member for Araluen Robyn Lambley blows up at Chief Minister over crime

FRUSTRATIONS over crime blew up into a shouting match in parliament with Member for Araluen Robyn Lambley berating the Chief Minister for the government’s ‘failing’ response to the issue

Member for Araluen Robyn Lambley blew up at the Chief Minister in parliament over ‘out of control’ crime in Alice Springs on Tuesday.
Member for Araluen Robyn Lambley blew up at the Chief Minister in parliament over ‘out of control’ crime in Alice Springs on Tuesday.

FRUSTRATIONS over crime in Alice Springs blew up into a shouting match in parliament on Tuesday with the Member for Araluen Robyn Lambley berating the Chief Minister for the government’s “failing” response to the issue.

Ms Lambley said the crime in Alice Springs was getting completely out of control and asked Chief Minister Michael Gunner what he was going to do to stop it during parliamentary question time.

“Kids are terrorising and destroying our town, every day and every night — this is no exaggeration,” she said.

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“The Police Commissioner came to Alice Springs last week and has now increased the police presence in the CBD. For many this is all too little too late.

“Chief Minister, your law and order strategy is not working in Alice Springs. It’s failing miserably.

“What are you going to do to stop this unrelenting, escalating assault on our town?”

In his response, Mr Gunner said his government was working to prevent crime.

“We want to make sure victims come first which is why we brought in a changes that ensure offenders have a chance to face their victims and we have also brought in Back on Track bush camps which are proven to be effective,” he said.

Clearly not happy with what the Chief Minister had to say, Ms Lambley yelled out “What a disgrace!” across the chamber several times while Mr Gunner raised his voice and attempted to finish his answer.

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“His response was robotic and rehearsed,” she said.

“No substance, care or genuine understanding of the crisis we are facing!

“It’s an insult to the people of Alice Springs.”

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